Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 415 Don't Go Too Much

Chapter 415 Don't Go Too Much
Just when the deputy team of the imperial team was about to leave.

The koi stretched out its arm, and lightly pressed the door.

Those who wanted to leave were blocked.

"What are you doing?!" The deputy team was very annoyed, looking at the koi extremely unpleasant.

The koi do not intend to continue to brag about each other commercially, so be polite.

She sneered and said, "The deputy team probably forgot something?"

"Before the competition, it's not that simple. Our bet is... whoever loses will kneel down!"

The deputy team shouted: "Don't go too far!"

Koi said:

"Am I going too far? If it was the Guangyao team that lost, I don't think the Imperial team would let it go like this."

"Besides, I didn't expect the Imperial team to go back on their word? Huh?"

The corners of the koi's lips curled up slightly, and the smile was no longer as kind as it used to be.

Her smile was a little cold, which inexplicably made the deputy team feel murderous.

Such a majestic murderous aura is somewhat familiar...

The deputy team didn't have time to think about it, and couldn't help but said: "You...that was just a casual statement..."

"Oh, just say it casually."

The koi let go of its hand, and its posture returned to a lazy posture.

She has been with Feng Xianning for a long time, and has acquired a lot of his habits.

She leaned against the wall, rubbing her chin and chuckling.

"You don't need to take it seriously if you say it casually. This means that your deputy team has no right to speak?"

"Since that's the case, why do you still serve as the deputy team?"

"I can't bear any responsibility, I don't deserve to come to the Imperial team at all..."

The deputy team was furious and wanted to do something.


Just at this time.

The door to the training room was finally opened.

Feng Zhurong and Lu Yunting finally appeared.

Feng Zhurong's complexion was very bad, and she glanced at Team Guangyao and Team Empire.

At this time, there is a state of confrontation.

It seems that if there is a disagreement, there will be a fight.

Feng Zhurong's expression turned even worse.

He had learned about the match between the Imperial team and the Guangyao team outside.

Looking at this now, the deputy team still wants to do something?

Tai Sui is also going to break ground, right? His sister-in-law dares to do it too.

If his brother is dead, if he is not careful, the entire imperial team will die!
"I already know." Feng Zhurong said coldly.

Feng Zhurong's strength in the Imperial team has been recognized, and her position is unshakable.

He usually has a hippie smile and rarely gets angry, but now he looks like this...

I'm afraid I'm really angry!
The deputy team immediately became proud and said, "Oh, our captain is here."

"You said I'm not worthy of being the deputy team, right? You let the captain judge it. Whose fault is it?"

The deputy team's tail was about to go up to the sky.

After all, in his opinion, Feng Zhurong's arrival is equivalent to the backer's arrival.

No matter who provoked this matter, then Feng Zhurong must have helped him.

The Imperial team is what matters.

As for Team Glory, it doesn't matter at all!

Koi also smiled, mockingly, and looked at Feng Zhurong, "What do you think?"

Feng Zhurong trembled in fright.

Ouch my god.

This smile is exactly like my brother.

Sure enough, people who stay together for a long time will unconsciously acquire each other's habits.

He now felt that the person standing in front of him was his brother No. [-]!

The deputy team immediately said: "What is your attitude, this is our captain, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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