Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 295 Said that you, little friend, will never go on the road!

Chapter 295 Said that you, little friend, will never go on the road!

Wang Tao's mental strength had just recovered, and this happened again, and he was almost sent to be rescued again.

Liu Ziyuan felt that he was being targeted, and felt the terrifying killing intent. If the elevator door hadn't been closed, he might be finished.

What grudge does he have against this man! ?
Feng Xianning has always held grudges, remembering things from so long ago.

Koi himself forgot, but he didn't.

At the beginning, the robot sent a copy of the video to Feng Xianning, in which the protagonist was Liu Ziyuan, who made all kinds of insults.

It is already very light to release the killing intent. If he is not in a hurry to leave, he is now a coach, so he doesn't mind having a good chat with this group of people and taking a lesson.


The elevator doors closed.

Feng Xianning immediately became like a large pendant, sticking to the koi's body, rubbing and rubbing, and didn't let go until the elevator door opened.

"Are you going?"

"Hold me," he said.

The koi don't know what to say, if you say you are fat, you are still out of breath, if you say you are a kid, you will never walk!

no way.

The koi carp didn't plan to get sick of the princess, and picked him up like a sack.

After the scanning machine at the door confirmed the authority, it slowly opened.

This is a private room, equipped with a game cabin and a bed for rest, and it is a place where only the imperial team reserves are eligible to stay.

However, as a coach, it is not too much for Feng Xianning to apply for such a place.

"Is this where you applied to live?" Koi said.

Feng Xianning lay lazily on her stomach, letting her carry herself around, and said, "Yeah."

"Isn't it a classroom?"

"I thought it was a one-on-one teaching. It's just right here, so I didn't apply much." His tone was light, but Jinyu felt the deep resentment emanating from himself.

The koi wanted to roll its eyes.

It's already very dangerous to have one-on-one tutoring with him in the classroom at night, but I didn't expect that he was going to let her into the room, with evil intentions!

The koi threw Feng Xianning on the bed.

He lay there obediently, blinked, looked at the koi, and smiled, "You can do whatever you want, and no one else can hear you if you break your throat."

The koi leaned over halfway, pressed his hands on his chest muscles, and said, "Then don't regret it, if you don't tell me to break your throat, I won't come next time."

When Koi faced Feng Xianning's parents, she was flustered and couldn't find anything to talk about, so she could only treat her in silence.

But if it was Feng Xianning who made trouble unreasonably, she could barely refute it.

Feng Xianning hummed, very seriously, "I will try my best, what do you want to do?"

"I'll give you extra lessons."

Koi said: "There is no way to teach in the classroom, the only time is ahead of time, and I will take you to meet people at night."

Feng Xianning couldn't stop rippling, looking at the koi with burning eyes, and smiled, "It's like a dream."

"Why?" Koi was taken aback.

"You took me to the game hall, and you are willing to take me out to meet people..." He straightened up, facing the koi, and whispered in her ear: "Can I think that you are so kind to me because you like it?"

He asked seemingly casually, but there was a little uncertainty in his eyes.

The last time I asked Koi if he loved him, but there was no response, he was a little scared, and his tone was more tactful and tentative.

Koi paused, thinking of what Feng Xianning asked last time, do you love me?
This kind of soul torture is more important than the game, so Koi doesn't know how to answer.

Last time, she chose to escape.

This time...

Koi glanced at Feng Xianning.

He moved his eyes away and changed the subject, "Where to eat tonight?"

He still chose to back down and avoid the problem.

But the koi said: "Yes. I like it."

Silent avoidance is never the solution.

She also wanted to have a face-to-face communication with Feng Xianning.

This time, she wanted him to know.

(End of this chapter)

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