Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 126 Ning Rongrong's Resentment

Chapter 126 Ning Rongrong's Resentment

Looking at Ning Rongrong's haughty swan-like posture, Tang San felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

However, when he heard about the background of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he felt a little terrified. "Father! This time it depends on whether you can cover yourself, or you must not brag in front of me in the future."

Seeing that Tang San didn't speak for a long time, Ning Rongrong was even more proud. "Why, don't you dare to speak? Why don't you bring your father out? If you dare not speak, get out of here and stop meddling in my affairs."

Dai Mubai was even more upset now, he also saw the hesitation on Tang San's face, and thought in his heart that Tang San was frightened.

In order to avoid the embarrassment in his heart, Dai Mubai decided to rescue Tang San himself. "Oh! I said why didn't I see that you woman is so arrogant and unreasonable"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tang San raising his hand again, but Dai Mubai wasn't upset, but looked at Tang San curiously, wanting to see how he would solve this problem?
I saw that the hesitation on Tang San's face disappeared completely, and what needed to be replaced was a face of determination.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tang San's expression became colder than before, and he slowly uttered a few words. "My father's name is Tang! Hao!"

Like a bolt from the blue, except for Tang San and Xiao Wu, the other three froze in place, with disbelief on their faces.

Dai Mubai swallowed hard, looked at Tang San with eyes full of astonishment, "Tang San, are you sure your father isn't Zhang Hao, Li Hao, or any other Hao?"

Can't hear the disbelief in his tone, for his question, Tang San has no expression on his face, even calm in his heart. "My name is Tang San, my surname is Tang, do you have any questions?"

Before Dai Mubai had any reaction, Ning Rongrong on the side seemed to go crazy. "Tang San, you are lying, your spirit is Blue Silver Grass, not the Clear Sky Hammer, how could it be Tang Hao's son?"

Just halfway through her words, it was as if she was swallowing hard, and she was unable to say the next thing.

Tang San stretched out his other hand, and suddenly a huge hammer emerged, even if there was no spirit ring attached to it, it could still be seen to be mighty and domineering, isn't it the Clear Sky Hammer?
This scene directly shocked the three of them. They all stood there in a daze, with envy, jealousy, and hatred in their eyes.

"Shuangshuang. Twin Martial Souls!"

Even Dai Mubai's tone of voice became trembling, anyone could hear his shock!
After being stunned for quite a while, the three of them came back to their senses, they didn't even know when Tang San took back his spirit, this news was really too hard to accept.

Tang San's father is actually Tang Hao, and Tang San has twin spirits.

No matter which one of these two pieces of information is, it is enough to shock them inexplicably, let alone adding them together?

Dai Mubai put his arms around Tang San's shoulders. "Haha. Xiaosan, we will be brothers from now on. If you have any difficulties, just ask me. As long as I can help, I will never be stingy."

Tang San recovered his smile, his face was gentle and gentle, "This is no problem, then I will trouble Senior Dai from now on."

Dai Mubai's complexion was serious. "Why do you still call me Senior Dai? Just call him Big Brother Dai. Anyway, I'm older than you, and you won't suffer."

Tang San
(Author: After my careful calculation, such a name is a disadvantage. I would like to remind readers, never trust other people's rhetoric, and beware of being deceived.)
For Dai Mubai's actions, although they showed disdain, they had to agree with his attitude towards this matter.

I would definitely do the same thing myself, after all, this is a living thigh, if it is let go, it would be unreasonable.

Didn't you see that even Zhu Zhuqing, an indifferent beauty, had a slight movement in her eyes?
Being stared at by Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai was a little embarrassed, he could bear the same stares from other people, but Zhu Zhuqing couldn't do it here.

He always had a feeling that he and this girl seemed to have some fate.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Dai Mubai quickly changed the subject, his eyes swept over Ning Rongrong, and immediately made him smile smugly.

"Hey! Miss Ning Rongrong, do you still want to compete with our mistress for the background? What are you still doing in a daze? Aren't you awesome?"

As soon as this series of questions came out, Ning Rongrong's eyes turned red. "You bully people."

Then he ran out with a sob and a sob, and left here.

Looking at the tears shed by Ning Rongrong on the dirt, Tang San felt a little worried. "Will something happen to her, after all, she is a girl"

Dai Mubai waved his hand nonchalantly. "Nothing, just near the village, there is only our Soul Master Academy, and the others are ordinary people, you don't have to worry about her."

Xiao Wu who hadn't spoken all this time spoke up, and taught Tang San a lesson. "Yeah! Anyway, she asked for it, he was so hateful just now, have you forgotten?
I warn you Tang San, you are not allowed to look for her, otherwise I will ignore you in the future. "

Even Zhu Zhuqing, who was as indifferent to everything as ice, rarely opened his mouth. "Miss has a temper, don't worry about her!"

Dai Mubai directly hooked Tang San's neck. "Okay! You don't have to worry about her, let her think about it alone, let's talk about us first, you are hungry too, let's go, I treat you."

"Dai Mubai, I didn't realize that you are quite enthusiastic."

"Hey! What is this called? I, Dai Mubai, have always been very enthusiastic."

Ning Rongrong was sitting here alone by the small river in the back mountain of Shrek Academy, crying.

puff~ puff~
Throwing a piece of stone into the small river, he vented his dissatisfaction. "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you all bully me all bully me”

"Ah. I'm not a little witch, ah."

It was just a choked throat at first, but it gradually turned into howling, and the tears flowed down and fell into the small river, which seemed to make the river flow more violently.

Ning Rongrong cried very sadly, even the sleeves that wiped her tears became wet, maybe she was tired from crying, her voice became quieter and turned into sobbing.

Hugging her own legs, Ning Rongrong looked at the reflection in the water and muttered. "Is it true that I can't make close friends? Why do you treat me like this? Why?"

"Because you are so proud!"

Ning Rongrong turned her head suddenly, her eyes were very vigilant. "who is it!"

I saw a man wearing a long gown, with a nine-tailed white jade marten standing on his shoulder, a long sword pinned to his waist, and his hair tied up behind him.

This person is naturally Chen Feng. When he came down from the mountain just now, he saw a girl crying. This made Chen Feng a little curious, so he came over to take a look.
 That’s all for today’s update, sleep after reading it, of course, if you want to contribute book coins, recommendation tickets, comments, etc.Even if you let the horse come over, I will not refuse anyone!!!????????????

(End of this chapter)

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