Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 264 Counterattack

Chapter 264 Counterattack
Jin Biao originally thought it was a live ammunition attack similar to a bomb, and with his defensive power, passing between the two bombs should not cause too much injury, but unexpectedly it was a net.

Jin Biao went straight into the net and covered his head and body with several layers.


Jin Biao was startled, and quickly released lightning, his whole body was wrapped in lightning.

However, the wire mesh is insulated and heat-resistant, and the high temperature of thousands of degrees cannot even ignite it.



Jin Biao quickly released his sword energy, and streaks of unparalleled sword light shot out from his body.


This finally worked, the silk screen was instantly shattered, and Jin Biao broke free from it...


Artiz flew up from the ground.

The strength of the white tiger was beyond his expectations. He thought that the silk screen project could be successful, but now...

"It seems impossible to catch it intact, then..."

Atitz's eyes flashed coldly.

The fleet has lost too much in the battle so far, and after capturing Kun, he doesn't want to play the game of sparrow and eagle with the white tiger anymore.

A quick fight, and a heavy bomb!

"Execute Plan No. [-]!"

Attic ordered.


The fleet received the order, quickly adjusted and changed formation, and then launched another attack on Jin Biao.


As soon as the formation of the fleet changed, Jin Biao couldn't help becoming nervous. He never dared to underestimate the alien fleet.

The best way is to not follow their tactics.

Jin Biao flapped his wings and galloped towards the sky, straight up.


The spaceships immediately launched a pursuit.

They thought that Jin Biao would turn at high altitude, but Jin Biao didn't, he went straight up and up, passing through the troposphere, stratosphere...

The spaceships followed closely behind.

What is Baihu doing?
Into space?

The atmosphere is divided into layers, troposphere, stratosphere, ozone layer, mesosphere, and above that is the ionosphere and magnetosphere.

The ionosphere (over 1000 km) is the partially ionized layer of the atmosphere in which there are a considerable number of free electrons and ions.

The magnetosphere is fully ionized.

After congealing the golden core, Jin Biao learned about it from human beings, and then he continued to fly upwards until he rushed into the magnetosphere.

In the ionosphere and magnetosphere, the power of the thunder attribute will increase greatly, even skyrocketing by more than ten times. In addition, the distance that can be teleported will also be greatly increased, which can exceed [-] meters.

Jin Biao mostly used electromagnetic attacks in the battles with alien spaceships, so the high altitude was very beneficial to his battles.

The full speed of Jin Biao and the spacecraft exceeded ten times the speed of sound, so they reached the ionosphere very quickly.

Jin Biao's body was shrouded in lightning, and he continued to move upwards.

The alien spacecraft began to open the shield.

Two hundred spaceships followed closely behind, but it was a pity that they could not catch up with the white tiger.

Finally Jin Biao stopped.


There are dozens of lightning spears condensed out, and the lightning flashes and connects with each other.


The aliens in the spaceship were all startled, they turned around quickly, and distanced themselves from Jin Biao.

"go with!"

Dozens of lightning spears shot at dozens of spaceships, with an automatic locking function.

The speed of the Thunder Spear is too fast, it will arrive in a flash.


Nearly twenty ships were shot.

"bang bang bang"

The cockpit exploded directly.


Jin Biao used Thunder Swing to catch up to one of the fleets, and dozens of lightning spears condensed again.


"bang bang bang"

Coming here seemed to be Jin Biao's home field. Jin Biao's figure kept flickering in the air, taking away at least a few spaceships every time, and soon lost nearly a hundred spaceships in his hands.

The aliens quickly analyzed the unfavorable situation here, and the spacecraft scattered away from Jin Biao.

Atiz drove the spaceship up, and looked at the data displayed by the brain, and there were only more than 100 intact spaceships left.


The corners of Attiz's mouth couldn't help twitching.

God, what a loss.

I think they had more than 400 spaceships when they first arrived on Earth, and the mothership was intact, but now...

More than half of the spaceships were destroyed by this white tiger in front of him!

Can't think about it, just thinking about it makes him want to fight the white tiger in front of him!

The tactics used to deal with Kun will not work either, Baihu's speed is too fast, especially teleportation and Thunder Dungeon, no matter which one is much faster than Kun, he is already [-] meters away as soon as the destructive bullet is fired.

The attack and defense are not comparable, the speed is not comparable, strength, poison, net, bullets, they have tried it all, and the facts have proved that they can't do anything to the white tiger...

Do you just give up?

He is not willing!

In addition, even if he gave up and flinched, Bai Hu would probably not let them go. They had long been unable to coexist peacefully.

However, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood!

In the end Attiz still decided—withdraw!

tell you later!


Attiz gritted his teeth and ordered, and the fleet quickly dispersed.

Jin Biao pursued.

His primary target is Atize!

He is the only one who can fight with him in terms of combat power in the entire fleet. Besides, he is the captain of the fleet. As long as he is killed, the fleet will be leaderless and chaos will inevitably occur. In this way, there will be no threat to him.


Jin Biao quickly pursued Artiz's spaceship.

Finally changed positions, I chase you to escape!

Artiz drove the spaceship to the maximum speed, turning left and right to get rid of Jin Biao's pursuit.

But obviously these are in vain, the distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing.

"Switch the armed form, attack and intercept!"

Atiz hurriedly gave orders to Zhinao.

In space, the satellite located within this 120-degree angle changes shape rapidly, the attacking main gun extends, stores energy, and locks on!

A huge energy beam with a diameter of more than three meters is directly shot down from space, and the speed is the speed of light!

Jin Biao instantly felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, his tail hairs exploded, and his spiritual sense alerted him.

Immediately teleport laterally.


A huge beam of energy passed by Jin Biao's side, just a little bit, just a little bit!
Armed satellites!

Jin Biao immediately realized where the blow came from, and the aliens left behind in space.

But this can't stop Jin Biao from chasing and killing Artiz.

The speed of light attack is not invincible and must be hit. First of all, various preparations before the attack, energy storage, aiming and locking, etc., may be noticed by high-level life forms, and the heavens will warn.

Even if an attack is made, as long as the distance is far enough and the reaction is fast enough, it can be avoided.

For example, the speed of light is 3.0x10^8m/s. If the distance is 0.033 meters, the time from attack to hit is [-] milliseconds. It is difficult for demigods to react and dodge, but some races with extraordinary talents can still dodge.

If the distance is [-] meters, the time will be more generous, and many extraordinary eighth and ninth rank powerhouses can do it.

Of course, the premise is to be able to detect it at the first time.

Jin Biao just now was a warning from the heavens, he got a sense somewhere, and then...

Jin Biao believed in his spiritual perception and continued to chase Artiz.

Of course, just in case, he put on the sword armor, and put all the flying swords on his back, head, and wings.

He vowed not to give up until Attic was beheaded today!


 Thanks for the rewards of book friends in the past, thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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