193 Too late

The sky began to rain lightly, but there was not a single ray of sunshine in the surrounding area, and it was full of thick dark clouds, which made people feel depressed.

The violent wind rising from the ground was raging like a prelude to a storm, and demons danced wildly between the sky and the earth.

"Wang Qinghu, this is a conspiracy, why do you still refuse to believe it?"

Qin Xuan was on the verge of collapse. At this moment, his nerves had become a thread that was about to be broken at any moment, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, which made people feel chills when looking at them densely.

Although his tone was full of pleading, Wang Qinghu didn't seem to hesitate at all. "Hmph! Even if that's the case, so what? I came out in full force, and you don't think that just a few words from you will make me go back."

Qin Xuan hastily made a sound, trembling all over. "We can give more, whatever it is, just to let us go."

He put his attitude in an extremely humble manner, like a beggar, it's hard to imagine that he would have such a side.

However, what he got for such a performance was endless ridicule.

"Hahaha a duck with a big mouth can make him fly.

Even if it's a conspiracy, we're willing to jump down, Qin Xuan, you don't have to waste your words, what kind of compensation can compare to your entire net worth?
And the Douluo Continent only needs one voice, and that is my three mountains and sixteen islands. If you are sensible, surrender early, maybe I can give you a good time. "

The people in front of them laughed recklessly and wildly, but Qin Xuan's heart sank to the bottom, and his voice roared like a beast.

"You are digging your own grave by doing this, and let Chen Feng succeed. Sooner or later, you will end up in the same way."

Wang Qinghu smiled heartily. "This is not something you should worry about, you should take care of yourself first..."

The negotiation broke down at this point, and the people of the seven great families fell into despair. They were like walking dead, lifeless.

"Elder Qin Xuan, what should we do?"

"Yeah, what should we do? They are determined to kill us. What should we do? We can't just wait here."

Although these people have lived long enough, none of them want to die. They are very frightened now, facing the fear of death.


Qin Xuan yelled sharply, his face was full of ferocity, and the veins on his forehead began to bulge at a speed visible to the naked eye like an inflated balloon.

These people quickly kept silent, they had no doubt that Qin Xuan in this state would vent his anger on them?
"Since we don't give us a way to survive, it won't make them feel better. Everyone listen to me. Even if they are all wiped out, I have to bite off a piece of meat."

Under the desperation, Qin Xuan became a little crazy, exuding the breath of death all over his body, which made people feel afraid.

But it's not the case for other people, all of them are full of murderous intent, and all of them have the will to die.

Since I have no way to choose, then I will let others have no way to go.

Wang Qinghu sat at the top and said to the person next to him. "Everyone, what do you think of what Qin Xuan said today?"

Wang Qingyu stepped forward in due course. "Brother, I think this matter is very possible. After all, this time is indeed a bit strange, and everything seems to be too coincidental."

Wang Qingxuan also spoke. "I think so too, and according to the news we got, Zhao Yao has indeed rebelled. It is very likely that Chen Feng is behind all of this."


"Then what should we do? Is this the way to go?"

"Yes! We spent so much manpower and material resources, but we got nothing. This is a loss-making business."

"Child Chenfeng is really insidious. I didn't expect that he was still alive and planned such a conspiracy. It's a pity that we have been kept in the dark."


".That's right..."

Wang Qinghu stopped everyone's discussion as if reaching out his hand to the void.

"Okay, everyone don't need to argue anymore, since the matter has reached this point, it must be irreversible.

Let's take advantage of the situation and eat this piece of fat that reaches our mouths.

As for Chen Feng, let's settle the score with him after we finish this matter, I don't believe that this kid can turn the world upside down. "

Wang Qingyu: "Brother, I think we still have to be careful, maybe this kid has something behind him."

Wang Qingxuan: "Yes, big brother. Chen Feng is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface, and we all come out, the rear is very empty, we must guard against it!"

After pondering for a while, Wang Qinghu finally felt that what his two siblings said made sense.

"How about this, third sister, you take people back to guard the rear, and if someone takes the opportunity to make trouble, quickly suppress it."

"Second brother, you should work harder. Take a few people to inquire more on the mainland. Once you find Chen Feng's footprints, take it down quickly."

"As for the others, hurry up and break through the formation, and try to take it down as soon as possible..."

The scorching sun was in the sky, Dai Mubai and the others were being drilled hard by Zao Wou-ki, sweating one by one.

Chen Feng stood by the window, watching all this quietly.

Suddenly, Deminghan broke in, shouting as he walked.

"Xiaofeng, the matter has been exposed. I just received news that they seem to have noticed that we are behind the scenes."

It could be seen that he was very anxious and completely lost his usual majesty.

Chen Feng smiled lightly, his expression very relaxed.

"Hehe. You don't have to be so anxious, man. I had expected this matter a long time ago, and I didn't expect to keep it a secret for long."

Yes, Chen Feng had thought of such a situation a long time ago. After all, he did not regard the people of the second-rate forces as fools. After a long time, some people would notice that something was wrong, which is not too strange.

Hear it!

Demingham showed interest on his face. "Could it be that Xiaofeng, you have prepared some backhands to be so confident."

Chen Feng laughed. "Where is it, I really don't have this."

Dai Minghan's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief. "Isn't it? If that's the case, then why do you still..."

Seeing his hesitant to speak, Chen Feng couldn't bear to hang on to his appetite after all.

"Don't worry, people don't care about me now. There are a lot of benefits in front of them. Who can refuse?"

"The most this is to send a few people to inquire about my news, and then take precautions to prevent me from causing trouble behind my back. Therefore, we are still safe for the time being."

Dai Minghan smiled happily, he finally figured out what Chen Feng meant. "Hahaha, you still have a lot of tricks, and you actually turned these people around. I really want to see their aggrieved faces in their clothes..."

(End of this chapter)

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