In those years, we were not together

Chapter 22 Who Was Poisoned by Love

Chapter 22 Who Was Poisoned by Love (3)
After Li Lei finished speaking, Han Gang stood up and said: "Actually, I believe there is nothing between you and Meimei, and Meimei loves me and the child very much, but I have always forgotten the scene in the hospital a few days ago." No, and she kept calling your name when she was in a coma, you know, a man..." Han Gang couldn't continue, stopped and continued: "Today I will pretend that nothing happened, and you will be Mei Mei is still your good friend before, help me to cure her illness, okay?"

Han Gang's incomparable sincerity when he said this made Li Lei feel very moved. Yes, a man can be strong under such pressure and pretend to be open-minded. What kind of strong heart and courage are needed!
"Okay! I will definitely cooperate with the treatment of Meimei's illness." At this time, Li Lei didn't know what to say, so he nodded sincerely.

"It's really hard for me to accept that this happened, so I hope you can leave the company. This is the extra three months' salary I prepared for you. I hope you can..." Han Gang took out a card while speaking, Said, "The password above is 6 zeros." After finishing speaking, he turned and went out.

"Han Gang, you misunderstood..." Before Li Lei finished speaking, Han Gang had already walked out the door.Life is so damn not human, there will always be one reason or another that makes me suffer.Li Lei stood there in a daze, why did the wrong things always happen at the wrong time?Finally, my love and career have improved a bit, and now they have returned to zero. Although I also have the idea of ​​leaving, it is still a trick!
So, Li Lei simply packed up his things, sorted out the materials, and walked out of the office.The password on the table was a card with six zeros, and he didn't even look at it.

Sitting in the car, Li Lei tried his best to adjust his emotions, emotion, life, Meimei, Lily... It's not the first time he struggled with this state, but what happened to the result?The past and the present are like floating clouds, unable to grasp but unable to let go, grasp the present, he still feels that he cannot control his truest emotion because of too many external things, and his truest emotion now is Lily.

"Are you awake?" Li Lei drove to the hotel where Lily was staying.

"Well, wake up."

"Then let's go eat together!"

"What, are you downstairs?"


"Li, I love you so much, wait for me for 2 minutes and get down immediately!" After finishing speaking, Lily hurriedly dressed, washed her face, and ran all the way to the hall.

"Why did you come to see me so early in the morning?" Lily asked intentionally, holding Li Lei's hand.

"Well, why did you buy a ticket to come downstairs to my house at night?" Li Lei asked with a smile.

"Hate!" Lily's angry appearance was equally cute, like a teenage girl.

10. Rejected SMS

While eating, Li Lei received a text message, which read——

"Lei, I'm sick. I'm not feeling well in the hospital. Can you come and see me?" It was Sun Yifei who sent the message.

After Li Lei finished reading, he closed his phone. Lily didn't care at all, but kept praising the delicious food in the store.

Along the way, Li Lei was wondering whether to call Sun Yifei. If he did, Sun Yifei might mistakenly think that he liked her;

So, Li Lei turned off his mobile phone to save himself from thinking about it.

After dinner, Lily said she didn't want to go back to the hotel, so she asked Li Lei to take her around.The two drove a car, wandering aimlessly on the street.

"We are like air. Although we are always ignored by others, we are very important to ourselves." Lily said while looking out the window.

Hearing what Lily said, Li Lei couldn't help but look at Lily, and said, "You are so talented, you are so talented!"

"You startled me." Lily said "ah".

Li Lei saw a maintenance guardrail in front of him, so he quickly adjusted his direction.

"What's your name?" Li Lei asked.

"You scared me to death just now!" Lily clutched her chest in fright.

"Hehe, with my driving skills, you can't even get into trouble!" Li Lei said confidently.

"Just blow it up, you'd better be careful!" Lily persuaded.

"Okay, I'll be careful, I'll listen to you!" Li Lei's words warmed Lily's heart, even though it was night, it seemed as if the warm sunshine had melted into her.

Li Lei didn't come home until 11 o'clock in the evening, and his parents didn't know why they went to bed so early.Li Lei also tiptoedly washed up and went into his bedroom.

