Chapter 405 Eighteen Levels of Hell

The imperial team was extremely disdainful.

They didn't want to fight. It would be fine if they were quite strong, but such a suspenseless match was meaningless.

On the contrary, it was very embarrassing.

Koi continued to say indifferently: "The Imperial team didn't even dare to accept the challenge from the school team. I've seen it."

I have to say that the aggressive method is really easy to use.

Whether it is the Chinese Empire in ancient times, or the current interstellar era.

36 meter is a very common method.

Although the members of the Imperial team knew it was a trick, they had no choice but to take the bait.

"Bi, Bi, I'll let you know what the gap is." The deputy team seemed to be giving alms, and looked at the koi with disdain.

"If you lose, you know what to do?" Koi said lightly.

The deputy team said disdainfully: "What can we do? Heh, of course it is your Guangyao team. The whole team kneels in a row outside our Imperial team's training ground."

"Oh, well, if you lose, it will be the opposite. You kneel in a row." Koi said with a smile.

"Cut, just talk in plain English, don't cry later, saying that we bullied a woman." The deputy team's tone was disdainful.

The aggressive method was used successfully.

The two sides began to prepare.

Originally, the Imperial team was going to have friendly exchanges and exchanges with the Guangyao team.

So the equipment is ready early.

They just need to adjust the mode, from normal to arena.

Even in the arena, they believed that the Guangyao team would die miserably.

After all, their tactics and strength are unmatched!


The two sides entered the arena arena.

Maps are freely selectable or random.

Koi said lightly: "Can we choose a map by ourselves?"

The members of the Imperial team were originally planning to be random, but upon hearing this, Dafang said with sarcasm.

"Hey, didn't you say it's a fair game? I know I'm afraid, so choose a map that suits your team?"

"Okay, let it be difficult for you to choose, choose slowly, we are not afraid of wasting time."

"In case you will still blame us for bullying the small!"

There is a strange atmosphere on the side of the imperial team.

Koi has nothing to say.

She really began to choose slowly with the members of the Guangyao team.

"I think it's better to choose a regular map, so that the training is very familiar..."

"But aren't you familiar with the Imperial team? It's best for our style of play!"

"I think the map from the last school competition was okay, and it's very suitable for the sub-team to play. I think it's ok for her to play in the jungle with rhythm."

"I think it's okay too... What do you think of the deputy team?"

They looked towards the koi.

Koi looked at those maps, skipped the one that suited him, and pointed to another map.


"What, eighteen layers of hell?"

The members of the Guangyao team were all stunned.

This map is purely a map tailor-made for the arena by the production team of "Dawn" in order to give back to the players.

Formerly known as Death Realm.

This map can be said to be made with conscience.

The above introduction about the map, how thrilling and exciting, you must play it once and want to play it a second time.

But every time a player has played, they are all criticized by their mothers in their hearts.

Thrilling and exciting, play it once and play it for the second time?

There are mountains of knives and flames here, even the SSR-level mechs can't resist the monsters and various natural disasters inside.

There are all kinds of ways to die, and even the six gods are inevitable, dying in it every minute.

Also known as the eighteen layers of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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