In those years, we were not together

Chapter 12 Finally Say I Love You

Chapter 12 Finally Say I Love You (1)
1. Suddenly received POLLY
Working days are full and busy, Li Lei has no choice but to let himself recall the scene of meeting Han Meimei countless times, so he can only spend all his time on work, trying to forget all the memories.

Early this morning, the secretary delivered a courier and signed for Li Lei.

After signing, Li Lei opened the box, and a parrot flew out of it, and there was a note that read——

"Dedicated to my best buddy, Li Lei!"

Who actually gave him a parrot?At this moment, the parrot flapped its wings and said——


"Is it polly?" Li Lei looked at the parrot carefully, yes, it was it!
Could it be Jim?When Li Lei was wondering, the phone rang.

"Hey, Lei Zi, have you received the express delivery?" It was Lin Tao who called.

"Well, did you give it to me?"

"Why do I have Polly! It was given to you by Jim, he brought it here on the day of the class reunion, but I think I miss it so much, so let me keep it here for a while, haha, are you happy to receive this gift?" Lin Tao said excitedly.

"It's not just happy, it's a surprise that Polly is still alive!" Li Lei was really surprised.

"Haha, Jim is a good teacher, and Polly recognizes you! You can ask him what your name is later, and he will tell you right!"

"No way? Is it so magical?"

"You will know if you try it?" Lin Tao said with a smile.

"hehe, ok."

"By the way, Lin Tao, let's have dinner together after get off work!"

"You don't need to eat. I promised my mother-in-law to go to her house for dinner in the evening. How about we drink together after dinner?"

"That's fine, call me when you're done here."


After hanging up the phone, Li Lei turned to the parrot and asked it, "What's my name?"

"lilei." cried the parrot.

"Haha..." Li Lei suddenly became amused. It turned out that what Lin Tao said was true, and Polly really knew herself.

At this time, Li Lei thought of calling Jim.

"Hello, Li Lei!" Jim's voice was heard as soon as the call was connected.

"I just received a gift from you, what a surprise!"

"Haha, I wanted to give it to you at the class reunion last time, but Lin Tao saw it and insisted on taking it home for a few days. Why, did he bring it to you today?"

"Yeah, he even mailed it to me. I really doubt whether he has any humanity. I'm not afraid that Polly will be suffocated to death."

"I guess, Lin Tao wanted to surprise you, ha ha." Jim laughed over there.

"Thank you very much! You gave me such a precious gift!"

"What kind of thanks are we talking about between us! This is out of the question!"

"Hehe, okay, thank you." Li Lei also smiled. At this time, he really felt that real friends are not the kind who stay together often, but an occasional phone call or an occasional surprise. Make it a memory you will remember forever!
"By the way, has Lily contacted you these two days?" Jim asked.


"A few days ago, she came to me and said that she seemed to be engaged. Why, she didn't tell you?"

"Engaged?" Li Lei said in surprise, "No, she didn't say anything!"

"After the class reunion that day, you were with her, right?"

"Well, when she returned to Shanghai, I even took her to the train station." Li Lei said.

"Did you see any special reaction or performance from her?"

"Uh..." Li Lei said while recalling, "There are a lot of them. I suddenly want to eat candied haws, and I want to make sugar people... By the way, I even gave me a ruler before I left..."

When he said this, Li Lei's eyes were slightly red. He was indeed moved by Lily, but for Lily, he never thought about love, so the touch at that time was only for a while.

"You kid, you really have no brains. Lily has liked you for so many years, and now she is going to marry someone else, you don't feel bad at all?" Jim on the other end of the phone seemed a little angry.

"Well..." Li Lei hesitated a bit.

"I advise you to take the initiative to contact Lily, be careful that you will regret it forever!" After finishing speaking, Jim hung up the phone.

... Listening to the blind voice on the other end of the phone, Li Lei became overwhelmed from excitement.

Lily is getting married?Why never heard of it?Why is it that I am the last to know the news every time?Why?
So, after work, Li Lei didn't go home, but drove to the flower and bird market first, bought some toys for Polly and a cage without a door.

The reason why there is no door is because Li Lei knows that Polly will not fly away, and he does not want to close the door to the most beautiful middle school days. Is it sweet?

Afterwards, Li Lei took Polly to the "Remember" cafe.

