In those years, we were not together

Chapter 21 Who Was Poisoned by Love

Chapter 21 Who Was Poisoned by Love (2)
Why, exactly why?God wants to torture yourself like this?Think about it, for decades, I have always been excellent and proud, whether it is career or family, it is so perfect in the eyes of others, but now... such a thing happened!Meimei, who has always been elegant, virtuous, and kind, actually hides a person she loves more in her heart, and she, as her husband, knows nothing about it?
When Han Gang came out, Li Lei happened to be in the corridor, and he walked over to Han Gang and said, "I think you might have misunderstood just now, why don't we find a place to talk?"

"Fuck you!" Han Gang swears, and punches up, Li Lei's mouth immediately bled.

In the ward, Han Meimei kept talking, "It's not a class reunion today, is it? Why are you all here?"

"Lin Tao, why didn't you have class today?" Han Meimei was still talking.

"Meimei, I'm a policeman. I'm off today and came to see you." Lin Tao said, "This is my wife, Gao Hui."

"Are you married? Why are you married? Aren't you still in school? How did you get married?" Han Meimei said.

"And you, Wei Fang, Jim, why didn't you go to class?" Han Meimei asked, "Could it be that school is on holiday today?"

When Han Gang hit Li Lei, Li Lei didn't fight back.Yes, no one can stand such a thing.It seems that Meimei still attaches great importance to the relationship between them, and she blames herself for accidentally throwing away this beautiful relationship.After that, Han Gang ran to the doctor's office, leaving Li Lei alone in the empty corridor.He thought a lot by himself, Li Lei, Li Lei, why are you so stupid, why do you keep hurting the people around you who love you?
"Doctor, when will my wife get well?" Han Gang couldn't help but said loudly.

Seeing Han Gang like this, the doctor knew that he must not be able to accept the reality of Han Meimei's amnesia, so he said: "The patient's current condition is not very clear, it is only a preliminary diagnosis of selective amnesia, and this disease needs to be treated according to the patient's memory. Treatment. Has the patient had any special reactions in the past few days?"

"She doesn't even remember me and the two children." Han Gang said dejectedly, "However, some middle school classmates and a parrot came here today, and she was able to call out their names..."

"Really?" The doctor seemed to have found some clue, stood up and said, "Are they still there? I'll go and see now!"

6. The crux of amnesia

When the doctor came to the ward, Han Meimei was still chatting with Jim and the others, which seemed normal, but if you listen carefully, you will find that the topic of the conversation is a bit strange.

"Yesterday I had a strange dream. I dreamed about our English exam. I didn't write many questions, and the exam was poor. MissGao even criticized me! I woke up today and found out that it was a dream. I finally felt relieved, haha. "Just listen to what Han Meimei said.

The doctor did another simple examination on Han Meimei, then turned around and asked Jim: "She knew you when she saw you?"

"Yeah." Jim nodded.

"When were you his classmate?" the doctor asked.

"In middle school, we were in the same class." Jim said.

"Are you also her classmates in middle school?" The doctor asked the others present.

"Well, yes, we were all in the same class in middle school."

"Oh..." The doctor nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "The patient's selective amnesia may be because he remembered some things in middle school, so he can't remember the people or things around him very clearly. If If you want to get better as soon as possible, you must help the patient retrieve the memories of middle school, and perhaps in this way, the patient can be reminded of the present."

"How could this be?" Everyone present felt a little unbelievable.

"Find the memories of middle school? How do you find this?" Lin Tao asked the doctor.

"It's not difficult to say, it's just that you need to recall the past by yourself, and then simulate the scene at that time to stimulate the patient's brain cells, so that she can recover." The doctor explained.

"However, it has been more than ten years, so I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to do this!" Lin Tao said.

The doctor explained: "Of course, I don't want you to simulate all the past events. It's just that you need to pick a few things that are more profound in the patient's memory and recall them. However, what I said is only based on the treatment of such diseases in the past. Whether it is effective or not, you still need to experiment for a while."

"Doctor, is there any other good way?" Han Gang asked.

"For now, this method is the only way to treat slowly. After a while, I will take further treatment according to your cooperation." The doctor said, "Mr. Han, come here first, I have something to say." tell you."

