In those years, we were not together

Chapter 23 Who Was Poisoned by Love

Chapter 23 Who Was Poisoned by Love (4)
Li Lei helped Han Meimei put the pillow away and helped her sit up.

"Meme, are you feeling better recently?"

"It's much better. Han Gang buys me a lot of snacks every day. I like to eat them. Would you like to eat some?" Han Meimei was excited when she said this. It seems that Meimei's memory is a little bit Things are getting better, at least she knows that her husband is Han Gang, and she no longer thinks that she is her husband.But Li Lei still felt extremely sad in his heart, as if his originally warm world was suddenly attacked by a cold current.

"Come on, Li Lei, you eat this!" Han Meimei handed him a small bag of candies while saying, "You eat this kind of candy, it's delicious! Eat it in your mouth. !"

Li Lei took it and took a look. It turned out that it was the popping candy that girls liked to eat very much when they were young.This kind of candy is very rare in the market now. I don't know how many places Han Gang traveled to find this kind of snack.His eyes became moist all of a sudden, because of Han Meimei, because of Han Gang's love for him, because of Sun Yifei, because of his guilt towards Sun Yifei, and because of his uneasiness towards Lily...

"And this ring candy is also delicious. Han Gang said that this candy can be worn on your hand to show your love for me, and you can also eat it. It will be sweet to your heart!" Han Meimei said while putting it on for Li Lei. finger, and say, "Wow, that's just right!"

At this time, Meimei was like a child, seemingly carefree, but filled the hearts of those around her with sadness.

"Meimei, I'm leaving first. The company still has some things to deal with. I'll come and see you when I have time!" Li Lei lied, got up while talking, and was about to leave.

"Well, that's fine, but remember to ask Miss Gao to come and see me next time, as well as Lily, Lin Tao, Wei Fang, Jim... I miss them so much!"

"By the way, there is also that cute and smart Polly!" Han Meimei kept smiling when she said these words, as innocent as she was when she was a child, which made Li Lei even more uncontrollable, and hurriedly said: "Okay , I see, I'll go first, goodbye!"


As soon as he walked out of the ward, Li Lei's tears flowed out. Things changed and people changed. In an instant, Li Lei felt the viciousness of this word, and there was an indescribable bitterness.

13. Lin Tao's idea

Jim was in a hurry to go back to Shanghai because of the company's business.Li Lei didn't even have a chance to ask him to have another meal, so he called Lin Tao again.

"Haha, Lei Zi, you finally thought of a buddy." Lin Tao was still happy.

"Tao, I have something I want to talk to you about." Li Lei said in a low voice.

"What's the matter, Lei Zi, what's the matter?" Lin Tao's tone suddenly became tense.

"Actually, it's nothing, it just feels a little bitter."

"Didn't Lily come back two days ago? Could something happen between you two?" Lin Tao asked.

"No, it's someone else and something else."

Lin Tao was confused by Li Lei and other things, so he said, "Okay! At seven o'clock in the evening, it's the same cafe as last time."

"Okay." Li Lei hung up the phone.

On the other hand, Lin Tao felt a little strange. When Lin Tao arrived at "Remember" at seven o'clock in the evening, Li Lei was already there waiting for him.

"What happened, Lei Zi, can I help?" Lin Tao asked anxiously before he could sit still.

"It's okay, I just want to talk to you."

"It's not because of Lily, is it? She has returned to Shanghai?" Lin Tao guessed.

"No, she's fine, why did she go back to Shanghai?"

Lin Tao didn't even know what kind of medicine Li Lei sold in the gourd, so he said, "If you don't tell me, I can leave. There are a lot of things waiting for me to do at home!"

"No, I'll tell you." Li Lei hurriedly said, "Do you still remember the girl in this cafe last time?"

"Which one?" Lin Tao couldn't remember.

"Just when we were here at night, a girl came up out of the blue and you left."

"Oh, it's that one! What's the matter, she's pestering you again? You're lucky. Look at me. From childhood to adulthood, I've been the one who pestered others, not me..."

