Chapter 294
All of this is what they asked for, but they blame it on the koi.

Koi almost forgot about these things.

After he said this, he remembered a lot.

"It's not all thanks to Team Liu. If it wasn't for his provocative words, our Guangyao team wouldn't have had such an opportunity. Thank you very much."

She didn't bother to refute the mad dog's remarks.

The best way is to bounce back the damage with a smile, and make up for it again.

Sure enough, Liu Ziyuan's expression changed, and even Wang Tao looked at him, "What provocation!?"

It turned out that Wang Tao didn't know what happened.

It seemed that Liu Ziyuan was hiding a lot of things from him.

This is much easier.

Koi smiled slightly, "It seems that Dui Wang just got out of the hospital and doesn't know about it, why don't you go to the patrol team to get information and tell me these things, I'm busy."

As she spoke, she squeezed Feng Xianning's hand, signaling him to be calm and calm.

Feng Xianning remained silent all this time, restraining her breath.

When the mental power reaches a certain height, it can be released to cause harm to others, or it can be restrained so that others cannot pay attention.

Feng Xianning knew that Jinli didn't want to get entangled with these people, so she didn't expose herself.

So much so that these people didn't pay attention to the man beside her after talking so much with koi.

Wang Tao's eyes were gloomy, he knew he couldn't beat the koi, so he looked at Liu Ziyuan beside him.

"Liu Ziyuan, I let you be the deputy team, but I didn't raise you to be a white-eyed wolf!"

Wang Tao himself is a white-eyed wolf, who took away Lu Yunting's position and climbed to his current position.

Because of this, he was even more defensive and extremely suspicious. Knowing that Liu Ziyuan was like this, he couldn't help being suspicious.

Liu Ziyuan really wanted to kill the koi carp, but this woman would sow dissension despite her low mouth!

Drenched in cold sweat, he said, "Captain, you were still in the hospital at the time, so I can't say much about it. This matter..."

He immediately thought of something.

"This matter is all caused by her! In the entire e-sports building, it is impossible for everyone to have permission to videotape, but she has it! She must have done something!"

He transferred the hatred value to the koi again.

"Since we meet again this time, in order to prevent you from harming the interests of all teams, we ask to check your smart watch!"

After Liu Ziyuan said these words, his back straightened a lot.

Regardless of whether it was his problem or not, the fact that Koi could use the recording permission was enough to make all the teams wary of her.

She is not from the e-sports department. If she leaks the team's training situation with ill intentions, the consequences will be extremely dire.

So, blame her for exposing her authority problem!

Wang Tao also realized that the problem was serious, and looked at Jinli again, "What's the matter with your authority?!"

This kind of posture of provoking a teacher.

Koi didn't bother to pay attention, "I don't know, you can ask the patrol team yourself, I'm busy and I'm leaving first."

She turned around and pulled Feng Xianning into the elevator.

Finally, the members of Team Glory realized that there was another person behind Jin Yu, and it was still a man.

They subconsciously wanted to see that face clearly, but the other party's eyes swept over it lightly. If there was any substance, it hung like a sharp knife above their heads. It was creepy, like falling into an ice cave!
What's going on, who is this person? !
The elevator doors closed.

Everyone's faces were pale, not to mention that Wang Tao and Liu Ziyuan stood at the forefront of the team, and they were the first to bear the brunt of such injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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