Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 419 Who dares to stop me

Chapter 419 Who dares to stop me
At this time, the koi had just arrived at the gate of Imperial University.

Before she could go out, she bumped into a member of the Extreme Night Squadron.

At this time, the polar night is not there.

The person leading the team, unfortunately, is Ye Lili.

Ye Lili, as the deputy team member of the Polar Night team, was currently blaming the team members with considerable momentum.

"Our Extreme Night team lost today!"

"You really let me down, are you all trash?"

"It was hard for me to win a chance for you, and the result is to repay me with such a result..."

Those players all bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.

Someone couldn't help but raised his head and said, "Deputy team, we've done a good job, and the opponent is Team Guangyao..."

Team Glory?

Koi stopped.

The Guangyao team has a lot of games recently, and they are extremely busy.

She asked for leave today because of the coach's affairs.

Didn't go to that match, so...was it with Team Polar Night?

"The other party is the Guangyao team! They are a garbage team, what are they..."

"It must be the fault of the deputy team!"

In Ye Lili's heart, she was extremely jealous of the koi.

She looked condescending on the surface, but she said in her mouth: "It must be cheating, trying to deceive everyone's attention with false things..."

"But, the data can't be faked! The judges are all staring at it!" The team members couldn't help but said aloud.

It's really because Ye Lili usually speaks too badly.

They actually like Team Guangyao very much.

Especially the vice team.

The sub-team of Guangyao team is not like their sub-team.

I only know how to dictate...

Ye Lili was refuted on the spot, a little embarrassed, and shouted: "So what, the data can't be faked, can't we just make a fuss about the judges?"

"Relying on how pretty she is, I really don't know how high the sky is and the earth is thick..."

The team members were still a little unconvinced, and couldn't help but raise the bar and said: "But, they even defeated the Imperial team..."

"Shut up! If you talk too much, get out of our team!"

Ye Lili immediately extended her hand.

Her eyes were fierce, and she wanted to slap her down with a slap.

The team members closed their eyes in fright.

Just at this time.

The koi grabbed Ye Lili's wrist.

Ye Lili was stopped by someone, she shook her hands angrily, and looked back, "Who dares to stop's you, Koi!"

Her voice was sharp and her eyes were filled with extreme hatred.

It seemed that the person in front of her had a feud with her that killed her mother.

Koi: "..."

She couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, a little speechless.

From the very beginning, Ye Lili had a deep hostility towards koi.

It might be because Ji Ye had contact with her at the beginning, so she was regarded as an imaginary enemy.

Now, it is not just a question of imaginary enemies.

The same is the vice team.

Ye Lili has been in the e-sports department for so many years, but she can't compare to someone from the art department who she hates.

This made her very uncomfortable, and she kept finding excuses to comfort herself.

The typical one is that she feels at ease when others are not doing well.

If you have a good life, you have to desperately say it's not good...

There are people like that.

Don't provoke her, but have to show her face to the door.

Koi looked at Ye Lili and said lightly, "I just recorded it."

Ye Lili was startled, and asked, "Koi, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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