As the doctor walked out of the ward, he heard Polly shouting: "Iam Polly,

what's your name? "

The doctor stopped and asked, "Whose parrot is it?"

Jim said, "This is my parrot, it's called Polly."

"It was also when you were in middle school?" the doctor asked.


"The patient still remembers the name of this parrot. It seems that the patient still has a very deep memory of middle school. I think this parrot should also play a big role in the process of your cooperation!"

After finishing speaking, he and Han Gang walked out of the ward.

"Han Gang, I know you are in great pain now, but there is no way, every patient with amnesia needs a long treatment time, so I hope you can cooperate with the few friends just now to help the patient treat, that's the only way, The patient's illness will get better faster." The doctor said to Han Gang.

"I know that," Han Gang replied, "It's just that Meimei's thinking is a little confused now, she doesn't even know me and my child, what should I do?"

"There is no way to do this. According to my observation, the patient's memory stays in middle school, so for her, the child is not in her current memory. So you have to overcome this psychological regret and try your best to cooperate with your friends to help the patient treat."

"Okay!" Despite some reluctance, Han Gang had no choice but to nod.

7. About the treatment of meme

In the evening, several people met at "Remember" to discuss about Han Meimei's condition.

"Let's call Han Gang over!" Lin Tao suggested.

"I think it's better to forget it. Han Gang is definitely taking care of Meimei in the hospital now. He should not be in a good mood now, and his thoughts are messed up. It's not good to discuss." Jim disagreed.

"That's right, I think we should think about what to do first!" Li Lei said.

"By the way, Miss Gao originally said that she would come over when she is free, so let's give her a call!" Li Lei suggested.

"Well, it's been a while since I've seen her, and it's even better if she's here!" Jim agreed.

Lin Tao and Wei Fang also agreed.

"MissGao, you're finally here! Long time no see!" More than half an hour later, MissGao appeared in everyone's sight wearing a white shirt, gray trousers, and a pink scarf.Miss Gao, who just gave birth to a baby, looks more elegant, and the years have not left too many marks on Miss Gao's face. At this time, she does not look much different from ten years ago.

"Mr. Gao, why are you young again!" Lin Tao flattered him.

"Are you flattering me?" Gao Hui said with a smile, "I'm old, I'm old!"

"Miss Gao is not old. With us, we look old!" Wei Fang also said with a smile.

"You ghosts are still so good at talking." When she said this, Miss Gao's eyes were full of smiles.

"Look at you, you can flatter MissGao and say nice things. Look how calm I am sitting here! Hehe, MissGao, it looks like you can call me brother..." Jim said with a smile.

"You're even more cunning!" MissGao said.

"Haha, Jim, you are more cunning than us!" Everyone laughed.

Li Lei didn't speak. Looking at Gao Hui in front of him, he thought of the strange dream he had once had. Perhaps, Gao Hui in the dream was telling himself something!The situations in the dream should be just a replica of reality, the plot should be just the appearance, and the principle of penetration should be real!
"Lei Zi, why don't you talk? Are you falling for Miss Gao?" Lin Tao said with a smile.

"Fuck you! I won't be as superficial as you. Your family Gao Hui is here, so I must kill you!" Li Lei retorted.

"That's right, that's right, I said why Lin Tao always smiled at Miss Gao when I was in school. It turned out that he had a crush on her at that time. Look, she married a wife named Gao Hui!" Jim also booed.

"The two people have the same pronunciation but different characters, okay?" Lin Tao explained.

"Don't explain, the more you explain, the more people will misunderstand... Hehe..." Wei Fang also laughed.

"Don't make fun of Lin Tao, how is Meimei doing now?"

Miss Gao asked with concern.

"Well..." Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say.

"The situation is not optimistic. The doctor said that Meimei's memory is now in middle school, so we have to bring her back to the memory of middle school, so as to stimulate her brain cells, so that she can recall the current events. "Li Lei straightened his mind and said.

"I also know something about amnesia. My high school classmates also suffered from temporary amnesia due to a car accident." Before MissGao finished speaking, Wei Fang asked, "What about now?"