2. Lily is engaged

It was past 8 o'clock when Lin Tao called in the evening. He wanted to go to the bar, but Li Lei said that it was not convenient to take Polly with him, so he asked Lin Tao to meet at "Remember".

"Little life is going well, buddy is quite bourgeoisie." Lin Tao began to become poor as soon as he arrived.

"Waiter, have a cup of coffee!" Lin Tao said to the waiter.

"What coffee do you want, sir?" the waiter said politely.

"What kind of coffee do you drink here?"

"Sir, every kind of coffee here is very unique." The waiter said.

"It's nothing to say," Lin Tao turned to Li Lei and said, "What do you think I should drink?"

"Give him a latte!" Li Lei said to the waiter.

"Okay." After saying that, the waiter left.

"Haha, why did you think of dating me?" Lin Tao joked again.

"You, you can't even change your poor mouth." Li Lei first blamed, and then said very seriously, "Lily is getting married, do you know that?"

"It's an engagement, not a marriage." Lin Tao obviously knew it.

"It's his uncle's fault, why am I always the last to know!" Li Lei's sudden swearing really surprised Lin Tao.

"Why, I thought you knew!"

"I heard it from Jim today, or I didn't know it!" Li Lei said again, "Why, she didn't tell me directly, but told you all?"

"Li Lei, I'm not talking about you. Lily has liked you for so many years. Have you ever taken the initiative to care about her or ask her?" Lin Tao was also a little angry.

Li Lei didn't know what to say, and was speechless for a while.

"I know you like Han Meimei, but that's all in the past. Now that Han Meimei is married and has a happy family, you shouldn't always live in memories, you should come out and find your own love. You like this , something will happen sooner or later!" Lin Tao said in a lectured tone.

At this time, Li Lei's phone rang, and it was Sun Yifei who called.

"Hey, Li Lei, where are you?"

"I'm in a coffee shop, talking to my friends!"

"Cafe, it won't be in 'Remember'!" Sun Yifei said.

"It's right here."

"What a coincidence, I'm here too, at table 7." Sun Yifei said happily.

Li Lei turned his head and saw Sun Yifei, so he waved to her.Sun Yifei stood up and walked towards him.

"This is my friend Sun Yifei." Li Lei introduced to Lin Tao, "This is Lin Tao, my middle school classmate."

"Hello!" Lin Tao greeted Sun Yifei.

"Hello there!"

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Sun Yifei said bluntly.

While Li Lei was hesitating, Sun Yifei had already sat down.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tao already knew that Sun Yifei was definitely not Li Lei's ordinary friend.

"Waiter, please move my coffee here, thank you!" Sun Yifei turned to the waiter and said.

"I shouldn't have disturbed you?" Sun Yifei said politely.

"You're talking nonsense! You're already sitting here, and you still say you don't bother me!" Lin Tao thought to himself.

Li Lei also felt that Sun Yifei seemed to have gone too far, so he said: "We have some important things to discuss, but..." He paused for a while, and then said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, we will soon finish the discussion."

Seeing what Li Lei said, of course Lin Tao couldn't talk, so he could only say: "Yes, no, I have something to do here, I have to go back first, you guys talk first."

After that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Lin Tao, sit down for a while." Li Lei asked to stay.

"It's okay, Lei Zi, we'll contact you when we have time." Lin Tao said as he left.Only Li Lei and Sun Yifei were left.

3. The entanglement of blind date girls
Before Li Lei could speak, Sun Yifei said, "Did I go too far?"

Seeing that Li Lei didn't say a word, she went on to say, "I saw you here and called you on purpose!"

"Why?" Li Lei suddenly felt that the girl in front of him was not simple.

"You should know Miss Gao?" Sun Yifei asked.

"Gao Hui?" Li Lei asked.


"Why, have you met her? I heard that she is currently on maternity leave abroad!" Li Lei asked.

"I just returned to China a few days ago, and I saw her a few days ago." Sun Yifei continued, "I saw her at her home."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Li Lei asked.

"I didn't talk about anything, but when we were chatting, she got a call."

"Phone?" Li Lei was even more confused.

"Well, it's from one of her students, it seems to be called Lily."

Hearing this, Li Lei's expression almost changed, and he hurriedly said, "What did they say?"

"I don't know what they said, but after I hung up the phone, I chatted with Miss Gao, and she said that you are her student."

"Yes, I am her student."