"She has cancer." When Li Lei finished speaking, Lin Tao was no longer poor, and was stunned for dozens of seconds without speaking.

Afterwards, he said: "Life is really a fucking thing!" He took out a cigarette from his bag and lit it.

"So, you don't know what to do, right? So you feel guilty, don't you?" Lin Tao's two questions made Li Lei nod.

"She only has at most two months left." Li Lei said again.

"She likes you, right?" Lin Tao asked.

Li Lei nodded, and Lin Tao asked again: "What about you, do you like her?"

Li Lei didn't speak, and after a while, he said, "I only have Lily in my heart now."

Lin Tao pinched out the cigarette, threw it into the ashtray, and said, "Isn't that right? Just explain the matter clearly to Lily, and I believe Lily will understand. But I think Lily is too wronged, and it's hard to establish a relationship with you. But I think you should tell her the truth, after all, true feelings can stand the test, if you don't tell, it will be even harder to tell if you are discovered later. "

"I know this, I just think it's a bit unfair to Lily, she came so far from Shanghai, quit her job, and I'm with another girl, she will be sad..."

"Lei Zi, I'm not talking about you. You always think about others, but you don't know how to think for yourself! Sometimes what you think in your heart is not necessarily what others think. I believe Lily is a generous person. , she will definitely believe you! You just go in the direction of your heart now, do what you want, and do it. Lily, my buddy will help you talk, it will be fine!"

Hearing what Lin Tao said, Li Lei was moved for a while, and after a while, he said, "Lin Tao, thank you!"

"We still don't want to thank you. Your business is my business. To be honest, Lei Zi, since the day Meimei's accident happened, I feel that being poor is nothing. A few close friends, healthy and happy, is better than anything else!"

Yes, health and happiness are better than anything else!Li Lei felt relieved all of a sudden. He used to think that he was single and didn't have a happy family like other students, and he was a little lonely.But now I just feel that being healthy and happy is the happiest thing, so what is there to worry about?

14. A letter before leaving

In the following days, Li Lei spent more time in the hospital every day, either staying with Sun Yifei in 302 or going upstairs to see Meimei. Lily didn't look for a job either, and has been looking for memories with Meimei.

After 33 days, Sun Yifei left.The sun was shining brightly on the day I left, as bright as her smile.

Li Lei didn't see Sun Yifei for the last time. When he arrived at the hospital, Sun Yifei had already been pushed into the mortuary. The nurse gave him a letter, saying that Sun Yifei had left it.

This may be the last time I call you that, thank you so much for taking care of me all this time, really, thank you so much!It is you who made me walk through the last stage of my life peacefully, because with your company, I am very happy and very fulfilled.

I've loved you since the first time I saw you.But I am embarrassed to say, after all, it is the first time for me to take the initiative to chase boys.So, I can only intentionally create various chance encounters to meet you, including going to the "Remember" where you often go, drinking your favorite Blue Mountain coffee, listening to your favorite music...

That time when I went to your house and told your mother that I like you, your mother was very happy and said that we are such a good match, and we will have a very cute baby in the future.At that time, I blushed. I didn't expect that my aunt didn't object, and she was so in favor of us being together. At that time, I began to fantasize that one day I would wear a beautiful wedding dress, hold your hand, and step into the wedding hall .

However, later I heard about your past from Miss Gao, and I knew that you had always liked a girl named Han Meimei.So, I went to get to know Han Meimei. When I knew that she was married and her husband was your boss, I was finally relieved.

But, not long after, I saw you and a girl eating candied haws in front of the World Trade Center, talking and laughing, very happy.I started to worry again, thinking that there must be someone in your life who likes you more than me.So, I desperately cared about you and wanted you to spend more time with me.Later, I learned that the girl's name was Lily, she was an American, and she was really beautiful, I think.

However, because I love you so much, I deliberately called you when you went to Shanghai.So, I found an excuse and wanted to introduce you to my parents. I thought that you would feel embarrassed and stay with me, but then I found out that I was naive at that time, thinking that as long as you Perseverance can keep you, and then I found out that love cannot be kept, just like the wind, when it blows away, it will no longer...

