Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 263 surrender, or die

Chapter 263 surrender, or die
Finally caught the divine beast Kun!
It took three months...

The fleet suffered heavy losses, but considering that it is the divine beast Kun, it is justified and worthwhile.

The value of Kun is by no means comparable to dozens of spaceships.

Kun was seriously injured, one fin was blown to pieces...

Atiz used his magical powers to bring it into the spirit beast space.

After everything is settled, the next step is the mythical white tiger.

The two divine beasts, the Kun and the White Tiger, are indispensable. This time, the White Tiger must be caught!

Inspired by the capture of the divine beast Kun, Atiz will no longer be soft-hearted and have illusions. This time, he will not hesitate to blow up half of the white tiger's body.

Lost contact with the wizard...

In fact, the fleet didn't expect much from him, it was just a method and an attempt.

Without him, the fleet can catch the white tiger.

Atiz decided to rest for a month, and then set off to capture the mythical white tiger!

Space and time are the two foundations of the universe.

The four-star civilization and the five-star civilization have already had a very complete set of space technology, and even mastered the method of cultivating space.

But obviously, there are very few people who are qualified to practice.

There are even fewer cultivation techniques and secret techniques that have been handed down, and most of them are legacy techniques of the original ancient civilization.

The wizard's teleportation magic circle is the inheritance of his original planet.

Since his planet was occupied, there were very few Guta Stars who still mastered the teleportation circle.

Today he took the initiative to send it to Jin Biao.

Not only the teleportation magic circle, in fact, Jin Biao also found two types of space magic in his space ring - the dimension blade and the dimension gate.

Practicing space magic requires talent, and obviously wizards do not have this talent.

Jin Biao tried it, and he seemed to have it.

(* ^ ▽ ^ *)
Jin Biao was very happy and started to practice immediately.

The Dimensional Blade communicates the laws of space with secret methods, and condenses the blade of space, which is extremely sharp, unparalleled in speed and cutting.

You can practice in the extraordinary realm.

The door of dimension is to open a door of space, you can travel through space, but it is not sure where you come from.

It may be a space node, or it may be the space opened by another life, it cannot be determined.

This method requires a demigod to practice, and only a demigod can use the physical body to travel through space.


Jin Biao condensed a space energy blade about two feet long, which disappeared in a flash.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"

The big trees in front of them were chopped off in the middle, until they were cut to a small mountain a thousand meters away.


The rocks exploded, and the chaotic rocks collapsed, and it took a long time to calm down.

"The attack power of the blade of space is really extraordinary, it is..."

Jin Biao's eyes flickered, he took out some alloys smelted from the spaceship, smelted them into a pillar with a diameter of one meter and a length of seven or eight meters, and then tried the power of space magic.


The spaceship alloy can't stop it at all, one knife at a time, one knife at a time, just like cutting a cake,
Then Jin Biao tried the material of the flying sword again.


The Dimensional Blade encountered an obstacle, and it could not move after cutting halfway.

The blade of the dimension is really sharp, and the demigod may not be able to stop it.

He couldn't stop such an attack.

Jin Biao was delighted, he had another attacking supernatural power!
For Jin Biao, the addition of a supernatural power is actually secondary, and more importantly, it leads him into the door of the way of space, which can help him comprehend the laws of space in the future.

After trying and mastering the Dimensional Blade, Jin Biao returned to the Reiki Cave to continue refining and nourishing his body, which is the most important thing for him.

The wizard is dead, and the fleet may arrive at any time. This time, he doesn't want to run away anymore. He must subdue, fear, and even wipe out the fleet...

Two months passed in a blink of an eye, and Jin Biao walked out of the cave with a thought.

After a while, spaceships appeared one after another, stopping at an altitude of several thousand meters, densely packed.

Jin Biao took a rough look and found that there were more than 200 ships...

All the remaining ships of the fleet came.

Originally, there were more than 400 spaceships in the fleet, but now there are only more than 200 ships left, and nearly half of them are lost, most of which are the credit of Jin Biao.

Atiz flew out of the spaceship and looked at Jin Biao:

"Submit, or die!"

"You are going to die!"

Jin Biao appeared in front of Attiz in a flash, and slapped...

Attiz's body swelled to 150 meters in an instant, and he also punched out, the air twisted, and an explosion of unparalleled strength.

His strength was limited in the mothership last time, and now he can do it with all his strength!
When he was captured for the first time, it has been proved that his strength is far greater than that of the mythical white tiger!


However, at the moment when the fists and palms came into contact, Attiz's expression changed wildly.

'how can that be? '

Attiz flew upside down in an instant, one arm was twisted, and his muscles and bones were broken.

Why is it like this?

The white tiger's power suddenly soared...

Jin Biao was about to give chase as soon as he moved, and at this moment,


More than 200 spaceships launched energy attacks at the same time, they intersected with each other, but avoided each other, and none of the more than 200 energy attacks made a mistake or accidentally injured.

Jin Biao's figure was submerged and torn apart by the energy beam, but it was just an afterimage.

Jin Biao sensed the danger in advance and avoided it.


The spaceship continued to attack, chasing and locking onto Jin Biao, sending energy beams one after another.

They all targeted Jin Biao's spread wings, which were huge and had big targets.


Jin Biao's body shrunk rapidly, only about four meters tall at the shoulders, with a wingspan of 40 meters.

Although the strength is suppressed in this way, the speed of teleportation and lightning escape will not be slowed down, so it will not affect much at this time.


Jin Biao kept dodging in the air and counterattacking at the same time.

He rushed into the spaceship group...

In this way, the attacks of the spaceships are still stable, and they pass by their own spaceships, but they will not hurt their own side.

It's a pity, but Jin Biao didn't expect to attack the fleet like this. His purpose was to get close to the spaceship.

Jin Biao's body appeared above a spaceship, and he slapped it out.


A spaceship was directly shot by him and was scrapped.

Then rush to another...

The speed of Thunder Dungeon is not much slower than teleportation, and there is no limit to the distance, you can do whatever you want, it is really the best way to capture spaceships.


"bang bang bang"

Jin Biao's body turned into a flash of lightning in the air, and every time there was a pause, a spaceship would be scrapped.

Dozens of spaceships were destroyed in a short period of time.


The spaceship quickly spread out, opening a greater distance.

In fact, the distance between them was already big enough, beyond the distance of teleportation, but it was unexpected that Jin Biao had mastered Thunder Dun.

"Boom bang bang-"

Suddenly the spaceship stopped its energy attack, but fired round bullets one after another, quickly approaching Jin Biao from all directions.


Although Jin Biao didn't know what it was, it was definitely used to deal with him, so it was best to avoid Wei Wei and stay away from it.

Jin Biao quickly dodges...

"Boom bang bang-"

The spheres exploded, revealing gossip spider webs woven by filaments, fully unfolded enough to cover a radius of a kilometer.

Two hundred sheets stacked on top of each other, there is no room for escape...


(End of this chapter)

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