Chapter 394
Seeing Xiang Heng's suddenly enlightened look, Yao Yi smiled and nodded.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Heng, who has always been shrewd and capable, was deceived by him. Yao Yiyi smiled helplessly. If he really cared, he would be confused, and then looked at Xiang Heng, "Brother, you can rest assured now."

Xiang Heng nodded with a pampering smile on his lips, but finally asked, "Duo Duo, you and Sheng mean to play tricks and get news about the people behind ZZ?"

"The current plan is like this." Yao Yiyi smiled, but then seemed to think of something, "After what happened in the afternoon, I haven't called Yisheng yet, I have to call him now... "

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Xiang Heng shrugged helplessly, "It's useless, since I saw the news in the afternoon, I have been calling Sheng, but the phone has been turned off."

Yao Yiyi didn't listen to his brother's words, but just played on his own.

The call over there was quickly connected, and Yao Yiyi glanced at Xiang Heng triumphantly, and sure enough, he saw the latter's expression of disbelief.

"Yisheng, how is the situation on your side now?"

"It's okay, I'm home now, how about you?"

"Of course I'm fine, Yisheng, you should have a good rest."

"I see, you too."

They said goodnight to each other, then hung up the phone, leaving Xiang Heng standing there dumbfounded.

"This is too much for sex and not for friends..."

Xiang Heng muttered, but Yao Yiyi still heard him.

"Brother, what you call sex is your sister..."

"Hehe, hehe..."

Xiang Heng smiled dryly, looking at Yao Yiyi with a bit of unease in his eyes.

"It's so late, I'm leaving first, brother, you should go back earlier."

Yao Yi glanced at Xiang Heng, who nodded with a smile.

When Yao Yiyi returned to the apartment, he found that the table was full of documents related to the cooperation with the Xili Group. He simply tidied it up, and then buried himself in the big bed.

This day is really tiring.

Although he knew that Yisheng and Ning Mengna were just acting, everyone knew that Ning Mengna liked Yisheng, so Yao Yiyi was still a little worried, and the most important thing was that Xu Zishan was obviously Wanting to match Yisheng and Ning Mengna, he took a deep breath, it seems that he has to visit Yisheng tomorrow.

Thinking of this, he fell into a deep sleep.

What Yao Yiyi didn't know was that at this time Ning Mengna appeared in the hotel where Xu Zishan was staying.

"I heard that Yisheng saved you today without hesitation?" Xu Zishan asked knowingly, although there was a smile on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"En." Ning Mengna admitted it openly, but in fact, even if she didn't admit it, she couldn't do it, because the reports were flying all over the sky, could she still lie?

What just makes Ning Mengna feel a little bit annoyed is that she obviously wants to use Shan Yisheng's everything to increase her company's popularity, but now the goal seems to be somewhat shifted, and she seems to be really I really like Shan Yisheng...

When she realized this problem, Ning Mengna's heart sank slightly. Any man who fell in love with Shan Yisheng seemed to have no good results, but...

You must make something special for yourself...

Ning Mengna's thoughts slowly drifted away, and she didn't see Xu Zishan's gloomy eyes.

"Since this is the case, it is naturally a good thing. We are getting closer to our goal..." The gloom on Xu Zishan's face slowly receded, and then changed into a face about to win.

"But I'm still a little bit worried." Hearing Xu Zishan's words, Ning Mengna frowned slightly, but before she could express her worry, Xu Zishan coldly interrupted her.

"What are you worried about? Do you also want to count on Yisheng to fall in love with you?"

Although she didn't raise her head, Ning Mengna heard some irony in the woman's words, she didn't know if it was her own illusion, Ning Mengna always felt that Xu Zishan's feelings for Shan Yisheng didn't seem to be a mother-child relationship It's so simple, but these words, as clever as Ning Mengna, naturally wouldn't say them.

Looking up, she didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Xu Zishan's words: "Auntie misunderstood me, I'm just worried, Yisheng's heart must still be on Yao Yiyi..."

"That's why you have to slowly shift his focus. Of course, I know that Yisheng's heart is still on that woman, but soon, it won't be..."

A smug smile appeared on Xu Zishan's face, and she didn't look at Ning Mengna, who just took a deep look at Xu Zishan without saying a word.

In my memory, Xu Zishan has always been a strong woman, but now she feels very uncertain to me.

Without saying anything, Ning Mengna left Xu Zishan's residence.

Walking slowly on the street, the cool wind blows into my mind, it seems that my mind has become a little clearer.

