Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 395 "Marriage Discussion"

Chapter 395 "Marriage Discussion"

The days go on day by day, Yao Yiyi's life is basically three points and one line, Sy Group, Yao Group, and Xili Group.

And the entertainment news about Shan Yisheng and Ning Mengna gradually faded out of people's sight because there was no new information, as if the days had returned to that kind of ordinary life all of a sudden, and all the guesses followed. With the passage of time, after all, it slowly dissipated without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Yao Yiyi looked at the contract and documents in his hand, and looked at the ceiling helplessly, but he couldn't help but slander in his heart, this Ji Xi is so rich, why didn't he find an assistant for himself, and now everything falls on the My body is really not ordinary tired...

Even though he thought so, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

"Yiyi, you can leave work today."

Never for a moment did he feel that the voice of the man in front of him was so pleasant, Yao Yiyi shook his arm and looked up with a smile: "It's finally off work."

Ji Xi looked at Yao Yiyi with a relieved look, with a bit of amused look.

"The workload in the afternoon will definitely be heavier than now, so don't be too happy one by one." Hearing Ji Xi's words, the smile on Yao Yiyi's face instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, hey, Ji Xi, can't you be more considerate and gentle to your partner? Do you have to bring up such a disappointing topic when he is the happiest?"

"Okay, let's not mention it, how about treating you to dinner as an apology?"

Ji Xi smiled, but there was some anticipation in his eyes.

"Really?" Yao Yiyi exaggeratedly exclaimed, then waved his hands and said, "Forget it, what if you keep seeing me unhappy, and the workload will increase in the future?"

Yao Yiyi smiled indifferently, and declined without leaving a trace.

When Ji Xi heard Yao Yiyi's words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but there was obviously a bit of injury in his eyes.

"Okay, Ji Xi, then I'll go first, see you in the afternoon."

Leaving Ji Xi's office in a hurry, Yao Yiyi hardly dared to look at Ji Xi's disappointed eyes.

In fact, the current Yao Yiyi wants this cooperation project to be completed as soon as possible, otherwise, facing Ji Xi's affectionate eyes every day, he really doesn't know what to do...

Yao Yiyi who was sitting in the restaurant sighed deeply, this Ji Xi really put pressure on himself all the time.

By the way, I don't know how Yisheng is doing now?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi speeded up and ate the remaining noodles in his bowl, and then went to Sy Group.

At this time, Shan Yisheng was sitting on the sofa, looking at his mother, Xu Zishan, who came to her for some reason.

"Mom, it's my working time now, why are you here?"

Shan Yisheng looked at his mother sitting on the sofa with a bit of helplessness in his tone.

"Why, don't you welcome me?"

Seeing her son's unhappy look, Xu Zishan was naturally unhappy.

"Mom, it depends on where you are going. I am naturally happy that you are here, but this is my office after all, so I hope you will..."

Before Shan Yisheng finished speaking, Xu Zishan continued, "So you hope I will come here less often, don't you?"

"Yisheng, this is where you work, so I, as your mother, can't come?" Xu Zishan's face was somewhat angry.

Shan Yisheng smiled, "Mom, can you tell me why you came here now?"

"For what, don't you know?" Xu Zishan sighed deeply, "Of course it's for your lifelong event."

Shan Yisheng frowned, "Is it a lifelong event?"

"Yisheng, now that your career has stabilized, it's time to think about your lifelong affairs..." Xu Zishan looked at Shan Yisheng with a somewhat gentle expression, which actually caused Shan Yisheng to have a tantrum. kind of illusion.

"Mom, what do you mean, you agree to accept one by one?"

Shan Yisheng had an inexplicable surprise on his face, thinking of his lifelong event, it was naturally Yao Yiyi.

Who knew that when Xu Zishan heard this name, she frowned slightly, with a bit of displeasure on her face: "Of course it's not Yao Yiyi, but Ning Mengna."

Then he said softly to the outside of the door: "Meng Na, you haven't come in yet."

The surprise on Shan Yisheng's face disappeared instantly, looking up at the door of the office, Ning Mengna walked in shyly.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Shan Yisheng always feels that the shyness on Ning Mengna's face is somewhat fake.

"Auntie, President Shan."

Ning Mengna came in and greeted them one by one.

But Xu Zishan half-jokingly said: "A person who is about to get married, why is he still called aunt?"

It's just that Shan Yisheng is puzzled, he is about to get married, but no one seems to have asked for his opinion, right?
"Mom, who is getting married soon?"

Shan Yisheng really didn't know which song these two people were singing, but he had an intuition in his heart that if Ning Mengna could find her mother, nothing good would happen.

"It's the marriage between you and Mengna." Xu Zishan said with a smile, "We only decided on this matter today. In my heart, you are both talented and beautiful, and you are not a good match..."

"Mom, I don't have time to joke with you. I'm going to work. You'd better leave early."

Shan Yisheng's expression turned cold, and he stood up immediately, not looking at the two of them, and planned to return to his desk.

"Who is joking with you?" Xu Zishan's tone also improved a bit, looking at her son's gloomy face, "What I said is true, Yisheng, let me tell you, the woman you want to marry, I If you kill her, you won't let her in..."

Hearing her mother's aggressive words, Shan Yisheng only felt a foul breath in his chest.

"If that's the case, Mom, I won't marry this woman even if I die..."

Shan Yisheng's tone was very cold, it seemed that the temperature in the room had dropped.

Listening to the man's unfriendly tone, Ning Mengna frowned slightly. It seemed that this method was counterproductive?
It was originally discussed with Xu Zishan, and he used the matter of "discussing marriage" to test how much position he had in Shan Yisheng's heart, but now it seems that the result should be that he has no position.

After realizing this, Ning Mengna was disappointed for no reason.

It's just that the disappointment was quickly covered up by herself, Ning Mengna said with a smile: "Auntie, let's forget about it, I know that in President Shan's heart, I will never be as good as Miss Yao..."

Ning Mengna winked at Xu Zishan, signaling to leave with herself.

But Xu Zishan's face clearly showed unstoppable anger, which was the result of being provoked by her son.

"Yisheng..." Xu Zishan took a deep breath, "No matter what, Mengna helped you a lot. When you needed help the most, it was Mengna who stood by your side, not that woman... "

(End of this chapter)

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