You know, when I said "I like you" that night, I cried for a long time when I got home, and I thought I might leave you.Until one day, I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor told me that I had cancer.At that time, I didn't know whether I should tell you, I was afraid that you would pity me, I was not a strong girl, I was afraid that you would leave me, I was afraid of injections, and I was afraid of taking medicine.However, there was no way, I was admitted to the hospital.

The 33 days in the hospital were the happiest time in my life, because with your company, I was happier than ever.Although I look haggard every day, although I can't wear the beautiful clothes I like, but you are so careful, you bring me favorite snacks every time you come, tell good stories and jokes... I know, all of this It's just because I don't have much time left, so I cherish it even more.

Every time you leave, I will record what you said. If I can’t remember some words, I will mark them and ask you again when you come back.

Time passed quickly, and I finally found it difficult to even speak. I didn't want you to see me in a bad way, so I tried my best to make myself bad and make you hate me.But instead of hating me, you cared more about me and made me feel that if God gave me another life, I would definitely fall in love with you deeply. If you don’t love me, I would like to be a tree and stand by you beside...

Finally, I give you a poem, I hope you can read it occasionally, and remember that there was a girl in your life who loved you deeply——

in the best of times.

I still walk that road alone.

Flashy but not my street.

Like a scavenger.

Quietly collect the negatives of time.

Make it an aged moonshine.

Then on a sunny afternoon.

Post any pictures related to you.

Maybe there are some people.

This life will not be together.

But there is a feeling.

But it can be hidden in my heart for a lifetime.

So I think.

The happiest thing I've ever met is.

I met you at the most beautiful moment.

Even if we can't be together in the end.

I also thank God for having you in my life.

Let me know that there is such a person in the world.

It can make me feel irresistible.

So I think.

People should have it at least once in their life.

Forget yourself for someone.

No results.

Do not ask for companions.

Don't ask for what you once owned.

Don't even beg you to love me.

I just want to be in my most beautiful years.

met you.

One fee.

Along with this letter, there is also a notebook filled with dense words, including the specific time when Li Lei came to the hospital every time, and every story Li Lei told every time he came...

× Year × Month × Day Week × The weather is fine.

Today, Li Lei arrived at the hospital at 12:[-] noon. I had already had lunch at that time, but he also brought a lunch and asked me if I had eaten. I deliberately said no, because I wanted him to feed me. Only in this way will I feel closer to him...

× Year × Month × Day Week × The weather is cloudy.

At 8 o'clock this morning, Li Lei arrived at the hospital.I had just woken up and had already had breakfast.I thought that he must have rushed over before going to work, so I didn't dare to waste his time, so I just let him leave after a few words.

When leaving, he also asked me what I like to eat and brought it to me in the afternoon.I said candied haws, and he said yes.

When he came to the hospital in the afternoon, he brought more than a dozen strings of candied haws, and said that because I didn't tell him which flavor he liked, he bought all kinds of flavors...

× Year × Month × Day Week × The weather is cloudy.

It was already 11 o'clock in the evening when Li Lei came today, and I was sleeping at that time, but since he hadn't come for two days, I couldn't sleep at all...

However, when he came, I deliberately pretended to be sleeping soundly, because, I think he must have come to see me after working overtime, he was already tired enough, and I couldn't waste his time too much...

He stood by the hospital bed in a daze for a while, maybe because he was afraid of disturbing my rest, he left in a hurry.Looking at the back of him leaving, my eyes are moist.I know that I don't have much time left, so I can't bother him anymore, it is enough for him to come to see me like this...

Li Lei's eyes became moist when he saw every real word recorded in the notebook. In this world, there will always be some regrets that you cannot make up for.

So, after Sun Yifei left, Li Lei suddenly felt that the world was much emptier all of a sudden. Maybe people are like this. When the person who loves him leaves his sight all of a sudden, he will miss him; Out of my sight, I will miss...

(End of this chapter)

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