Chapter 418

Koi received the coach's application news.

She talked to the other party for a few words and set a time and place.

That place turned out to be in a tavern.

That was the theme restaurant that Feng Xianning went to with Koi back then, in order to get the game CD back...

Koi said: "There needs to be an appointment."

"I am the boss." The other party replied.

"..." Koi was slightly silent.

Oh yo, boss.

At the beginning, she and Feng Xianning were looking for this boss to get the game CD back.

It didn't work out, and we didn't see each other.

Now, though, said game discs are back.

But I didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity to go to the themed restaurant again and meet the boss.

Knew it.

Fate is incredible.

Koi quickly agreed, and asked by the way, "Would you mind bringing one more person with you? Family members."

"I don't mind." The other party asked back: "I will also have a family member here, don't you mind?"

"Good talk, good talk."

Koi reached a certain consensus with the other party.

Koi was a little relieved, and sent a text message to Feng Xianning, asking him to meet up later.

Feng Xianning quickly replied, "Okay, I'll come right over."

His reply was very concise.

It seems very reserved, but in fact...

Koi thought about the scene when we meet later, propped his chin, and couldn't help but smile on the corner of his lips.

She waited for Feng Xianning's arrival.

Koi had nothing to do, and continued: "I feel that the other party should be a very responsible person."


"Because he has a family like me!" Koi's tone was righteous.

She said it was a compliment to the other party.

In fact, by the way, I emphasized a wave, and the main praise is still myself.

On the other end, Feng Xianning was silent for a while.

He repeatedly looked at the line written by Koi, and the final exclamation mark.

Extraordinarily righteous.

His thin lips pursed slightly, but in the end he couldn't control it, and the corners of his mouth kept rising.

There is a smile in his eyes and brows, with a gentle expression.

On the suspension car, the robot just passed by at this time.

In the past, the robot would definitely make a fuss.

After all, the boss is usually so indifferent, it is rare to laugh, it seems like the end of the world is coming.

but now……

Every day is the end of the world.

The end of the world for single dogs, the sweet daily life of the boss.


If I say too much, I will cry.


Feng Xianning soon arrived near Imperial University.

He stood at the school gate, leaning against the street lamp by the side of the road, and waited for the arrival of the koi with downcast eyes.

Feng Xianning did not hide her breath.

Therefore, even if he is just standing on the side of the road, he is still the focus of the audience.

The people on the side of the road, whether they were men or girls, couldn't help but staggered a few steps the moment they saw him.

Some people even stared blankly at Feng Xianning, unable to move their legs.

When someone finally came to his senses, he started screaming and shouting frantically.

"Wo Cao, Wo Cao, why haven't I seen this person in Imperial University before..."

"My mother, could this be a senior who graduated? I want to call!"

"Oh my God, I'm going to die, I'm going to suffocate, no, I have to take a picture and screenshot it, and upload it to Skynet!"

Just when these people were about to quietly take pictures.

Feng Xianning finally raised her eyes slowly and looked in a certain direction.

His expression was originally indifferent, but now there is a faint smile on his face...

The aura around him began to ripple.

(End of this chapter)

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