Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 296 Safe Distance, Negative Distance

Chapter 296 Safe Distance, Negative Distance
Feng Xianning finally calmed down.

The koi dragged him and left the e-sports building at a fast speed, for fear of meeting Wang Tao and others again.

Their appearance, rather than mad dogs, is more appropriate, in fact, they are like flies.

Doesn't do any damage to koi, but is very annoying.

Out of sight is pure.

The meeting with Lu Yunting and Qin Yuyin went extremely smoothly.

It's just a meal time, Feng Xianning is very cooperative.

His demeanor, chatter and laughter, coupled with the halo of the coach, caused extremely great damage to the two game dogs, Lu Yunting and Qin Yuyin.

After a while, the two fell into the coach's fanatics.

The eyes they looked at the koi became deeper and deeper.

How on earth did you, a straight man, hook up with someone in the late stage!

The koi ate in silence, blind, ignoring their gazes.

She has been single for so many years because of her ability, and Xiao Tiantian has the ability to hook up.

Down with a meal.

Qin Yuyin understood the gentle and caring heart behind the coach's indifferent appearance.

Ah~~~ The contrast is the cutest!
Lu Yunting also looked relieved.

The koi couldn't bear to bear two such strange and eager gazes.

"I'm full." She said, "I remembered that I still have unwashed clothes, so I left first."

Qin Yuyin said immediately: "Do you have any clothes to wash?"

"..." Koi glanced at her peacefully.

You know what I mean?

Qin Yuyin and Lu Yunting: "..."


Patronizing and gratifying that Jinli has found a boyfriend, she almost forgot how gentle and ladylike her character is yet cruel.

The koi smoothly pulled Feng Xianning away.

Feng Xianning said, "Don't you plan to stay a little longer?"

Koi didn't answer him, but said, "Your acting skills are pretty good."

He smiled lightly, "The teacher taught well."

The koi snorted and ignored it.

Feng Xianning talked and laughed happily, and took the opportunity to dig a lot of holes for them.

Lu Yunting just barely found out the dark history of jin carp breaking his dog's legs when he was a child.

Qin Yuyin almost didn't tell him the color of her underwear.

The koi watched silently the whole time, looking at Feng Xianning who had dug countless holes for himself, dug holes for them, and got out all kinds of news.

As a result, Koi almost realized that he had wrongly blamed Lu Yunting.

She originally thought that Lu Yunting had deliberately told Feng Xianning how to act coquettishly by crying, making trouble, and hanging himself.

Now it seems……

They are all pits.

Koi took Feng Xianning, walked for a long time, and said, "What do you usually train?"

"Huh? Interested?"

"It's okay." Koi said.

She really has no interest in the team, she wants to know...

Actually it was him.

Koi didn't want Feng Xianning to notice, so he continued calmly: "How is the training of the Guangyao team?"

"If they are honestly training according to the plan I gave, there is no need to worry." Feng Xianning said in a calm tone.

"Haven't you seen it?"

"Small team, you don't need to watch it." He added in a calm tone, "The coach is not a babysitter, he only guides them, and the rest is up to them."

The master leads the door, and the practice is personal.

What the coach trains is their overall view and teamwork awareness.

But the team is also made up of individuals, and in the end we have to return to the individual and rely on ourselves.

"It's so easy, I thought the coach would have to practice with me."

"It's not that easy..."

He paused, narrowed his eyes and smiled next to her ear.

"Well, speaking of it, Xiaoguai's physical fitness needs to be strengthened. Do you want me to give you one-on-one guidance..."

Koi: "..."

With a blank expression on his face, the koi pushed Feng Xianning away, keeping a safe distance from him.

When you are alone with him, keep your distance at all times.

Otherwise, he will push forward and get closer and closer, and be careful that one day he will directly lose the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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