Chapter 406

This map is called Eighteen Hells.

This is not bragging, it is all summed up by the players through their own unbearable experiences of blood and tears.

It doesn't matter if you are the Six Gods, Feng Zhurong's Fire God, or the Bright Son of Day.

In this map, life is equal.

It can't last a few minutes, and I can't die anymore.

The members of the Guangyao team were a little apprehensive and said:
"Didn't it be said that the six gods were a big deal in this eighteen-story hell?"

"Yes, if you play this word, you will die too quickly..."

"This is not good for us, our tactics can't be used."

But the koi said lightly, without any doubt, "That's all."

The members of Team Glory shut up.

Well, the vice team said yes.

Everything follows the vice team. After all, the vice team is the vice team and the group's favorite koi, and everything is under her control.

Koi originally thought that someone would question him.

She was also ready to refute the explanation.

However, the reaction of the Guangyao team members made her slightly startled, and then smiled.

She herself began to explain:
"Didn't someone say just now that this person will die too quickly?"

"Yes, Captain, the highest record on this map is to last for 3 minutes."

"According to the strength of our team, it probably won't last for three seconds, so we'll just GG."

Koi nodded, "You are right, just want to die quickly."


Koi continued: "We die quickly, and so does the Imperial team."

"You don't really think that I want to fight for strength?"

"Sometimes luck is also a part of strength. It's too embarrassing for us to have to be positive, isn't it?"

The koi's tone was very relaxed, as if they were only discussing what to eat today.

The members of Team Glory were all taken aback.

They looked at the koi dumbfounded, and said, "Deputy team, so you think so, I thought..."

"Do you think I'll fight it openly?" Koi said, "I don't want all of us to kneel down."

"Wow, deputy team, you really are..."

"What's wrong with me?"

The members of the Guangyao team rubbed their little hands excitedly, and said, "The deputy team is really wise and powerful! Hehehe!"

They thought that the deputy team looked like the kind of person who liked to be positive.

After all, in the second stage of the competition, she not only lobbed the liver head-on, but also lobbed Wang Tao and others head-on.

So much so that they all thought that the koi was a person who strived for strength.

But now it seems that the captain is not so upright. The map he chose this time is really insidious and cunning!

Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of the deputy team!
Koi smiled slightly and accepted the compliment, "Thank you."

She wasn't a good person in the first place.

Although she has joined the team now, in the final analysis, she is still Voldemort.

Koi knows the strength of the Imperial team, they can't win.

So the Imperial team agreed very quickly.


If the active choice is in the hands of the koi, it will be different.

She will try her best to kill the imperial team outside.

She is not aboveboard at all, there is no such thing as slapping the other party to convince her heart.

As Voldemort, she would disgust this group of people to death.


Koi selected the map.

The battle will begin soon, and the surrounding environment is being generated...

The teams on both sides stepped onto the mechs.

(End of this chapter)

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