I don't know why, Ning Mengna always has a feeling in her heart that things will never be so simple. Although at the banquet during the day, Shan Yisheng didn't deny her relationship with her, but she didn't admit it either, so it was ambiguous His attitude really doesn't seem like something Shan Yisheng can do, is there something strange about it?
Thinking of this, Ning Mengna took a deep breath. It seems that she still needs to pay more attention to Shan Yisheng's movements in the future. This man is too deep for ordinary people to grasp...

ZZ Group.

Zhang Yang was sitting on the high-end sofa, his face was hidden in the darkness, people couldn't see his face, but there was a coldness slowly forming, and a cold wind formed behind everyone unconsciously.

"You mean, Shan Yisheng still signed a contract with Mr. Wang?"

There was a bit of oppression in the voice, everyone touched the cold sweat on their foreheads, and agreed to speak out.

"Shan Yisheng..."

Zhang Yang's voice was deep but dangerous.

"Go down first, I have to think about it."

Zhang Yang waved his hand, and everyone felt that they easily disappeared in front of Zhang Yang in an instant.

Skillfully took out the cigarette, Zhang Yang's expression was hidden in the smoke, he took a puff, Shan Yisheng, you are much more difficult to deal with than I imagined, but don't think that I will admit defeat because of Zhang Yang...

Could it be that your relationship with Yao Yiyi really broke down? If so, do you need me to help you comfort your injured princess?
Thinking of this, Zhang Yang slammed the cigarette butt out, and a wicked smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

Yao Yiyi never knew that he would have such an unlucky day.

In the morning, the weather was still sunny and sunny, but when I walked halfway, it started a squally shower.

Originally, it was because of the good weather today that Yao Yiyi decided to walk to the Yao Group to get some documents, but he didn't expect his first decision to be messed up by such a sad weather.

Yao Yiyi was standing under a building to hide from the rain, his clothes were already wet a lot.

Seeing the rain getting heavier and heavier, Yao Yiyi felt extremely remorseful, why didn't he check the weather forecast before going out, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed here, unable to advance or retreat.

When Yao Yiyi was in a dilemma, an umbrella suddenly appeared in front of him. Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and then slowly looked up along the umbrella.

With fair and slender hands, a gentle smile, wearing a pair of glasses, he looks gentle.

"No thanks."

Although the other party looked polite, it didn't mean that Yao Yiyi would accept his kindness.Bad people in this world don't have labels on their faces.

The visitor seemed to feel Yao Yiyi's repulsion, and a smile of understanding appeared on his face.

"You're welcome." He smiled at Yao Yiyi, then turned around and wanted to leave the place.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to be so reasonable!Looking at the surrounding area of ​​white mist, there was no one there!
As a last resort, Yao Yiyi called out to the man who wanted to leave: "Um, that, can I use your mobile phone..."

Seeing the other party's puzzled look, Yao Yiyi hurriedly explained, "Because I came out in a hurry, I forgot to bring my mobile phone. I just called my brother and asked him to come pick me up..."

After finishing speaking, Yao Yiyi wished he could slap himself in the face. Just now, someone kindly lent him an umbrella, but he didn't use it. Now he came back to borrow a mobile phone. It's really not hypocritical at all...

Although it was hard to save face, Yao Yiyi couldn't care less now.

Sure enough, a strange smile appeared on the face of the man opposite, but the man still took the phone to himself.

When he saw the smile on the man's face, Yao Yiyi turned his gaze away, then took his cell phone and dialed Xiang Heng's cell phone number.

In this world, Yao Yi can only remember the phone numbers of two people, one is Shan Yisheng's and the other is Xiang Heng's.

After finishing everything, Yao Yiyi returned the phone to the man with a grateful face, "Well, thank you."

"You're welcome."

After the man finished speaking, he continued to walk inside.

And Yao Yiyi was waiting for Xiang Heng's arrival at the door. In the trajectory of Yao Yiyi's life, this was a very small matter, so Yao Yiyi quickly put it out of his mind. Afterwards, what Yao Yiyi didn't know was that with the appearance of this man, his life began to be turbulent.

It's just that Yao Yiyi doesn't know now.

A white car came speeding in the rain, Yao Yi waved to the person in the car, obviously it was Xiang Heng.

After quickly getting into the car, Yao Yiyi couldn't hide the excitement in his voice: "Brother, hurry up and meet the company, I have some documents to get."

"Okay." Xiang Heng always had a doting smile on his face, and suddenly seemed to remember something, "Yi Yi, whose mobile phone did you use to call me?"

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, as if he hadn't thought that his brother would be interested in this matter. The figure of the man had completely disappeared, and he said with a smile, "It's just a passer-by."

Xiang Heng didn't say anything, the car sped into the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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