Shh, you have been locked by the Great God!

Chapter 435 What Benefit Are You Giving Me?

Chapter 435 What Benefit Are You Giving Me?

Koi sent three identical messages in a row.

[Please, add a function to change the ID to the game. 】

[Please, add a function to change the ID to the game. 】

[Please, add a function to change the ID to the game. 】

Feng Xianning replied quickly.

He sent a voice, his voice was deep and pleasant, but his tone was extremely harsh.

"It is impossible to change the ID, and it is impossible to change the ID in this life."

"I do not want it."

Koi headache.

He did it on purpose.

【Ahhh! 】

Koi sent several emoticons over.

Feng Xianning replied again: "Actually, it's not impossible to change the ID."

【real? 】

"Really, but it depends on what benefits you give me."

His ending sound rose, with a slight hint of temptation.

Little Sweets' Daily Life: Crazy Hints.JPG.

Koi: "..."


What good can it be, of course it is temptation, seduce with beauty.

The koi's head hurt even more, and he raised his slender fingers and rubbed his forehead.

Once upon a time, she thought about who could blow the head of ET's pillow, but she never thought of it...

The person who blows the pillow wind turned out to be himself!

The flag really can't stand.

The koi pretended to be amnesia, and changed the subject: 【It's so windy today!By the way, did you find that book? 】

Established a personal team studio.

Not only do you need to recruit people, but you also need a signboard.

The signatures of the Imperial team have always been top-notch equipment and mechs, in order to attract more people to join.

Although the Guangyao team had defeated the Imperial team at the beginning, but if you really talk about the whole team, it has never been able to match it.

Therefore, Koi finally remembered the book about the modification of mecha weapons.

The official external book is in Feng Xianning's hands.

Feng Xianning said indifferently: "Are you talking about the book "Founder of Liming Games—Eighteen Tips for ET Boss Success"?"

[No, it's another one. 】

["Dawn Game - Mech Weapon Data Modification and Upgrade". 】

Feng Xianning let out an oh, and replied: "I've been so busy recently, my eyes are dazzled, I can't see clearly what you sent."

The koi had no choice but to sigh.

"Then my voice is okay?" She said the voice.

Feng Xianning's tone was light, "What should I do, I have bad eyesight and deaf ears."

Koi: "..."

OK, I get it.

Koi could only send a holographic call request.

Feng Xianning really likes crazy hints that beat around the bush, and there is nothing wrong with the scheming Britney herself.

Feng Xianning's figure quickly appeared in front of her eyes.

He is now in the study.

The study room is spacious and gray in tone, and the overall design is clean and tidy.

Feng Xianning was sitting on the table, with her slender, fair fingers resting lightly on the dark table, she raised her eyes and looked over.

There was a smile in his eyes, and the breath rippling all over his body, the koi could feel it through the hologram.

The koi was just about to speak.

Feng Xianning said, "I miss you so much."

"Yes, me too."

"You haven't been home for a long time, we miss you so much." He lowered his eyes, complaining in his tone.

"Me too..." Koi replied immediately, then came to his senses, and subconsciously asked, "Hey, what do we mean?"

Koi's voice just fell.

A fluorescent flower appeared beside Feng Xianning, stretched out its tentacles, and began to point.

You scumbag, you abandoned us again!
Koi: "..."

Familiar pointing and pointing of fluorescent flowers.JPG.

(End of this chapter)

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