"It's not good until now." MissGao said.

"Ah, how long has it been?" Lin Tao asked.

"It's been three years now!" Miss Gao thought for a while and said.

"It hasn't recovered in three years? It seems that our road is very difficult!" Lin Tao sighed.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone's condition is different, maybe Meimei will recover quickly! Li Lei, do you think so?" Jim turned his head to Li Lei.

"Well, yes." Li Lei nodded heavily. He didn't know what role he should play in this process. He had already forgotten it, but now it was brought up again. Anyone who encountered such a situation would not know what to do. measures.

"That's right! It's hard to say this kind of thing. Maybe Meimei will remember everything when she wakes up from sleep!" Wei Fang also said.

"Hehe, that's of course good, but I want you to be mentally prepared. Things like amnesia won't get better in a while, and they need long-term care and treatment. Of course, everyone's illness, crux They are also different, and I also hope that Meimei can get better sooner." Miss Gao said.

"Well, then let's drink to Meimei's speedy recovery!" Saying this, Jim raised his glass first.

8. Lily, come back soon

When they broke up, Lin Tao walked with Wei Fang, Jim, Li Lei and Miss Gao.

"Mr. Gao, which road is your home on?" Li Lei asked.

"Jinyuan Community, No. 379 Wenhui Road." MissGao said.

"Then I'll send you home first and then arrange Jim." Li Lei said.

"It doesn't matter what you want. Originally, I paid the starting price for a taxi, but you want to send it."

"Let me do my duty as a student!" Li Lei said.

"Yeah, let him do his duty as a student!" Jim also joined in the fun.

"Haha, okay." Miss Gao laughed.

Soon, we arrived at Jinyuan Community. "Goodbye! Be careful on the road!" After Miss Gao got out of the car, only Li Lei and Jim were left.

"Where do you live?" Li Lei asked.

"Dongyuan International Hotel." Jim said.

Li Lei turned his head and drove towards the hotel.

"Have you been in touch with Lily recently?" Jim asked.


"Not yet! Let me tell you, the girl Lily can't be found even with a lantern. Don't disappoint my buddy. If she really gets married to that Zhu Fang, you will get married when the time comes." I can't even cry!"

"It's not that serious, is it?"

"Li Lei! You are stubborn, anyway, you can handle your affairs according to your own will!"

After Jim got off the car, Li Lei suddenly felt lonely.Yes, everyone is persuading themselves, what exactly do they think?

As for Lily, do I not let it go or does it not matter?Haven't you been able to make wiser choices?Is it necessary to wait until the result is not satisfactory before feeling sorry?Thinking of this, Li Lei picked up his phone and found Lily's number.

"Lily, it's so late, are you asleep?" Li Lei's voice suddenly softened.

"not yet!"

"Oh, go to bed early!"

"Well, I know, what's the matter with you?" When Lily said this, Li Lei suddenly felt very strange.Two days ago, Li Lei still felt warm, as if he had found love.At this time, I don't know if it's because of the night, the warmth has solidified, or I'm at a loss, and the door of my heart is closed.

"It's nothing, I just miss you..." Li Lei never thought he would say such a thing.

"Oh." Lily was silent, making Li Lei embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

They were silent with each other for about 1 minute. From Li Lei's point of view, this 1 minute seemed as long as half a year. To Lily, it was about the same!

"Today, we met Miss Gao!" Li Lei finally changed the subject.

"Oh, is she all right?"

"Yeah, she's still so energetic." Li Lei continued, "We were discussing about Meimei's treatment. The doctor said that the crux of her selective amnesia was in middle school."

"Does that require us to cooperate with the treatment?" Lily asked.

"Yes, and it's a long process, so we have to be mentally prepared."

"Memei, how pitiful..."

"Lily, come back!" Li Lei said suddenly.

However, he seemed to realize that his words were a bit sudden, so he quickly changed his words: "You may have a good effect on Meimei's condition when you come back."

Lily seemed to think for a while, and said, "Do you want me to go back for Meimei, or do you want me back?"

"I..." Li Lei stopped talking. Faced with such straightforward questions, Li Lei never answered directly.At this time, he had other worries. He was afraid that if Lily knew that Han Meimei thought he was her husband, wouldn't she be even more sad?

