Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 127 Ning Rongrong and Chen Feng

Chapter 127 Ning Rongrong and Chen Feng
Chen Feng's face was indifferent, with a warm spring breeze on his face, and there was a sense of elegance between the stillness and movement, which made people feel a little close unconsciously.

But Ning Rongrong didn't show much friendliness, on Douluo Continent, the most unbelievable thing is a person's appearance.

She wouldn't choose to put down her guard just because the person who appeared out of nowhere looked kind.

Ning Rongrong's eyes were full of vigilance, and he asked in a cold voice. "Who are you and why are you here?"

Chen Feng sat down on a rock beside her, and said with his head sideways. "Me! Of course I'm from Shrek Academy."

Hearing what he said, Ning Rongrong's vigilance relaxed a little, thinking it was true, people who came out of Shrek Academy would come to such a shitty place, and the others probably wouldn't be so boring.

"Hi! How long have you been in Shilek Academy?"

Chen Feng tilted his head and thought for a while. "Well, it seems like five or six years, what's the matter?"

Ning Rongrong looked him up and down with contempt on his face. "Looking at your age, you may be in your early twenties. The teacher who recruited students today lied to me that you cannot enroll if you are over 13 years old. So what's going on with you?"

Before Chen Feng could answer her words, Ning Rongrong spoke on his own. "It seems that this Shrek Academy is not a good place. You still pretend to be so serious on the surface, and you are in your 20s and haven't graduated yet. You are really inferior."

Hearing her words, Chen Feng shook his head and laughed, without explaining anything.If Ning Rongrong misunderstood, let her misunderstand, anyway, this is quite interesting.

Seeing his silence, Ning Rongrong felt a little embarrassed. "Hey! You won't be angry, right? Although my tone is a bit heavy, you don't have to be so stingy, right? How can you say you are a big man?"

Chen Feng covered his mouth and coughed lightly, he was obviously choked, and he couldn't help it when such a little girl called him stingy.

If it was her, if it was someone she didn't know, Chen Feng might have given him a lesson by now.

"Don't talk about me first, let's talk about you, why are you sitting here and crying?" Chen Feng asked kindly.

Ning Rongrong quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and said with a stubborn face. "I'm not crying, I just got sand in my eyes."

When she said this, she didn't even believe it herself, she was very guilty, she glanced at Chen Feng secretly, like a cat stealing fish.

Chen Feng smiled lightly, but didn't poke it. "Tell me, why did you do that to them? I think they are a group of easy-going people. Why can't you integrate into them? What do you think in your heart? Maybe I can help you It's your turn."

Ning Rongrong stared at Chen Feng angrily, her tone was very unfriendly. "How dare you peek!"

For her hostility, Chen Feng directly chose to ignore it. "This is Shrek Academy. As a member of the academy, it's not surprising that I know about it. Besides, you've been crying here for two hours. Even if I don't know, it's still hard!"

Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, no longer entangled with this issue, but she is not so easy to compromise with her stubborn personality. "Why should I tell you, is it good for me?"

Regarding her attitude, Chen Feng said that it was just a trivial matter. He has lived for so many years, what kind of battle has he not seen?

"Don't you want to know why they don't like you, whether they are wrong or you are wrong?"

Chen Feng is like a big bad wolf, seducing Ning Rongrong in a persuasive and persuasive manner.

Ning Rongrong curled her lips, grinned, and snorted coldly. "Does it need to be said? They must be wrong. How could Miss Ben be wrong?"

Chen Feng smiled and said angrily. "Look, if you don't even say such a simple thing, how can people understand your thoughts and let them understand your feelings?"

Ning Rongrong was very uncomfortable now, and finally found someone to confide in, and this person did not know him, so he had no psychological burden at all, so after thinking about it, he confessed his thoughts.

After listening to Ning Rongrong's words, Chen Feng shook his head and sighed slowly.

Seeing his expression, Ning Rongrong immediately pouted. "Why, do you want to laugh at me too? Then tell me, I don't care anyway, just pretend I didn't hear anything."

Chen Feng poked Ning Rongrong's head with his hand. At the beginning, Ning Rongrong hadn't reacted yet, but Chen Feng succeeded.

When she came to her senses, she quickly dodged and stared at Chen Feng with bad eyes. That expression meant that I knew you very well. Believe it or not, I would find someone to beat you up.

Chen Feng also shook his head and laughed, knowing that he was Meng Lang. Although he regarded Ning Rongrong as his niece, she didn't know him after all.

After tidying up his mood, Chen Feng spoke slowly. "You! You are too strong. You want to fight for everything. To put it bluntly, you are arrogant and arrogant. The eldest lady has a temper. Is it strange that you don't allow trouble?"

Ignoring Ning Rongrong's fire-breathing eyes, Chen Feng said to himself. "You are a person who thinks about problems, always regards yourself as the center, and doesn't care about their feelings at all, so how can you get along friendly?"

"You don't think that everyone is raised by their parents. Not everyone thinks like you. Wouldn't the whole world be messed up?"

Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth and said, "Then you can just say it's all my fault, then what are you doing?
I know you want to say I'm wrong, so don't beat around the bush like that, anyway, I don't care, and I won't blame you. "

Chen Feng glanced at Ning Rongrong speechlessly, "You don't care about it, so what does your eyes that are about to eat me mean, or are you treating me as blind?"

Ning Rongrong stood up suddenly, pointed at Chen Feng's nose, and said angrily. "What did you say, you can say it again if you don't have the ability."

Chen Feng still had that indifferent appearance, and said in a reproachful tone. "Look at you! Just say a few words about you and you can't stand it, and you also say that you are not arrogant and arrogant."

Looking at his appearance, he didn't notice Ning Rongrong's anger at all, as if he was a normal person.

Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, sat down again, with a cold face. "I want to see what the hell you want to say. If you don't explain a thing or two today, I will let you know what is arrogance and arrogance."

Chen Feng shook his head and laughed, and said helplessly, "Okay, okay! If I can't tell the reason today, you can punish me. I won't fight back, right?"

Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, turned his head to one side, and ignored him.
(End of this chapter)

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