Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 417 Brilliant team, fire all over the empire!

Chapter 417 Brilliant team, fire all over the empire!

The deputy team was reluctant, and finally knelt down on the training ground.

He was just about to stand up.

Koi said again: "It's not enough for us to watch, we need to let people in the whole empire see it."

"Don't go too far!" the deputy team roared.

There is a kind smile on the face of the koi, and the eyes are so gentle and kind.

She said: "How can I go too far, I just want to let the citizens of the empire know that the imperial team keeps its word."

"Otherwise, what do you think the higher-ups will think if the scandal about the Imperial team is spread?"

"Sacrificing one of you will benefit thousands of families, isn't it?"

Except for Feng Xianning, no one else can defeat Koi's brainwashing skills.

Feng Zhurong was brainwashed, and began to say: "I think it makes sense, why not start a live broadcast."

"I can also think of a special title for you, the Imperial team is with you! How about it?"

The deputy team also wanted to refuse.

But Feng Zhurong quickly made his own decision, and named him by name, causing many members of the Imperial team to follow.

These members, no surprise, are those who have never messed with koi.

They are no better than koi.

I wanted to find a sense of existence in the game, but I didn't expect to be hanged and beaten, which hurt my young heart.


To be pushed out again to be sacrificed.

It is really amazing.

It really is fate.

Feng Shui takes turns, and whoever messes with the koi will have no good end.


The matter of the live broadcast will be settled soon.

As a result, those citizens and other teams who paid attention to the Imperial team soon got an explosive news.

The Empire team communicated with the Imperial University school team, the Guangyao team today.

But because of some conflicts, the two sides started a challenge, and also bet on the dignity of the entire team.


The winning side turned out not to be the Imperial team.

It was Team Glory, they actually counterattacked Team Empire!
As soon as such news came out, it attracted the attention of many people.

They subconsciously felt that this was the hype of Team Guangyao.

Deliberately wanting to borrow the name of the Imperial team, so as to make himself popular.

But when they hit Skynet...

The Imperial team has already admitted this matter, and also kneeled live, completing the content of the bet.

The onlookers eating melons didn't just drop the melons in their hands.

Their jaws seemed to be dislocated one by one, and they were about to fall to the ground.

How can it be!

The Imperial team actually lost to a school team!
Even if it's just a match in the arena, it's absolutely impossible for this to happen...

No matter what kind of doubts these people have.

But the battle video and data that were broadcast live at the beginning cannot be faked at all.

There is no falsified data, everything really shows one thing.

Team Glory is on fire...

After this in-depth exchange game.

The members of the Guangyao team, the team spirit of the entire team became more and more solid, and they began to work hard.

In addition, various competition invitations were softened.

Koi training has also become more busy.

Feng Xianning resented this extremely, but there was nothing she could do.

In such a high-intensity continuous rotation, Koi finally drew up various data of the personal team studio.

Just waiting to find a suitable opportunity to start this project.

at the same time.

The coaching recruitment she posted on the Internet also received a response.

The previous pitfalls of life experience and parents should all be filled in.

Next comes the finishing phase.

The misunderstanding between the parents was resolved, and Koi and Xiao Tiantian were together.

After finishing this line of the game, the flowering will almost be finished.

By the way, you can also write some extra stories about Koi and Xiao Tiantian when they were young, happy.

(End of this chapter)

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