Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 416 Imperial Team, Kneel Down

Chapter 416 Imperial Team, Kneel Down

"Shut up!" Feng Zhurong immediately scolded.

The deputy team didn't know it, and continued: "Look, I told you to shut up!"

"I'm telling you to shut up." Feng Zhurong glanced at him coldly.

Feng Zhurong's mental strength has reached the S-level level.

Although, like Feng Xianning, he can't reach the state of retraction and release freely.

But it can also cause extremely strong mental pressure on the other party.

What's more, he uses the extremely aggressive Vulcan.

The pressure caused by mental strength made the deputy team who had suffered heavy losses in the game...

In an instant, his face turned pale!
The deputy team couldn't believe it.

Still wanting to say something, Feng Zhurong looked directly at the koi and continued:
"I apologize to you on behalf of the deputy team."

Why did the captain apologize to the deputy team of a mere school team?

Feng Zhurong sneered, and said, "Haven't you guys forgotten that the matches of the Imperial team are broadcast live across the entire empire?!"

The faces of the imperial team all changed.


Indeed it is!
Team Empire is now a profitable team.

Although it is said that no video recording and so on are allowed in the training base.

But the higher-ups have turned on the authority, every time the Imperial team is training and playing.

There will be a live broadcast fee for the whole empire...

They are used to it, and sometimes they forget it subconsciously.

But didn't expect...

He even lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot like this.

Although it was just a match in the arena, they lost in front of the whole empire!
Feng Zhurong sneered.

"What a disgraceful bunch."

"Our imperial team can't have anyone who can't afford to lose."

"We've already lost in front of the entire empire, what big news do you guys want to make?"

"The imperial team can't afford to lose. They lost miserably in front of the citizens of the entire empire, but they refuse to admit it?!"

He didn't say a word, and the faces of those in the Imperial team were ugly.

"Why don't you talk anymore?!" Feng Zhurong asked again.

This time, everyone's eyes were on the deputy team.

The deputy team was covered in cold sweat, and the whole person was a little dazed.

"Then... what should we do now?" the deputy team said.

Feng Zhurong sneered.

"What else do you want to do? What was promised before, now that you have said it, let's do it."

"What's your bet?"

"This..." The deputy team began to hesitate.

Koi said slowly, "Whoever loses will line up outside the training ground."

The vice-team's expression became even uglier, and he looked towards Feng Zhurong.

"Is it true that everyone must kneel down?"

"Captain, do you want to change it..." the deputy team asked cautiously.

Feng Zhurong clicked his tongue and said with a wave of his hand: "What the hell, do you still want to go back on what the Imperial team said? Since you said you want to kneel, then go kneel!"

"But this..." The deputy team still wanted to struggle, "We can't let the other team members also..."

The koi said slowly with the last knife:

"It's okay if you don't want to be together."

"We don't necessarily need all of your imperial team to kneel, we just need..."

Koi changed the subject, smiled slightly and said, "It's fine if you kneel alone."

Deputy: "..."

"Do you have any objections?" Koi looked at the players behind him.

The members of Team Glory raised their hands and feet in agreement.

Passed unanimously.

Feng Zhurong immediately said: "Aren't you going to kneel?"

(End of this chapter)

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