Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 243 Nobody Wants To Hurt A Hair Of You

Chapter 243 Nobody Wants To Hurt A Hair Of You

The boy looked towards the koi.

His tone was very calm, and he said, "Brother, you..."

"It's okay, I'm here." Koi's tone was deep, interrupting him, "I will protect you, and no one will want to hurt a single hair of yours."

"Stop talking nonsense, the two brothers are furious, handcuff them first!"

There were five people surrounding the boy.

One of them handcuffed the boy's wrist with his backhand.

Koi looked annoyed for a while.

She exuded a violent murderous look all over her body.

Anyone who dares to touch her!
Don't kill!

The group of people behind the koi originally wanted to take the opportunity to rush forward, but they hesitated when they felt the murderous aura released.

The koi stepped forward, stepped on the black military boots, and made a sound like a countdown to death, beating in the heart step by step, and kept getting closer.

"Don't come over, I'll shoot if you come over again..."

One of them picked up the koi's pistol in the chaos, stared at the koi, and pointed at the boy in front of him.

He looked at the koi, and when he got nervous, he pulled the trigger just like that.


The pupils of the koi shrank suddenly.


The bullet flew out, and everyone was shocked. They didn't expect this idiot to actually shoot.

Simply pig teammates!

If the hostages are gone, this group of people will wait for the resurrection point to love each other...

Everyone felt that the boy was dead.

His head was less than one meter away from the pistol.

next moment.

The classic movie clip from years ago shows him dodging the angled bullet by leaning back and bending at the waist.

The bullet hit a teammate behind him.

The teammates couldn't believe it, and stared at each other with wide eyes.

"I... my hand slipped!" The teammate who shot was also dumbfounded.

The teammate who was also shot while standing uttered the last sentence, "...I am Cao Nima!"

He fell to the ground, dying with resignation until he was sent to the resurrection point.

The boy bent down, didn't straighten up immediately, turned around and knocked the people around him to the ground.

His wrists were handcuffed, and his skills were terrifying. He kicked his head and crushed them all.

Seeing such a scene that was more brutal than the code-named Contra, the melon eaters were so frightened that all the melon skins fell to the ground.

Oh come on.

The same man, jealous of this waist...


They are all handcuffed, and they can trample people to death. This physical fitness is terrifying.

All of them felt that their heads were not safe, and their scalps were numb.

His speed was extremely fast, and the five people who dealt with him all went to the resurrection point, and he picked up the gun on the ground with one kick.

The pistol flipped and was thrown into the air by his toes, and landed in his hand with a graceful arc.

The palm was white and slender, with distinct joints.

His finger is on the trigger, pointing at the koi ahead.

"Bang bang bang!"

The koi remained motionless, and the bullet passed her by at a very subtle angle, heading in the direction behind her.

Behind the koi are the people from the base.

Two-thirds were beaten to death and maimed by koi, and the remaining ones that were able to move were targeted by teenagers.

There are 57 people dispatched from the base, which is not considered an elite, but the ability to enter the base is not bad.

just now……

completely annihilated.

The young man dealt with all the remaining people coldly, flipped his wrist, retracted the gun, and floated upwards with smoke.

He didn't need to pretend to blow his gun at all, and all the melon-eaters couldn't help swallowing.

next moment.

The boy looked at the koi again.

His face was aggrieved for a moment, and he threw himself into the arms of the koi, rubbing against it.

"Brother, you scared me to death! I'm so scared!"

The melon-eating crowd originally wanted to leave, but when they heard this, they almost stepped on the melon rind under their feet and fell to their deaths.

Just kidding!
He killed so many people without blinking his eyes. What he said, he had to be so blind that he didn't know he was faking it!

(End of this chapter)

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