Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 242 Public Enemy in All Servers, Acting in True Colors

Chapter 242 Public Enemy in All Servers, Acting in True Colors

They turned around in despair, unwilling to accept it, but had to leave.

Someone bbed up in a low voice.

"He died before he left the teacher, and it made the hero tears full of tears."

Someone immediately added a sentence.

"When he meets again by fate, he will definitely send this dog to heaven!"

Koi's eyes are blind, but its ears are not deaf.

She took out the gun from behind her and followed the formation.

"Today there is hatred and today there is reunion, the most indescribable fate is fate."

"Why should he meet again, a group of mad dogs will go to the sky!"

The surrounding players retreated in unison.


What a show today!
They are all cultural people, and the quality of actors is really high.

This line, pay attention!

They started to eat melons, and waited for the koi and the people in the base to develop from talkative to full martial arts.

After the koi finished speaking, he took the lead and shot immediately.

"Bang bang bang!"

The mad dogs in the front row couldn't wait to explode and were sent to the resurrection point.

They gasped, apparently they didn't expect that the person on the opposite side would actually dare to do something!
"You are declaring war on our base!"

"Misfire is inevitable." Koi's tone was extremely arrogant.

Now that she has become a public enemy of the whole server, she doesn't plan to clean up.

It takes a lot of effort to clean up the whitewashing, so it's better to go on with this setting, and you can also hone your acting skills.

Having been a top student for a long time, it is not impossible to play with a different character.

Full service Public Enemy, absolutely true to the role!
"Wo Cao... Give it to me, if you don't kill this person today, where will the face of our base be placed!"

"Do you still have face?! Let it go to the sky!"

"Don't shoot if you have the ability!" The people at the base yelled, "You think you're playing chicken!"

"If you don't eat chicken, you can beat a dog."

The koi had enough hatred and threw away the gun.

The popularity of the base was all over the place.

No more grabbing, let's see how this code-named Contra fights alone!
The players around ate melons.

"Wow, this melon is so sweet! The public enemy of the whole server is going to become the public enemy of the base!"

"Nice criticism, big boss demeanor!"

"Forget about changing the name, don't call it the code name Contra, call it a professional to spread hatred."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this operation is different from what I've heard, maybe it's not cheating, people rely on real skills?!"

When the koi fought with the group of people at the base, they didn't lose the slightest bit, and even broke several people's dog legs.

They knelt on the ground and said to the players next to them: "Come and help me! Why are you blind!"

Those players shook their heads in unison.

If they catch up, the code-named Contra will break their dog legs.

"Condolences!" A player yelled, gloating, "After all, it's not easy for outsiders like us to interfere with the affairs of the base, right?"

This is what they said, but they were sent back again.

The group of people at the base were hurt by the rebound, and they were so angry that they vomited three liters of blood.

At this moment, the koi pinched a person's neck and lifted him up like a little yellow duck.

The other party yelled, "Brother! A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. Calm down!"

"I just like to do it, thank you!" Koi said politely, and threw his head to the ground without any politeness at all.

He enjoyed the treatment of having his dog's head blown off, and went directly to the resurrection point.

The ruthless methods of the koi made those people shudder to see them.

"Wow, this method is very sophisticated, it looks like an expert at first glance."

"Fortunately, I didn't go up to help just now, just eat melons quietly."

While they were talking, Koi heard someone shouting behind him.

"You don't want to toast and don't eat fine wine. If you do it again, his life will be lost!"

When Koi turned around, she was so excited just now that she forgot that there was a nominal 'brother' behind her.

At this time, the boy was actually kidnapped!
(End of this chapter)

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