Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 424 Chapter Heavy Chapter Apartment

Chapter 424 Returning to the Apartment
The warm breath rang in his ears, and Yao Yi felt a numbness in his ears, but when he heard the man's ambiguous words, his little face still couldn't help turning red.

"Yisheng..." Yao Yiyi shouted helplessly, but there was even an element of coquettishness in her voice that she didn't realize.

Seeing Yao Yi's blushing face, Shan Yisheng's mood became surprisingly good in an instant, but the upward arc of the corner of his mouth expanded more and more, which caused everyone to scream even more.

Of course, there are naturally many male compatriots who want to kill Shan Yisheng with their eyes.

But Shan Yisheng didn't care and supported Yao Yiyi slowly towards the infirmary.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback when the cell phone rang, who would call him at this time?
Thinking of this, there was a bit of doubt in his eyes, but when he saw the caller ID, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

After answering the phone, "Brother, it's so late, you haven't slept yet?"

"Isn't this nonsense..." Xiang Heng said a rare word, "Did Sheng find you?"

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that since he was able to joke like this, he must have found it.

Yao Yiyi naturally heard Xiang Heng's long sigh suddenly, knowing that the man must know that Yisheng already knew him, so he said with a smile: "Brother, you don't have to worry about us, we will go home in a while..."

Although Yao Yiyi's words were very vague, Xiang Heng was worthy of being a lawyer, and caught the loophole in Yao Yiyi's words in an instant: "A little while? Then where are you now?"

Hearing Xiang Heng's voice, Yao Yiyi was stunned for an instant. This Xiang Heng is indeed more cunning than a fox...

"We are now... naturally in the car." Yao Yiyi naturally didn't want Xiang Heng to worry again, so he had to lie, but what Yao Yiyi didn't know was that every time he had fun, his tone would unconsciously Improvement, so the corner of Shan Yisheng's mouth rose slightly, obviously he had discovered this.

And Yao Yiyi obviously didn't know, but as expected, there was a voice from Xiang Heng over there, which seemed to be mixed with some anger: "Duo Duo, where are you all now?"

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, but he didn't expect Xiang Heng to know that he was no longer in the car, but he still wanted to speak hard: "Well, we are really on the way back..."

Who knows that Xiang Heng directly exposed Yao Yiyi's lies, "Duo Duo, maybe what you don't even know is that when you lie, your voice will always raise unconsciously..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yi was stunned for a moment, is there any?
Subconsciously looking at Shan Yisheng, Shan Yisheng obviously saw through Yao Yiyi's mind and nodded with a smile on his face.

Seeing Shan Yisheng nodding, Yao Yiyi frowned.

Could it be that I really have this problem, but why did I never know, Yao Yiyi on this side fell into deep thought, but Xiang Heng on the other side of the phone couldn't sit still.

The voice doubled unconsciously: "Duoduo, where are you guys? If you don't say anything, I'm going to call the police now..."

Call the police?

There was a momentary pause in thinking in his mind, but he was pulled back in an instant. Yao Yiyi had a wry smile on his lips. It seemed that he had to tell the truth. If he didn't tell the truth, Xiang Heng would do what he said. ...

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi hurriedly said: "Brother, we are not there, we are in the hospital now..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, he was interrupted before he finished speaking, and Xiang Heng's voice was a little nervous.

"Hospital, what's the matter? Are you injured, or Sheng is injured, is it Sheng, or why have I not heard his voice until now, how did he get hurt, and whether the injury is serious..."

Before Yao Yiyi could speak, he was interrupted by a series of questions from Xiang Heng.

"Brother, it's all right, it's just that my knee is scratched a little, it's actually all right, but Yisheng has to insist on coming to the hospital before giving up..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, the tension in Xiang Heng's voice did not decrease in the slightest: "Knee scratched, what's going on?"

"Brother, I won't explain this matter to you. We'll talk about it when we go back. Now it's our turn. Bye..."

After speaking, he hung up the phone, but his consciousness returned in an instant. Did his voice improve just now?I really don't seem to realize it...

Then he looked at Shan Yisheng, who laughed exaggeratedly at him.

"Is it that funny?" Yao Yiyi touched his face with a bit of helplessness in his voice.

"Yiyi, don't you really know that when you're lying, your pitch will raise unconsciously?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head. If he really knew, how could Xiang Heng find out that he was actually lying? Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi sighed deeply. The fault must be rectified...

But what Yao Yiyi obviously didn't realize at this time was that it was the small details that were the most difficult to change.

