Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 225 It's very expensive for me to help people fight

Chapter 225 It's very expensive for me to help people fight
Koi's smile grew wider.

She likes to act bravely, and now confiscating other people's ill-gotten gains - genetic enhancement fluid, is even easier.

"You are talking, keep the gene enhancement fluid."

Koi said: "There are many factors involved in the competition. This is doesn't matter whether it is life or death, isn't it?"

"You..." They widened their eyes.

This kind of rhetoric should have been said by them after the polar night accident!

But now, it came out of Koi's mouth.

"But you are doing too much! If you are still like this, we don't mind letting everyone in Skynet know you!" they said.

There are quite a few fans of the Sword Blade team. If it is exposed like this, she will definitely be affected.

No one would be happy to be hacked by a group of people for no reason.

"Oh, whatever you want." Koi said.

Koi was moved by the fact that he could easily attract hatred.

She's finally on fire!

To be the hottest female star, this is what she once thought about, and now she can achieve her goal by mistake, which is really gratifying!

Koi's attitude made them angry.

"You have the ability, fight again! Let's see who can get the gene enhancement fluid!"

"I just obtained the gene enhancement liquid by my ability. Why do I have to fight you again? The game is over."

Jinli said: "Your captain can't beat me, and you still want to fight again. Team Blade can't afford to lose this man, right?"

She alone, whether it is the fighting power on the battlefield or the fighting power of the mouth, can instantly kill all members of the Blade Squad.

half an hour.

Everyone in the Sword Blade team was half dead, and dragged their heavy bodies back to the lounge.

In the lounge, their captain immediately looked over and said, "Did you get the genetic enhancement fluid back?!"

"...No, no."

The teammate began to cry, "Captain, we really can't get enough of that woman!"

They were almost doubting their lives, they couldn't beat them again and again, they couldn't scold them, that woman was simply invincible!
"Oh shit."

The captain of the Sword Blade team covered his chest.

Being tortured and killed by the koi in front of everyone, and now the gene enhancement fluid was snatched away, a mouthful of blood finally couldn't be held back anymore, and it sprayed out directly.

"Captain, captain! Why are you vomiting blood!"

"Hurry up, I can still save you, send me to check." He gritted his teeth and said, "Go and find out where that woman came from, Team Glory, I've never heard of it before..."

"That team must not be kept! It must be eliminated, otherwise it will really grow..."

He thought of the selection of the imperial team's reserve team in the near future, and his heart ached to death.

"If she grows up, she will definitely be a bigger disaster than Ji Ye!"

"It's the captain..."

"Quickly, take the captain to the hospital."

The members of the Sword Blade team were in a hurry.


Look at the other side.

The koi got the gene enhancement liquid and handed it to Ji Ye, "No, it's for you."

"For me?" Ji Ye was flattered and quickly took it.

Koi glanced at him, "Well, of course..."

She was just about to say generously that she would give it to him, but in the blink of an eye, she caught a glimpse of a figure squatting in a corner not far away, and her eyes swept towards her, extremely resentful.

Koi abruptly swallowed what he was going to say next, and changed his words.

"Of course not, this requires money!"

"Oh... alright." Ji Ye was not surprised, and said, "Thank you for your help today."

"I didn't help for nothing. Remember the three thousand points I owe you? It's very expensive for me to help you fight."

Her words and expressions were already obvious.

You know what I mean? !
Extreme Night: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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