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm sleepy, let's talk about something tomorrow!" Lily said "goodbye" and hung up the phone.

Li Lei still didn't say what he really wanted to say until the end. Is he timid or still struggling, unable to let go of the little beauty in the past?He didn't know, too much ambiguity made him unable to face this matter normally, and he had planned to forget it, but it was brought up again at this time, God, are you testing me on purpose?

Throughout the night, Li Lei tossed and turned sleeplessly, recalling bits and pieces of the past, recalling the trivial dreams before...

9. I am back for love
Early the next morning, Li Lei had just walked downstairs and was about to go to the garage when he heard a familiar voice calling him.

"Li Lei!"

He turned around and saw that it was Lily!So he hurried over and asked, "Why are you here?"

Lily smiled and said, "I miss you, so I'm back!"

Li Lei's heart suddenly warmed up, and only then did he really feel that this was the love he had longed for.If it weren't for the last parting and many things that happened recently, such a warm feeling wouldn't come to my heart all at once.

Involuntarily, Li Lei hugged Lily, and Lily leaned her head on Li Lei's shoulder and said mischievously, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'm so hungry!"

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how did you get here?" Li Lei asked.

"After you called last night, I couldn't fall asleep, so I called Jim, asked for your home address, and took the overnight train to come here." When Lily said this, there was a little smile in her eyes. The excitement is like chasing a beautiful dream.

"What time did you arrive in the morning? Did you sleep? Is it cold?" Li Lei asked with concern.

Seeing Li Lei's anxious look, Lily laughed and said, "I want to eat now!"

"Okay, I'll take you to have breakfast!" Li Lei said as he took Lily's hand and ran towards the garage.

Looking from a distance, Lily's silk scarf is fluttering with the wind, Li Lei is holding Lily's hand, and the back view of the two is like a beautiful scenery, which makes people feel very warm.

After breakfast, Li Lei sent Lily back to the hotel to rest and went to the company by himself.Before I got to the office, I received a call from Jim.

Jim on the phone first kept laughing, as if there was something very happy about it, Li Lei asked him, but he just laughed and didn't answer.

"If you don't say anything, I'll hang up!" Li Lei said.

"No, no," Jim said hastily, "Yesterday Lily called me and asked for your address. I guess she will come over today. This should be a surprise!"

"Haha, it's indeed a surprise, but I have an even bigger surprise to tell you." Li Lei said.

"A bigger surprise? What?"

"that is……"

"Don't be so secretive, just say it!" Jim couldn't wait.

"Lily arrived this morning!" Li Lei said loudly, unable to hide his inner joy.

"This little girl is really capable of tossing around. She ran over in the middle of the night, and she wasn't afraid of being rejected by the man..."

"What are you talking about? Besides, I'm in a hurry with you!" Li Lei said.

"Is it real or fake?" Jim teased him.

"I'm not poor with you, why, are you still in the hotel?" Li Lei asked.

"Well, I have an appointment with the client at 10:30 in the morning, it's still early!"

"Okay, I'm at the company too, call me if you need anything."

"Okay, you also spend more time with Lily, I'm sure she's serious this time, maybe even quit her job, you boy, you're lucky!" Jim said with a smile.

"It's all because of your Master Jim's guidance and promotion, the little one is what he is today!" Li Lei did not forget to joke.


When Li Lei arrived at the office, Han Gang was sitting in his chair. Li Lei was stunned for a moment, thinking that it was time to clarify this matter.

"Han Meimei and I were classmates in middle school. At that time, I was the monitor and she was the deputy monitor. We both studied very well. Because of Meimei's lively and cheerful personality, the boys and girls in the class all liked her..." Li Lei described himself I explained clearly what happened in middle school.

During the whole process, Han Gang's expression was very solemn, how he hoped that what Li Lei was telling was the story between him and Han Meimei!At this time, he was so envious, jealous, and hated that he even began to feel that life is fair. Sometimes he won the other person, but he couldn't get the other person's heart, and he won the other person's heart, but he couldn't get the other person's past!
(End of this chapter)

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