Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 446 Love Rivals Attack

Chapter 446 Love Rivals Attack
"It's not that I didn't mean that, I was just worried that you misunderstood me." After hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi explained anxiously.But what she said was so false that even she herself didn't believe it.

"Hehe, is it true?" Shan Yisheng said with a sneer suddenly, he once said that Yao Yiyi is the most unsuitable person to lie.Because every time she lied, the expression on her face became more sincere, as if she wanted others to believe her.But what she didn't know was that it was her expression that betrayed her.

"What's the matter with you, Yisheng? I don't want any misunderstanding between us. You can tell what's on your mind." Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng dejectedly. She really wasn't lying to her. She got worse and worse.

"I..." Shan Yisheng sighed, just when he was about to comfort Yao Yiyi, he saw an unwelcome woman out of the corner of his eye.

"Let's get in the car quickly, let's talk about the rest later." Shan Yisheng took Yao Yiyi's hand and stuffed her into the car.He really doesn't want to see that woman now, but he didn't expect that woman to be so lingering.

"What's the matter?" Yao Yiyi stuffed Dan Yisheng into the car with a blank face, and asked as he looked at Shan Yisheng who opened the driver's seat and was about to drive.

Shan Yisheng's transformation was too fast just now, and she couldn't keep up with the rhythm for a while.

"Shan Yisheng, what are you watching me run, stop for me." When he saw Ning Mengna blocking in front of their car, Yao Yiyi finally knew why Shan Yisheng was so abnormal.

"Damn it." Shan Yisheng looked at the woman who stopped in front of their car, and cursed displeasedly.

"Shan Yisheng, come down for me, Auntie asked me to have dinner with you." Ning Mengna clearly saw Yao Yiyi sitting in the car, but she still said this on purpose.

As if he was afraid that Yao Yiyi would not hear him, he deliberately increased his voice.

"No, I'll eat with Yi Yi. If you have nothing to do, please stay away from me." Shan Yisheng looked at Ning Mengna with a sullen expression and said, why is this woman so difficult? He has already told her What she said was so clear, she still didn't give up.

"The one behind is Ms. Yao. I heard from Bai Shixin that you rescued a pregnant woman this morning. Congratulations." After being rejected by Shan Yisheng, Ning Mengna didn't make trouble, but looked at Yao Yi who was sitting in the back seat. One said.

After hearing what she said, Yao Yiyi's face darkened, she really did not open which pot and which pot to carry.Shan Yisheng is still angry because of this incident, she is sure that this Ning Mengna must have done it on purpose.

After finishing speaking, Ning Mengna looked at Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi as if she was enjoying the show.She said this on purpose, and looked at Yao Yiyi with satisfaction.

What she Ning Mengna wants has never been unavailable, even for human beings, Yao Yiyi has no way to rob her.

"Yiyi is too kind. I just like Yiyi's kindness. If there is nothing else, we will accompany you." Just when Yao Yiyi didn't know how to fight back against Ning Mengna, Shan Yisheng's voice Suddenly it rang.

He looked at Yao Yiyi with a smile on his face, and said dotingly.It seemed that he was very helpless for Yao Yiyi's behavior, but he didn't intend to stop it.

"You..." Ning Mengna never thought that Shan Yisheng didn't mind at all, let it be fine, and even spoke for Yao Yiyi, a bitch.

Seeing Ning Mengna's arrogant look, Shan Yisheng gritted his teeth and stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.Yao Yiyi watched in horror as the car ran towards Ning Mengna, but luckily when the car was one meter away from Ning Mengna, she got out of the way.

Yao Yiyi looked up at Shan Yisheng in astonishment, she was not sure whether what he said just now was to anger Ning Mengna on purpose, or if it was true.

"Yisheng, what you said just now..." Yao Yiyi thought for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask.

Now Shan Yisheng has returned to the way it was before Ning Mengna appeared, as if Mustard's Shan Yisheng who protected her was just her illusion.

"Do you think what I said just now was intended to anger Ning Mengna?" Shan Yisheng knew what Yao Yiyi wanted to ask, and he had already forgiven her when he saw Yao Yiyi looking at him pitifully. .

But now he is even more angry, because Yao Yiyi was bullied by Ning Mengna but didn't know how to bully him back, that's why he was so angry.

"I was wrong without Yisheng, don't be angry, okay? I won't care about my business anymore, I will obediently listen to you, don't be angry." Yao Yiyi suddenly cried and looked at Shan Yisheng and said , Such Shan Yisheng made her feel so strange, she was suddenly a little scared.

"You..." Shan Yisheng slammed on the brakes and parked the car on the side of the road. Looking at Yao Yiyi who was crying in the back seat, Shan Yisheng's heart throbbed.

Opening the car door and getting to the back seat, he sighed and pulled Yao Yi into his arms.He found that when he punished her, he was actually punishing himself.Seeing her pitiful appearance made him feel even more distressed.

"Okay, don't cry any more. Xiang Heng will think I'm bullying you when he sees it. Just now, he called me and told me not to bully his precious sister. If you go to see him like this, He appointed me to fight hard."

Shan Yisheng embraced Yao Yiyi and comforted her softly, forget it, he decided not to teach her a lesson anymore.Seeing her sad, he was even more sad, but in the end he found that the person who was saddest was himself.

"You mean my brother called you." Yao Yiyi looked up at Shan Yisheng with blurred eyes and asked why he didn't tell her just now.

But the reason why my brother was worried must be because when they left in the morning, Shan Yisheng's expression was too scary, so that's why my brother was worried.It's a pity that she didn't realize that Shan Yisheng was angry at that time, so she evolved into what she was later.

"That's right, he just hung up the phone 1 minute before you entered the office." Shan Yisheng gently wiped the tears on Yao Yiyi's face, his movements were so gentle, as if Yao Yiyi was A fragile doll.

"You just bullied me." After hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi cried and accused him of his atrocities.

If she is not careful, she will be broken. If such a Shan Yisheng is seen by outsiders, she will be so shocked that she can't close her mouth.You must know that Shan Yisheng has always been indifferent and inviolable in front of the outside world, who can bear to see him suddenly like this.

(End of this chapter)

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