Lying on the bed, recalling the scenes that happened today, Li Lei felt very happy. This is the love he wanted-it turns out that happiness is like a cat's tail in many cases. You may not be able to find it if you search all over the world. , but if you look back, you will find that happiness is behind you, always with you, but you just don't know it!

So, Li Lei got up again, sat in front of the desk, opened the drawer, took out the glass marbles and the ruler that Lily had given him, and started to be in a daze.

At this time, the phone rang again.At first glance, it was a text message from Sun Yifei——

"Ray, I'm in the hospital and miss you so much, why don't you come to see me?"

It was so late, and Sun Yifei was still asleep. Li Lei felt that it was impolite not to reply to the text message, so he replied——

"It's getting late, go to bed early, let's talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do!"

This text message, but Sun Yifei called.


As soon as Li Lei answered the phone, he heard crying on the other end of the phone.

Li Lei panicked all of a sudden, not knowing what to say, so he said, "What's wrong with you, it's so late, why are you crying?"

"I'm in the hospital. I'm sick. I'm seriously ill. I want to see you!" Sun Yifei still cried.

"It's really late today, why don't you change it to another day, take care of your illness, and I'll see you when I'm busy." Li Lei softened his heart, but when he thought of Lily, he immediately refused.

"I just want to see you now, I'm lonely, alone in the hospital..." Sun Yifei still said that.

"What disease do you have? Is it serious?" Li Lei asked.

"I just want to see you..." Sun Yifei kept repeating this sentence without saying what kind of illness she had, which made Li Lei feel that this might just be a farce.

So, he became ruthless and said, "You go to bed first, I'm going to sleep too, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it another day!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Lei turned off the phone.At this time, he had already decided that Lily was the person he was looking for, so he couldn't be hesitant like before.

In this way, Li Lei pretended to go to work as usual in the morning. He didn't want his family to know that he was unemployed because of Han Meimei's matter. He waited until noon to have dinner with Lily until his mother called in the afternoon.

11. Visit Sun Yifei

"Lei Lei, where are you now, come back quickly!" The mother on the phone said anxiously.

"What's the matter, Mom? I'm at work now!"

"Hurry up to the city's No. [-] Hospital, Yifei is sick!"

Li Lei thought something was wrong, and when he heard what his mother said, he said: "I know that, I will go to see her some other day, don't you need to be so anxious?"

"Don't be so anxious, you child, what can I say about you! What are you busy with these days, and you come back so late, did Yifei send you a lot of text messages and you didn't reply?"

"I replied one." Li Lei felt a little unreasonable.

"Don't say anything, come to the hospital first, and I'll wait for you there!" Mom hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

At this time, Li Lei felt that Sun Yifei's behavior was obviously a matter between two people, but he insisted on making everyone in the family know, what are you doing!

But he still listened to his mother and went to the hospital.

As soon as he parked the car, he saw his mother standing by the window of the ward waving to him from a distance. Li Lei ran upstairs and found Sun Yifei's ward.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Don't worry about why I'm here, you go and apologize to Yifei first." Li Lei's mother said while pulling Li Lei to Sun Yifei.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Li Lei was really puzzled.

"Lei, you are finally here..." Sun Yifei opened his eyes and said weakly.

"Well, how is your illness? Is it better?" Li Lei asked.

I saw that Sun Yifei didn't speak, but his eyes were filled with tears all of a sudden, and tears streamed down his face.

Now Li Lei was at a loss, and stood there blankly, neither talking nor not speaking.

"Leilei, you can talk with Yifei first, and I'll go out with your aunt first, and I'll be back later." Li Lei's mother said while pulling Mama Sun out of the ward.

In the ward, only Sun Yifei, who was lying pale on the bed, and Li Lei, whose face was neither red nor pale, were sitting beside the bed.After a long period of silence, Li Lei finally spoke.

"Yesterday, I was really too busy to reply to your text messages..."

"Well, I know, I'm bothering you." When Sun Yifei said this, Li Lei felt a little embarrassed.

"Lei, I took you to see my parents without discussing with you last time. It was my fault. I apologize to you." Sun Yifei said.

"I've forgotten what happened last time, so it's not a big deal, it's okay."

"Also, your mother came to the hospital today. I didn't call, but my mother called. However, I'm sorry to delay your work..."

