Chapter 447
"Okay, don't cry, I'm doing this for your own good. You are too simple, and sometimes you don't know when you are used. I can't always be by your side, so you have to learn to grow up by yourself " Shan Yisheng sighed, looked at Yao Yiyi and said earnestly.

Shocked by Shan Yisheng's serious tone, Yao Yiyi hiccupped and looked at Shan Yisheng blankly.

"Actually, I'm not angry. I just want to teach you a lesson in this way so that you don't make such mistakes in the future. If you can delay the negotiation because of something like this today, maybe one day you will be wrong because of something else." It has delayed the affairs of the company. As the person in charge of a company, you have to be responsible to hundreds of employees." Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi and continued, she actually understands these principles, but seriously When encountering such a situation, she couldn't stand by and watch.

"I will never do this again." Yao Yiyi hiccupped and assured Shan Yisheng.

Now as long as she knows that Shan Yisheng is not angry anymore, she is willing to accept any kind of punishment.As long as Shan Yisheng is no longer angry, and through Shan Yisheng's words, she will realize her mistake.

She still has a lot to learn in the mall, and she's just too unprofessional.Let's take it as a lesson this time, hey thinking of this, Yao Yiyi was greatly relieved, fortunately Shan Yisheng is no longer angry.

"Don't cry anymore." Throwing this sentence, Shan Yisheng turned around and got out of the back seat, and sat in the driver's seat.Because the horns of the cars behind were about to break, their eyesight affected the traffic.

But a red Ferrari not far from them had a panoramic view of their every move.Ning Mengna, who was sitting in the driver's seat, had a flash of unwillingness in her eyes.But instead of thinking of something, a disdainful smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

By the time their car stopped in front of the appointed restaurant, it was already half an hour later.

"Duoduo, what's wrong with you, your eyes are red, Shan Yisheng, you bastard, did you bully her?" Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi whose eyes were swollen like a bunny, feeling a little distressed in his anxiety .

"Shan Yisheng, how did you promise me that you would never bully her, but why did her eyes turn red from crying?" Xiang Heng knew that men were unreliable when he was so angry, and he actually believed Shan Yisheng's words nonsense.

"Brother, don't do this. Yisheng didn't bully me. I felt that I did something wrong, so I cried." Yao Yiyi grabbed Xiang Heng and explained anxiously. His eyes were red and swollen, but he looked anxiously at him like this. Looking at others makes people feel more cherished.

Finger by finger, Shan Yisheng loosened Xiang Heng's hand holding his shirt, glanced at Xiang Heng faintly, and pulled Yao Yiyi to sit down on the seat.

"Hehe, I misunderstood my misunderstanding." Xiang Heng looked at his empty hands, and looked at Shan Yisheng with embarrassment and said.He seemed to be a little excited just now, looking at the people in the restaurant who kept pointing at them, Xiang Heng fell silent.

But only Shan Yisheng's cold eyes and Yao Yiyi's sympathetic eyes answered him.Xiang Heng sat down opposite them boringly, watching Shan Yisheng carefully wipe Yao Yiyi's hands with a tissue, finger by finger.

"By the way, have you told Dodo about Ji Xi?" Xiang Heng drank his saliva, looked at Shan Yisheng and asked.

After hearing Xiang Heng's words, Shan Yisheng froze, but he covered it up well.Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng blankly, what's the matter.

"I haven't had time to say it yet." Shan Yisheng quickly threw the used tissue into the trash can, then turned to look at Xiang Heng and said casually.

In fact, he had several opportunities to speak, but he was afraid of seeing Yiyi's excited look, so he postponed it.

"What's the matter?" Yao Yiyi listened to their conversation with a dazed expression on his face.It seemed that Xiang Heng was talking about Ji Xi just now, what happened to Ji Xi.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Ji Xi agreed to make an appointment with us to meet again. But he has a condition that you must be present, so that he can see our sincerity." Shan Yisheng said the matter expressionlessly. Telling Yao Yiyi, it seems that it is nothing more than an indifferent matter.

"Really?" Yao Yiyi didn't pay attention to Shan Yisheng's stiff tone. Hearing that Ji Xi gave them a chance to make amends, he looked at Shan Yisheng happily and asked.

Xiang Heng looked at his younger sister helplessly, not to mention that he is an unjust brother, when will Duo Duo grow up.

Thinking of this, Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng, and sure enough, he saw that Shan Yisheng's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

"It's really a coincidence, you don't mind sitting together." Ning Mengna held Bai Shixin's hand and said with a charming smile.

After hearing her voice, the three people present frowned.And the one who was most angry was Shan Yisheng, this woman was really entangled.

"Brother, you are here too." But when he saw Bai Shixin beside Ning Mengna, Yao Yiyi greeted him happily.She didn't notice the subtle atmosphere on the table at all, and Shan Yisheng's completely dark complexion.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Bai Shixin looked at Yao Yiyi tenderly and said, it turned out that Ning Mengna dragged him out so anxiously because of this, but he didn't reject it.

When he rescued the pregnant woman together in the morning, he saw the serious Yao Yiyi, as if time went back to the time when he was abroad again.

"Unfortunately, with Mr. Ning, we don't have enough seats for Dr. Bai, I'm afraid we can't sit with you." Xiang Heng frowned and looked at the two people who appeared suddenly. These two people really lingered , you can see them everywhere.

He doesn't like anyone who wants to ruin his sister's happiness.So Xiang Heng couldn't like Ning Mengna or Bai Shixin.

"It's okay, let's go over there." After hearing Xiang Heng's words, Ning Mengna did not continue to entangle for the first time, but instead dragged Bai Shixin to the seat on the other side.

After watching them leave, Yao Yiyi realized that the atmosphere at their table was a bit strange.

Suddenly remembered that in the morning, Yao Yiyi carefully looked at Shan Yisheng, and he saw that Shan Yisheng's face changed very ugly.

On the other side, Bai Shixin looked at Ning Mengna displeasedly and asked coldly, "Why did you leave?"

He saw Shan Yisheng's reaction just now, and he was feeling secretly refreshed.But he was pulled away by Ning Mengna, how could he be happy.

"Haste makes waste." Ning Mengna nodded with a smile, took the water glass from the waiter, and said meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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