Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 423 Even More Than Before

Chapter 423 Even More Than Before
Seeing the pain on the man's face, Yao Yiyi felt distressed for a while, and he didn't speak yet, but was interrupted by Shan Yisheng: "Yiyi, don't talk, this matter is my fault after all, so no matter what, I will I have to say sorry to you, I know you will forgive me, but if I don't say these words, I will always feel guilty for you one by one..."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi's mouth slowly raised a smile, but there was a bit of apology in his voice: "Yisheng, this matter still shows that there are still many problems in the trust between us. , Maybe it's just that we care too much about each other, think we know each other too much, so when we know things that the other party doesn't know, we become so at a loss, so we easily fall into other people's traps, but fortunately In the end, we still chose to trust each other, so that we will not leave others a chance after all, and the most important thing is that after this incident, the trust between us will definitely be much stronger than before..."

Yao Yiyi seriously helped Shan Yisheng to analyze, try to relieve the guilt felt by the man, as long as the two people really love each other, there is never need to feel guilty.

So no matter what, we're all going to be fine now.Yisheng, do you know?

Yao Yiyi didn't say these words, but what Yao Yiyi believed was that a man can feel his own heart, as long as the relationship between the two is stronger after this incident, only in this way can they reunite. Nothing like this will happen.

Love needs to be managed, especially when the level of trust between us is not enough, it needs us to manage it with patience.

And every test is a kind of tempering for each other. As long as we do well enough, everything can develop towards its good side.

"Okay." Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi and suddenly smiled.

In fact, some things don't need to be explained at all, they are enough to explain everything, but the question now is, wouldn't it be better if they could be explained?
Seeing Shan Yisheng's appearance, Yao Yiyi finally felt relieved.

"Oh, by the way, Auntie said she called him after she found you..." Yao Yiyi frowned, and suddenly patted his forehead as if thinking of something.

"My mother?" There was some doubt in Shan Yisheng's voice.

Naturally, he saw the doubts on the man's face, but at this time Yao Yiyi explained with a smile: "It's like this, I originally wanted to call you, but then there was no one on your phone I answered, but when I called again later, my aunt picked it up, and my aunt told me that you walked out in a hurry, so let me tell her when I find you."

Yao Yiyi explained while dialing Shan Yisheng's phone number.

"Hey, Auntie, Yisheng found it."

Before Shan Yisheng could speak, he heard Yao Yiyi's voice over there, "Well, yes, I understand, Auntie, we're going back now, don't worry..."

It's just that the words have not been finished yet, and the mobile phone in his hand has been snatched by someone. At this time, Shan Yisheng said to the mobile phone: "Mom, let's not go back, Yiyi's knee is injured, and now I need to go to the hospital. You Don't wait for me, just eat by yourself..."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi knew that this man was really not ordinary stubborn...

Seeing that Shan Yisheng finally hung up the phone, Yao Yiyi's voice was somewhat helpless.

"Yisheng, my wound is really fine, just go back and find a band-aid and put it on, it's really fine..."

Yao Yiyi still insisted not to go to the hospital, but Shan Yisheng didn't say anything, just drove forward regardless.

And Yao Yiyi naturally knew that Shan Yisheng's temper was extremely stubborn, so he didn't try to persuade her, but there was still a bit of sweetness in her heart, after all, Yisheng was doing it for her own good, wasn't she?
Although sometimes Yisheng's way of expressing his feelings may not be particularly accurate, but Yisheng can still really feel his own feelings.

The car was driving slowly, the night sky was full of stars, the night in the city was somewhat lonely, but at this time Yao Yiyi felt very sweet, because the person he loved and the person who loved him were in his heart. around.

It's such a good feeling...

Shan Yisheng watched the corners of Yao Yiyi's mouth slightly raised, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

In fact, it is really simple to resolve misunderstandings. Everything is just our own wishful thinking. As long as you are willing to try to solve, communicate, and admit your mistakes, all problems will be easy.

Soft music slowly sounded in the car, adding a bit of romance.

Hearing the music, Yao Yiyi turned to look at Shan Yisheng, and Shan Yisheng naturally heard the content of the music, frowned slightly, and then planned to change the music.

But Yao Yiyi stopped Shan Yisheng from moving, with a bit of longing in his voice: "Dancing between life and death, Yisheng, don't you think it's very romantic?"

It's an episode of Twilight.

And Shan Yisheng looked at the expression on Yao Yiyi's face, and frowned helplessly, "Yiyi, we will never have such a situation, so this music is not suitable for the two of us."

While talking, he changed the music.

Yao Yiyi smiled helplessly: "Yisheng, it's just a piece of music..."

But Shan Yisheng didn't speak again, and concentrated on driving the car.

The quietness in the car was restored again, soft and soothing music slowly flowed out, and the light music soothed people's nerves.

In fact, Yao Yiyi really wanted to ask: Yisheng, will what happened today never happen again?But what would happen if I asked, it was just increasing the misunderstanding between the two people, but now the situation is really good, everything has been settled, and there is no more secret between the two people , no more misunderstandings.

Isn't this what I expected now?

So many things we can choose to ignore, to ignore, maybe because of that, our life will become simpler.

Therefore, life is alive, simple is good.

The car slowly drove into the hospital, but Yao Yiyi looked at the man beside him, and the man's face seemed to have changed into a stern look again.Open the door and get off the car in one go.

And most importantly, Shan Yisheng's handsome appearance has captivated many young girls, Yao Yiyi can even hear the girls screaming in his ears.In the end, he still couldn't hold back his teasing of Shan Yisheng.

"Yisheng, why do you say you are so good-looking? Isn't this a crime?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng, who was supporting Yao Yiyi, was taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"So, have you been tempted to commit a crime?"

(End of this chapter)

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