Chapter 434 The Gathering of the Six Gods
Jinyu forwarded all these data to Jinyu, who will choose them.

She received an invitation message.

[System]: [Himalaya] invites you to join the group chat of [Floral Water].

Koi was stunned.

She looked at the other person's ID, which seemed familiar. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was not long ago...


Someone I met a long time ago.

Himalaya, one of the six gods, is also known as ghost animal loli - Yeya.

I added friends back then, but it wasn't the vest codenamed Contra.

Logically speaking, the code name Contra is a stranger, what is she doing with herself?
Koi glanced at the group name. There are six members in total. The group members are all six great gods who stand on the top of the pyramid in the game, and the notes are all mechs and names.

Yama butterfly, Yeya.

Son of Light, Day.

Vulcan, Zhu Rong.

These three were all seen by Koi.

There are three others.

Homework makes me happy, Jiang Li.

Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, Lin Han.

Voldemort, Xiao Ye.

Koi doesn't really want to join. If you think about it carefully, if you can lure people into the team... No, please come to the team, wouldn't it be beautiful.

She chooses to agree.

[Codename Contra] Join the group chat.

The moment Koi agrees.

Ye Ya jumped out immediately: 【Welcome newcomers to our toilet water team!From then on, the six gods became the seven gods! 】

Zhu Rong: [Fuck, why are you here! 】

The moment Zhu Rong saw the ID code-named Contra, his face was bewildered.

Why did his sister-in-law come here suddenly, ready to kill him! ?

Bai Tian: [Meet you again, the last time you were on the battlefield, I thought you were unusual.You are welcome to join, codename Contra. 】

The first time Koi went to the battlefield, he encountered the S-level mutant Kuiba.

At that time, the master of the day drove the son of brilliance to come, plus the quality N Lianwen boy and Koi's new mobile phone armor to fight against it.

In the end, all Xue Kunpeng's hair was pulled out as an offensive weapon to repel Kuiba. At the end, because of too many meritorious deeds, it aroused doubts and embarked on the road of public enemy.

Koi sighed.

Once upon a time, she was just an unknown new phone armor, but now she is chatting and laughing with the top six gods in the game.

edge ah.


Lin Han: 【Welcome, I am Bingbi Emperor Scorpion. 】

Xiao Ye: [Voldemort is me, I am Voldemort, the newcomer's photos!Change your business card! 】

Jiang Li: [I won't introduce myself, I'm young and vigorous, and I have too much homework so I chose such a crappy name. 】

Koi was silent.

She modified the business card silently.

Garbage collection, koi.

Koi: [I'm sorry, I'm also young and energetic...]

When the koi's mech name is displayed.

Everyone was silent.

Jiang Li's tone was meaningful: [Dare to ask what is the mecha manifesto of my friend! ? 】

Koi: [Recycle refrigerators, color TVs, washing machines, water heaters, computers, and large garbage! 】

Ye Ya: [Since then, there has been a new legend about the Six Gods... We are, the legendary Three Sisters named Waste. 】

Koi sighed.

The game "Dawn" is indeed named Fei's Grave.

Even if it is Liushen, it is also named Fei.

Look at the glorious son of the day, and the Vulcan of Zhu Rong, the names of their mechs are all typed out with their buttocks...

The koi silently switched the game and sent a message to Feng Xianning.

[Please, add a function to change the ID to the game. 】

According to the various named wastes she encountered in this game, if new functions are added, it will definitely arouse strong reactions from named wastes, and she will get rich in minutes.

ps. Jiang Li, Lin Han, and Xiao Ye are claimed by the character building.

(End of this chapter)

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