Chapter 433
Approved by the personal team studio.

The location is set in the city center, only one street away from the Imperial team.

ET's exclusive mechanical team came to decorate the studio and install equipment.

At the same time, the issue of manpower emerged.

At present, the studio has enough funds and equipment, but the reserve force is not enough to compete with the Imperial team.

The Imperial team has a total of 24 teams, although the quality of each team is not necessarily the best in the interstellar.

The overall quality of the team has enough self-confidence to be able to look down on the countless teams of the empire.

Koi here.

There are only Jin Yu and a Guangyao team.

Although the Guangyao team had defeated the Imperial team, but when it comes to actual combat, every minute is for their team to hang up and fight...

current problem.

Coach, they have the most powerful player in the history of the Imperial team, Jin Yu.

The overall quality of the team is not up to standard and needs more fresh blood to join.

Where to go to recruit people?
In the game, of course.

The koi finally landed on the codename Contra again.

As soon as I went online, I received countless private messages that almost maxed out the screen.

Either a confession or a declaration of war.

Koi are also used to it.

The name of the code-name Contra resounds throughout "Dawn", and its strength is shoulder to shoulder with the six gods, and it is called the seventh god.

Many people sneered at her, thinking that she was not qualified, all kinds of black, and some people became crazy fans, all kinds of maintenance.

all in all.

The code name Contra is very popular, this private message is nothing at all.

Koi turned off all private messages.

The public screen of the game has turned on the refresh mode.

[My God, the codename Contra Boss is online! 】

[Ah, ah, big brother!Dad, look at the public screen, look at me, look at me, I'm confessing my love to you! 】

【Wow, calm down...】

Gongping couldn't calm down at all.

A bunch of love flowers, Koi took a few glances, dazzled, ready to turn off the public screen.

This kind of behavior that disturbs her spiritual power must be rejected.

She just closed it, and then remembered something, and set a reply in her private message column.

[Recruitment] [Team members are accepted, those who are interested can register in the Skynet simulation training room. 】

The Skynet simulation training room is the function after Skynet and "Dawn" are connected.

It is convenient for many teams to recruit members.

Players can sign up for a team in it, and the feedback big data will be screened and sent to the team's database.

The process of selecting members with qualified data and conducting interviews will be faster than the previous process.

Koi just sent out the message.

A large number of people poured into the Skynet simulation training room created.

Most of the onlookers want to see the excitement, and many people try to join.

Whether sincerely or not.

The first step in recruiting troops is officially stepping out.

Koi never thought that he could have a certain appeal in the game, and the number of people continued to rise.

After a few minutes, it reaches hundreds of thousands.


Her desire to become a female star seems to have come true?
The koi couldn't help but think happily.

She is hot.

She checked the data, and found that there were quite a few people who were members of the e-sports department of the Imperial University. It seemed that they were coming in a team, trying to join the team and meet the code name Contra.

After all, they have been stuck in the training room for so long and haven't been able to see themselves, and they all have internal injuries.

The desire to meet the codename Contra has almost become an obsession.

(End of this chapter)

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