Chapter 448 Crisis
After listening to Ning Mengna's words, Bai Shixin fell silent and looked at Yao Yiyi and the others from a distance, and never spoke to Ning Mengna again.Ning Mengna didn't care too much, anyway, they just got what they needed.

"I" Yao Yiyi was about to explain, but was interrupted by Shan Yisheng.

"Let's order." Shan Yisheng didn't even look at Yao Yiyi indifferently, just talking to himself.

Just now when Yao Yiyi heard about Ji Xi's matter, his concerned expression didn't seem fake, and he didn't know why he felt very uneasy.

"I'm afraid not yet." Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng and said helplessly, because from his angle he could already see the figure walking towards them.

"What's wrong?" Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng puzzled and asked, is there anyone else?
Under the gaze of Shan Yisheng's puzzled eyes, Xiang Heng stood up from his seat: "President Ji is really a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hearing Xiang Heng's voice, he didn't need to think to know who was coming, it was really a narrow road to Encounter, and he saw everything he should and shouldn't have for a meal.

"It's really a coincidence." Ji Xi glanced at Yao Yiyi meaningfully, and then exchanged greetings with Xiang Heng.

Coincidental encounters are often not accidental. They are here waiting for his purpose, and he should be able to guess a little bit.

"President Ji, we meet again." Shan Yisheng stood up from his seat, and greeted Ji Xi with a smile.No matter what, now Ji Xi is an important partner of their company, and work matters should not be carried with personal feelings.

"President Ji." Now that everyone has stood up, something is wrong if Yao Yiyi is still sitting there.

So after Shan Yisheng stood up, Yao Yiyi also stood up.Seeing Ji Xi said cautiously, after all, Ji Xi was very angry because of her.

Looking at Yao Yiyi, Ji Xi just nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

"Mr. Ji doesn't mind sitting together." Xiang Heng suggested to Ji Xi tactfully, this is the reason why he insisted on making an appointment in this restaurant this time.Didn't Ji Xi want to see the sincerity of their company?Now that the three principals of their company have come to invite him to have dinner together, this sincerity should be enough.

"Of course I don't mind." Ji Xi knew what Xiang Heng meant, and he checked it after he went back.He also knew what happened to Yao Yiyi in the morning. In fact, he was not angry anymore, so he planned to give them another chance.

"President Ji please." Xiang Heng made a gesture of invitation to Ji Xi, and Ji Xi nodded to him.Seeing Ji Xi take his seat, the rest of the people sat down.

The moment Ji Xi appeared, Shan Yisheng knew that Xiang Heng had set him up, no wonder they insisted on having dinner together today, it turned out that the ulterior motives were not about drinking.

On the other side, watching the lively scene here, Ning Mengna and Bai Shixin looked at the four people over there unwillingly: "What are you pretending to be noble, why don't you post it just because you look at them."

Ning Mengna said in a sour tone, she just couldn't figure out what was wrong with Yao Yiyi.Why did this man like her one or two, but he still acted willingly? It really made her very angry.

"If you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, you posted it yourself." Bai Shixin looked at Ning Mengna contemptuously. Didn't she post it herself?

"You..." Ning Mengna turned to look at Bai Shixin angrily, but this man had the nerve to talk about her.

"For me, I posted it myself. At least I posted it aboveboard, unlike some people who only act as villains behind the scenes." Ning Mengna dropped this sentence, got up and left.She had achieved her goal, and there was no point in sitting down any longer.Besides eating with this hypocritical man, she worried that she would have indigestion.

After hearing Ning Mengna's words, Bai Shixin sneered.Yes, he suddenly realized that he was not as good as Ning Mengna, at least Shan Yisheng knew that Ning Mengna was interested in him.Although he didn't wait to see Ning Mengna, he knew what Ning Mengna was thinking.

And he has never dared to express his thoughts to Yao Yiyi for so many years, because he was afraid that once he made it clear, they would not even be able to be ordinary friends.

"One by one, do you think I should tell you my thoughts, and will you accept me?" Bai Shixin looked at the lively scene over there, and the tacit understanding between Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi.

"Probably not." He murmured softly, got up and left silently.

On the other side, Yao Yiyi feels that the current atmosphere is really too weird, why everyone is looking at her.

And Shan Yisheng didn't seem to notice it at all, just dutifully took care of Yao Yiyi to eat.

"The steak here is good, Mr. Ji try it." Xiang Heng sighed helplessly in his heart, resigned to his fate and said to Ji Xi who had been ignored by Shan Yisheng since he sat down.

No wonder Shan Yisheng was so calm at that time, he had already thought of a countermeasure.Xiang Heng suddenly regretted today's arrangement, if he knew that he would have killed him, he would not have arranged it like this.

"Mr. Ji is really sorry about what happened this morning. It was my fault. I hope Mr. Ji doesn't take it to heart." After hearing Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yiyi finally plucked up the courage to look at Ji Xi and said.

After hearing her words, both Ji Xi and Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yi in disbelief, and even Shan Yisheng's hands froze for a moment.

But Yao Yiyi didn't notice everyone's abnormality, and just said to himself: "I hope Mr. Ji won't deny our entire company just because of my fault."

In fact, Yao Yiyi's idea is very simple, that is, don't let Ji Xi implicate their company because of her.

"Then I don't know what happened to Ms. Yao in the morning, she even forgot such an important meeting." Ji Xi put down the knife and fork in his hand, looked at Yao Yiyi in a leisurely manner and asked.

Although he already knew what was going on, he suddenly wanted to hear what she would say.

"In the morning, on the way to the company in the morning, I saw a pregnant woman in a car accident. I used to be a doctor, so I couldn't just sit idly by. So I missed the meeting, but I won't be like this in the future." Yao Yi Staring at the huge pressure, he narrated the morning's affairs aside, and then lowered his head even more after he finished speaking.

"Then how is the pregnant woman now?" Ji Xi looked at Yao Yiyi with a half-smile, because she must have learned a lesson from this matter, looking at this one with a low head.

(End of this chapter)

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