Seeing that Sun Yifei was so polite, Li Lei really didn't know what to say, but felt that he was wronged.

"You are sick now, don't think about anything, rest at ease, and talk about it after you get well, okay?"

Hearing what Li Lei said, Sun Yifei cried again: "My illness won't get better, it won't get better..."

"What kind of disease, don't scare yourself, it will be fine, as long as you are in a good mood, everything will be fine!"

"Really?" Sun Yifei didn't stop crying because of Li Lei's persuasion, the bright things in his eyes were still rolling, so he said, "I hope!" The flickering eyes seemed somewhat sad.

"Lei, I'm very happy that you can come to see me. I'm really happy..." Sun Yifei said, wanting to get the tissues on the table, Li Lei quickly took two and handed them to her.

Li Lei, who had never seen a girl cry, really didn't know what to do when he saw this situation, so he asked, "Are you thirsty, let me pour you a glass of water?"

"I don't want to drink."

"Then let me peel an apple for you!" Li Lei said.

"Okay." Sun Yifei agreed.

Li Lei picked up the fruit knife on the table, picked an apple, and peeled it.After peeling, cut the apples into small pieces and fed them to Sun Yifei.

At this time, Li Lei's mother and Sun's mother came in. Seeing the two of them, a smile appeared on the corner of their mouths, but that kind of smile was not sweet, but rather bitter.

12. Turned out to be cancer

After walking out of the ward, Li Lei asked his mother, "What's wrong with Sun Yifei that she looks so weak?"

Li Lei's mother didn't answer, but said calmly: "In the days to come, you have to treat Yifei better, so that you can live up to your conscience."

Seeing what his mother said, Li Lei realized the seriousness of the matter, and asked again: "What disease did she have?"

Li Lei's mother finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said very sadly: "Why is this child's life so hard!" Tears flowed out as she spoke.

"Mom, don't cry, what happened to Yifei?" Li Lei hurriedly helped his mother onto the stone seat next to her.

"Yifei, she...she has cancer!"

Hearing what his mother said, Li Lei was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that this kind of plot would only appear in TV dramas, but now that such a thing happened to him, his mind went blank instantly!
"I also just heard from your Aunt Sun this morning. When she called me, she was already crying badly. It's just such a precious daughter, but now she has this disease. I really don't know how sad she is! Li Lei's mother continued, "So I called you right away and asked you to come over..."

"Leilei, no matter what you do to Yifei, mom, I hope you can treat Yifei better in the remaining days. After all, she has few days left..." Li Lei's mother said while using Paper towels to wipe tears.

Seeing that his mother was so sad, Li Lei had no choice but to swallow what he wanted to say, so he said: "Well, Mom, I will listen to you!" He wanted to tell his mother about his girlfriend. But seeing this scene, that's all.

So, after taking his mother home, he drove out again, wanting to buy something for Sun Yifei.So, he went to the flower shop to buy some flowers, some porridge and some refreshing snacks.

When they arrived at the hospital, Sun Yifei was sleeping. Li Lei put down his things and walked out quietly.

He came to the doctor's office and asked, "Doctor, is Sun Yifei from 302 seriously ill?"

The doctor adjusted his glasses and asked, "Are you his?"

"I'm his friend," Li Lei added, "I grew up together..."

"Oh, the patient's condition is very serious. According to the examination, it has been diagnosed as terminal cancer, so..."

"So what, doctor?"

"So, she doesn't have much time left, you have to be mentally prepared."

"How long does she have?"

"It's only two months at most. If the situation is not good, it may only be one month..."

Hearing what the doctor said, Li Lei froze for a moment.He didn't know that human life could be so fragile. He was alive and kicking a few days ago, and then suddenly...

He began to feel that he owed Sun Yifei too much. Although this debt was mixed with inexplicable pity, people are like this, they always wait until they are about to leave before they want to cherish.

While walking, Li Lei passed Han Meimei's ward, stopped, and walked in.

There was no one in the ward, and Han Gang wasn't there, so he probably went to pick up the child.As soon as she heard someone coming in, Han Meimei opened her eyes and said, "Li Lei, are you here? It seems like you haven't been here for a long time?" She wanted to sit up while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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