Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 241 She Has Never Lost When Talking About Talking!

Chapter 241 She Has Never Lost When Talking About Talking!
Koi is still struggling.

The base group had changed their minds.

They originally wanted to arrest that code-named Contra and force him to hand over his mecha.

But I didn't expect that his murderous aura...

It seems very difficult to mess with!

They changed their hands-on tactics to mouth-to-mouth tactics.

Said: "If you hand over the mecha now, you can leave."

"Why should I call mechas for you?" Koi raised an eyebrow.

"You... your mecha was snatched, of course it has to be returned to our base!"

"I spent points and meritorious service, how could I become your base." Koi sneered.

What a gangster logic.

Since she didn't plan to do anything about it, but planned to talk about it, she will accompany her to the end.

She's never lost!

The two sides launched a war that saw no smoke.

The attack started with the base as the lead.

"Your behavior is against the people of all bases!"

Koi smiled slightly.

As a top student, she has never lost a debate!
This is the most common red herring fallacy in logic, which confuses and involves people from other bases.

She hit back at their arguments.

"According to what you say, the mechas in the mecha hall are all yours, so amazing, the SSR-level mechas are all yours?!"

"The ancient god bought mechas before me, why don't you go to him."

Skill: [Wagon and Gold Coin Fallacy]
Function: The koi continues from itself to the ancient god, making the topic more beneficial to itself and changing the concept secretly.

The other party immediately talked about him from left to right.

"Do you have to make trouble with all the bases? That's the mecha we've been looking at for a long time. Everyone knows that if it weren't for you, we wouldn't suffer heavy losses on the battlefield because of one less mecha!"

Skill: [Demon Possession Fallacy]
Effect: Pulling two irrelevant things together, forcing a causal relationship, as if everything is the fault of the koi.

"It can only be your fault that you don't have the money to buy it."

Koi's tone was light, and he looked at the people around him.

"Do you think it is very unreasonable, is it wrong to have no mecha!?"

She continued: "Could it be because I didn't join the base and was just a player alone, am I going to be bullied like this?!"

What she said resonated with the people around her.

"That's right, isn't it wrong to buy mechas?!"

"Your base is really inexplicable..."

Koi smiled slightly.

Skill: [Appeal to Emotional Fallacy]
Function: Make the players around her empathize with her, and turn against her to support the fallacy of her claim.

You come and go, a heated debate.

In the end, the people at the base were defeated and retreated a dozen steps.

After a while, they finally roared, "Is it reasonable to hang the dog?!"

They couldn't argue, and launched a big move.

Skill: [Personal Attack]
Function: There is no way to speak logic, so I simply start cursing.

Koi's smile became brighter, and he immediately pulled up his lowered sleeves, "Come on, fight if you can!"

Skill: [Provocation]
Function: Fight and fight!
Rather than debating and refuting, Koi prefers to do it.

Let's see if she doesn't interrupt the dog legs of this group of people!
Those people at the base felt the terrible murderous lock, and their scalps were numb.

Nest grass.

No reason!

This murderous aura was so terrifying that he couldn't beat him, and he couldn't even scold him at all, and the other party even caused ridicule from the crowd.

This time...

They lost!
They gritted their teeth and shouted: "We will come back, just wait for me!"


Update fallacy: The fallacy of thinking that readers will not update after reading the update.

Search UP at Station B: What to look at blindly / You will be blind after reading it. After reading it, your soul will be sublimated and teach you various philosophies of life.

(End of this chapter)

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