"Coincidentally, she is also my teacher." Sun Yifei continued, "So, then we chatted about you, and she kept saying that you were very obedient in middle school, and she showed me photos of your class. "

Li Lei looked at Sun Yifei and asked her to continue.

"I just joked with Miss Gao, and asked you if you had a puppy love in middle school, guess what she said?"

"What did she say?" Li Lei asked.

"She said that there is no puppy love, but because you are the class monitor, there are many girls who like you. At that time, the most popular ones were with Han Meimei..."

Li Lei didn't expect Miss Gao to say these things to Sun Yifei. Although it was all in the past, he still couldn't let it go, so these words were not just a joke to him.

"Why would she tell you these things? It's all in the past." Li Lei looked a little embarrassed, but couldn't help but laugh it off in a joking tone.

"We were chatting nonsense, by the way, do you have time tomorrow?" Sun Yifei suddenly changed the subject.

"There is a meeting tomorrow." Li Lei said.

"I'm asking if I have time after get off work." Sun Yifei said.

"There should be nothing wrong! What's wrong?"

"I want you to go with me to choose a gift. My mother's birthday is coming soon. I don't know what to buy for her."

"I'm not good at shopping. You girls like shopping." Li Lei evaded.

"So, you just refuse!" Sun Yifei looked a little unhappy.

Seeing Sun Yifei like this, Li Lei hurriedly said: "No, I'm afraid that if tomorrow's meeting is late, it will delay your work."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you." Sun Yifei said with a smile again.The girl's face is indeed like the sky in June, and it changes as it says.

In fact, Li Lei really wanted to ask Sun Yifei what else Miss Gao had said to her, but seeing that Sun Yifei didn't say anything, he felt embarrassed to ask.

So, I had to chat with her one after another.At this time, Li Lei was thinking about Lily, wondering if he should call her, and if so, what should he say.

After leaving the cafe, Li Lei said to Sun Yifei, "Do you want me to see you off?"

"No, I drove here today."

"Don't forget our agreement, goodbye!" Sun Yifei said as he got into the car.


Li Lei also drove the car and headed towards home.Along the way, my mind was like a mess. MissGao, Lily, Han Meimei, Jim...

Suddenly, he remembered that he forgot Polly in the cafe, so he turned around and went back to the cafe.

"Mr. Li, your parrot." When Li Lei returned to the cafe, the waitress had already put his parrot back into the cage.

"Because the cage has no door, it flew out just now, so we glued the gap with tape." The waiter said.

"Oh, thank you!" Li Lei said as he tore off the tape and walked out of the cafe.

4. You at the same table
When he got home, Li Lei didn't look happy at all. He always felt that recent events were entangled with him like a mess.

When Li's mother saw her son came back, she hurried out of the house.

"Leilei, you're back. It's so late, where did you go?" Mom asked with concern.

"Oh, some friends discuss something." Li Lei said.

"Oh, how did you bring back a parrot?" Mother Li teased the parrot while talking.

"Iampolly!" said the parrot, flapping its wings.

"This parrot can talk, and it's still English. Hey, that's great!" Li Lei's mother was even happier.

"Son, where did you buy such a clever parrot?"

"It was given to me by my classmates in middle school." Li Lei replied.

"It's so clever, I've never seen a parrot that can speak English!" Li Lei's mother ran into the kitchen while admiring.

"I'll give it something to eat. What does the parrot eat?" Seeing that his mother was so happy, Li Lei put the parrot on the balcony and said, "Mom, I bought food for the parrot and put it on the balcony. Are you okay?" Just play with it! I'm going to bed first."

"Okay, go to bed early!" Li Lei's mother said, running to the balcony to tease the parrot, "It's so cute, and can speak English!"

Lying on the bed, Li Lei didn't feel like sleeping.He opened his cell phone, found Lily's number, and didn't know whether to call or not.

Perhaps, the most painful thing in this world is that there are so many numbers in the mobile phone, but you don’t know who to call; the most painful thing in this world is knowing who to call, but you don’t know what to say.

Li Lei turned on the radio, and the melodious voice of the radio anchor came out——

"Hello, listeners, thank you for listening to "Music as I Do"..."

This column has been with Li Lei for more than ten years.I remember when I was in junior high school, I was obsessed with the songs of the Little Tigers, Jimmy Lin, and Zhou Huajian. At that time, I had no money to go to the concert, so I had to hold a radio and listen to their songs.

