Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 224 You Are Not Qualified

Chapter 224 You Are Not Qualified
The koi walked towards him slowly and drew out the epee.

There was a piercing sound of metal rubbing, crackling with lightning, his mech had already started to leak electricity, and he knelt down.

The koi did not rush to kill him, and took off his arm.

He was so painful that he almost screamed, but when he thought that the current scene was a live broadcast, he forcibly held back and shouted: "You are too much!"

"If you have the ability, hang me on the wall." Koi said.

"You... ah!"

The koi broke his dog leg.
He couldn't get up at all, and wanted to get off the assembly line. He could think of himself as the captain of the Sword Blade team, and it would be too embarrassing to admit defeat like this!
He held on stiffly, and said with difficulty: "Leave a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future... You'd better think carefully! If you obediently let me go, this account will be settled, otherwise... you are a small team, I can't bear the anger of our Sword Blade team!"

"What you said makes sense."

He was overjoyed, sure enough, threats are still useful!
For those who care about team honor, threatening the team is more useful than threatening itself...

While he was still thinking about it, the koi squatted down again and looked at him at the same level.

She smiled and said, "But unfortunately, I have no plan to see you again in the future."

"What do you mean..." he said subconsciously.

Soon, she knew what koi meant.

Her hand slowly reached the position of the cockpit, which was his dog's head.

If this place is destroyed, it will be fed back to the driver, which means that the spiritual power will be doubled.

In general, the game is all about the end, and it will not be too extreme.

He didn't expect that this woman would be so ruthless!
"Let me go, are you really going to be an enemy of our Sword Blade team?!"

"Of course I don't have this plan, are not qualified enough."

After the koi's voice fell, his cockpit was severely destroyed.

He let out a scream.

After the koi dodged immediately, his mecha exploded completely.

All players died in the map, the game is over!

The koi wins and exits the game.

As soon as she left the game room, the Sword Blade team rushed towards her not far away.

"What do you mean, click to stop, but you actually attacked our captain like that..."

"I'm sorry, it's just that he speaks too harshly, and he couldn't control his emotions for a while." Koi smiled and said, "I think the captain is so generous, so he shouldn't care about it, right?"

"You... You bastard, don't think it's okay to pretend to be innocent. If you don't give an explanation today, don't even think about leaving!"

"Explain? What explanation?"

"Of course it's the gene enhancement fluid, you made our captain like this, shouldn't you keep the gene enhancement fluid?!"

The koi let out an oh, understood.

Although during the competition, it was said that this was a prize provided by the biological garden, but after thinking about it carefully, the biological garden was not so full and had nothing to do.

This one-star gene enhancement liquid was said to be made by the Blade team.

They were sure that they would be able to deal with the extreme night, and they never thought that they would not be able to get back the genetic enhancement fluid.

But didn't expect...

A koi was killed halfway, and now their genetic enhancement fluid could not be kept.

No matter whether the koi took action against their captain or not, they would definitely find trouble for nothing, just to get back the gene enhancement fluid.

After all, the gene enhancement liquid is a sky-high price.

Taking it out as bait has been carefully planned. If it is won away like this, it will be more than just a pain in the flesh.

It's like a kidney has been emptied!

(End of this chapter)

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