Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 192 Desperate

Chapter 192 Desperate
"Hehehe, I don't know why Brother Wang left and returned, why?"

"Don't worry, we will deliver what you have told us, so why go to war like this?"

Wang Qinghu smiled coldly. "Qin Xuan, stop arguing with me here, and hand over your things to me quickly, or today will be your death day next year."

Qin Xuan had a wry smile on his face, but he was still a little thankful in his heart that Wang Qinghu came to him to ask for something, rather than intending to kill them all.

While heaving a sigh of relief, Qin Xuan's expression relaxed a lot, and he talked freely.

"Brother Wang, it's easy to talk, I'll just give you the things, but you don't need to make such a big battle!"

Wang Qinghu: "Hmph! If you are smart, give me the things quickly, and I will take him away right away, otherwise you will know what the consequences will be."

Qin Xuan: "Brother Wang, please give us a few more days. We can't gather so many things together. Some of them have been stored for too long and need to be sorted out. The time is too tight."

"You are presumptuous, who the hell is talking about this with you? I want you to hand over Chen Feng's "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven". I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you don't give it to me, I will do it."

Hearing this, Qin Xuan's face turned bitter, but it was more doubtful and depressed. "Brother Wang, where did you start talking about this? We have never obtained the "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven", so how can we hand it over? Aren't you embarrassing me?
Some time ago, Zhao Yaoming ran away early tomorrow, and you were relying on us, and now you are using this matter to run on me. Is it necessary? "

Wang Qinghu snorted coldly, a strong killing intent spread from his body, and he gave him a disdainful look. "I knew you would deny it, but how do you explain Zhao Yao's terrifying growth in strength? If he didn't get this thing, how could he grow so fast.

You don't intend to tell me that this Zhao Yao is also a peerless genius who will not appear in ten thousand years, right? "

Qin Xuan's face was very ugly, and he made up his mind that Wang Qinghu was running on him, always trying to make things difficult.

This clay figurine is still angry, how can he swallow this breath?
Isn't it?Qin Xuan's complexion changed, and the iron blood of the past appeared on his face, which broke out when he was forced to a desperate situation.

"Wang Qinghu, you don't need to beat around the bush here. If you want to destroy my seven great families, just say it. Don't make these excuses for yourself. Anyway, no one will say anything about you. Are you so interesting?"

Qin Xuan's face was ashen, revealing a trace of unwillingness and despair, but none of this was more than resentment, he cursed loudly. "Wang Qinghu, stop talking nonsense, come here if you have the ability, even if I die, I will bite off a piece of your flesh."

Wang Qinghu snorted coldly. "You still don't admit it at this point. It seems that you are really looking for death, so don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

"Give it all to me, break the barrier of this small world. Qin Xuan, the day when the formation breaks is the time when you will die!!!"

As soon as he gave the order, everyone rushed forward and used all means.

Don't underestimate the temptation of "Sacrifice to Heaven Dafa", these people are very excited and go all out.

On the other side, the elders who returned to the conference hall were all frowning. They had already confirmed that Wang Qinghu was coming towards them, and they really couldn't avoid it now.

But there are still people who don't give up. "Elder, is what Wang Qinghu said true? Why don't we just give them the "Dafa of Worshiping the Heavens"? It's not as important as our lives!"

Although I covet this exercise in my heart, but the life and death crisis is imminent, and the most important thing is to save my life.

Qin Xuan's expression was not good, and he snorted coldly, and a divine light flew out, beating the man until he vomited blood.

"Stop having any fantasies, if I really have the "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven", do I still need to be afraid of them?

All of this is just an excuse. They are determined to deal with us, but they just want to make a better face. "

Qin Xuan: "Let's all go down and prepare. Gather everyone together and fight them to death. In addition, take out all the resources and supply them to the small world's formation. It will take a day."

"Oh! That's all I can do, God bless me!"

At this moment, an elder spoke. "There is something wrong with the Great Elder, I suspect it is someone else's conspiracy."

Qin Xuan was taken aback when he heard the words, "Where do you start with this?"

"Grand Elder, we may have fallen into someone else's trick. First of all, Zhao Yao has indeed been convicted of the Seven Great Families long ago. Why did he deliberately declare that he is a member of the Seven Great Families? This is clearly a frame-up."

"Besides, his improvement in strength is indeed a bit terrifying. You must know that he is already a hundred years old, but he is still improving so fast. I think there must be someone standing behind this."

Hearing what this person said, Qin Xuan completely understood now, and his eyes flashed.

"Yes, that's it. I just said that there are so many doubts in it. It turns out that someone wants to sow discord."

"Don't be stunned, everyone, hurry up and brainstorm, and think about who is behind this?"

Someone asked tentatively. "Could it be the remnants of the eight major sects? After all, we and they are still going to die together. This time, the second-rate forces are involved. Maybe this is the idea."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone refuted it. "Probably not. After all, we didn't miss anything that slipped through the net, and they may not have such means. Zhao Yao has improved so much in a short period of time. If this is the case, it is impossible for us to Kill the door."

This idea was rejected, and everyone fell into deep thought again, with anxious expressions on their faces.

There is no way around this, there are still Wang Qinghu and the others out there looking at the tiger for a long time, this is a race against time.

"I think of someone."

An elder jumped up directly, with a fierce look in his eyes, and his tone was very firm. "Could this person be Chen Feng?"

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell into silence.

But then a noisy discussion broke out.

"It's very possible. After all, he has a precedent and has a great enmity with us. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is like fire and water."

"I heard that a few years ago, Wang Qinghu and the others also made trouble for him. That time, Chen Feng pretended to be dead. The "Dafa of Sacrifice to Heaven" was also spread at that time."

"That's right..."

In short, all the remarks point to one direction, that is, the person behind this is Chen Feng.

Qin Xuan jumped up against the case. "Chen Feng is the murderer, we must expose this conspiracy."

His tone was very firm, no way!

Those people outside are like knives hanging around their necks, not to mention that this person is Chen Feng, even if he is.

Otherwise, how could they find a way to crack it?
But what I have to mention is that it really made us and them hit by mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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