"The next thing we're going to play for you is an old song, "You at the Same Table" by Lao Lang. At this time, you who are in front of the radio, have you ever thought about where your former tablemate is now, and how is your life? ?”

With the sound of the music, the radio anchor stopped talking——

Will you remember tomorrow.

The diary you wrote yesterday.

Do you still miss tomorrow.

You who used to cry the most.

The teachers can't remember it.

You who can't guess the problem.

I also flipped through the photos by accident.

I just remembered you at the same table.

Who married sentimental you.

Who read your diary.

Who put your long hair up.

Who made your wedding dress.

You were always careful.

Ask me to borrow half an eraser.

You also accidentally mentioned it.

Like being with me.

The sky was always blue then.

The days always pass too slowly.

You always say graduation is nowhere in sight.

In a blink of an eye, they went their separate ways.

Who ever met sentimental you.

Who comforts you who loves to cry.

Who read the letter I wrote to you.

Who threw it to the wind.

The old days are gone.

I will also have my wife.

I will also show her the photo.

Tell her about you at the same table.

Who married sentimental you.

Who comforts you who loves to cry.

Who put your long hair up.

Who made your wedding dress.

It’s a very familiar song. Li Lei would play this song over and over again every time he thought of the middle school scene. Lei seemed to have returned to the past again, continuing that strange dream.

5. A Strange Dream

Since Li Lei won the title of "Excellent Teacher", Miss Gao proposed to celebrate, so she asked Li Lei to have dinner together.

The place was chosen in a coffee shop, and Li Lei felt uncomfortable when he walked into the shop.After all, it was more than ten years ago, so the decoration does not have the atmosphere of a cafe at all, and the waiters are not dressed in foreign style. It looks a bit like a Chinese restaurant with a western restaurant coat.But the place was chosen by Gao Hui, so Li Lei couldn't say anything.

The two sat down, and the waiter brought the menu.

"What do you like to eat?" Gao Hui asked.

"I want a glass of top-quality Blue Mountain!" Li Lei said.

"Sorry, sir. We don't have the ultimate blue mountain you mentioned here." The waiter said.

"Then what's the matter?" Li Lei asked.

"There is only one kind of coffee, which is pure coffee." The waiter said.

Li Lei thought it was funny, there is only one kind of coffee, but thinking about it, it was not in 2011, of course it would not be so rich.

"Then have another French foie gras and another creamy mushroom soup." Li Lei said again.

"Excuse me sir, we don't have French foie gras here." The waiter said again.

Li Lei felt a little uncomfortable, so he said to Gao Hui, "You should order some!"

"I want a cup of coffee, a pasta, and a piece of cake." Gao Hui said.

"I want to be like this lady." Li Lei said.

"Okay, wait a moment, both of you." The waiter turned and left.

"Mr. Gao, do you come to this store often?" Li Lei asked.

"It's okay, basically I come here once a week. The atmosphere of this store is not bad, so I just come here occasionally."


"Can you call me Gao Hui after get off work?" Gao Hui suddenly raised her head and said to Li Lei.

"Huh?" Li Lei was surprised.

"Ms. Li, to be honest, after working with you for so long, I gradually found that I seem to like you." After Gao Hui finished speaking, her face turned slightly red.

Yes, no matter when, when a girl says she likes you, you can't be too surprised, because she must have mustered a lot of courage to say it.

However, facing this situation, Li Lei still didn't know how to deal with it.

"Mr. Gao, you don't understand the situation. Let me tell you the truth. I'm not from this world. Can you understand what I'm saying?" Li Lei spoke incoherently.

"Mr. Li, I can't understand what you are talking about."

"My name is Li Lei, you know that?"

"Well, yes, I know."

"There is also Li Lei in class one, you know that?"


"Actually, I am that Li Lei, we are the same person."

"Ms. Li, you really know how to joke, you just have the same name!" Gao Hui thought Li Lei was fooling him, so she said with a smile.

"I didn't lie to you, I'm your student, but this time I want to come here to find memories of middle school!" Li Lei explained.

But the more she explained, the more chaotic she became. Gao Hui didn't understand what Li Lei was talking about at all, but thought Li Lei was rejecting her.So the meal was a melancholy one.

When leaving the cafe, Li Lei offered to send Gao Hui off, but Gao Hui refused.Li Lei felt that he had gone too far. Gao Hui didn't understand what he was talking about at this time, so he could only watch Gao Hui leave.

(End of this chapter)

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