He looked at Shan Yisheng, but obviously saw an unconcealable smile on the latter's face.

At this moment, the doctor happened to call out his name, but Yao Yiyi was relieved at this moment. This Shan Yisheng is really not kind at all. Does anyone make fun of his girlfriend like that?
When Shan Yisheng heard the nurse's voice, he restrained the smile on his face, and then slowly walked into the doctor's office with Yao Yiyi.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" The doctor asked formulaically, but when he saw the ruddy complexion of the two people, he frowned slightly.

But what Yao Yiyi couldn't ignore was that the little nurse beside him was watching Shan Yisheng's eyes shine.

Shan Yisheng naturally ignored all eyes, but there was a bit of nervousness in the application: "Doctor, can you see if there is anything wrong with her knee?"

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, the doctor seemed to have just reacted. Just now, it seemed that the man walked in with the help of the woman.

"it is good."

The doctor agreed, and then turned his gaze to Yao Yiyi's knee, but frowned slightly when he saw the wound on Yao Yiyi's knee.

Shan Yisheng looked at the doctor frowning, thinking that there was some serious problem, and the moment Yao Yiyi saw the doctor frowning, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

His eyes subconsciously glanced at his knee, there was only a small wound, why did he look at the doctor so seriously?
The doctor raised his head, looked at Shan Yisheng's nervous expression, and suddenly there was a slight smile in his voice, "Sir, is this your wife?"

Although he didn't know what the doctor meant by asking this question, Shan Yisheng still answered honestly.

"This is my fiancée."

The doctor nodded knowingly, and Yao Yiyi could indeed hear the sound of the little girl's dream shattering instantly, as well as the envious eyes.

But Shan Yisheng looked at the doctor, and there was still a bit of nervousness in his voice: "Doctor, how is my fiancée's injury, are you okay?"

Looking at Shan Yisheng's appearance, the doctor had a slight smile on his face.

"The injury doesn't matter, just one thing is needed." The doctor smiled, but Shan Yisheng still asked subconsciously.


The doctor didn't say anything, just took out something from the drawer, and then said with a smile: "Band-aid."

The doctor's words made Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi stunned for a moment, and then Yao Yiyi's face turned red instantly, and he knew that his leg was actually fine, but Yisheng didn't believe it, he had to think My legs must come to the hospital to have a good look.

It's okay now, let's make a joke...

Yao Yiyi obviously forgot at this time, who let Shan Yisheng help him in just now...

"Hehe, thank you doctor." Yao Yiyi said with a smile, and then pulled Shan Yisheng out.

Sitting in the car, after Yao Yiyi fastened his seat belt, he couldn't help but glance at Shan Yisheng, whose face was tense, apparently suppressing a smile.

In the end, the two of them couldn't help laughing out loud anymore.

It seems that the time has returned to the time when the two people just met, so carefree, in memory, the two of them rarely laughed like this.

After laughing, Yao Yiyi still couldn't help smiling: "Where are we going now?"

"Go home." Shan Yisheng said naturally, as if it was really that simple.

"Then you send me back first."

Yao Yiyi said to Shan Yisheng, but Shan Yisheng suddenly turned his head and looked deeply at Yao Yiyi.

"Yiyi, follow me back to the apartment."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, but subconsciously frowned, not because he didn't want to go back, but because Xu Zishan...

As if knowing Yao Yiyi's concerns, Shan Yisheng's voice was somewhat encouraging: "Yiyi, don't worry, since my mother has tried to accept you now, so you don't have to worry about this problem now, one by one , would you like to follow me home?"

There was a bit of bewilderment in Shan Yisheng's voice, Yao Yiyi nodded unexpectedly, and then saw the smug smile on Shan Yisheng's face.

"Shan Yisheng, you're actually trying to trick me into a beauty?"

Yao Yiyi said pretending to be angry, but there was no anger in his voice.

"But it seems that this beauty trick has worked..."

Hearing the man's proud voice, Yao Yiyi curled his lips and said nothing.

The car was driving fast at night, but there was no words in the car for a while, only the light and soft music flowed slowly, quietly surrounding the two of them slowly.

No matter how long the road is, it will eventually come to an end.

Looking at the apartment in front of him, Yao Yiyi couldn't help feeling melancholy in his heart, how many good and sad memories he had more or less sealed up here.

And now that I'm going back here again, I don't know what kind of thing I'm about to face?
(End of this chapter)

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