Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 194 Breakthrough Pill

Chapter 194 Breakthrough Pill

It must not be an easy matter for two tigers to fight each other. In the following days, the seven great families and the three mountains and sixteen islands seemed to be in a stalemate, and the road was rarely peaceful.

After these days, the remaining forces of Wuhundian have basically been wiped out.

Now apart from the two great empires, the three sects above Douluo Continent are respected, and the Body Refining Guild is detached from the outside world, forming a tripartite confrontational situation.

Chen Feng also took a rare break and continued his ordinary life.

"System, is there any way for people to speed up their cultivation?"

System: "Yes!"

Chen Feng was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Then tell me quickly."

The system beep sounded again. "The host's cultivation is already fast enough, if it is faster, it may affect the foundation, so the system does not recommend the host to do so."

Chen Feng sweated profusely, his feelings were misunderstood, he quickly explained. "I'm not using it for myself, but for the people around me, so you don't have to worry.

However, you have to be more careful and don't cheat me. "

Yes, as his cultivation became higher and higher, he found that some people around him couldn't keep up with him, and they were far away from him. How could this be possible?

Chen Feng still wants to share wealth with Dai Minghan and the others, not to mention being able to catch up with himself, but it can't be too far behind.

The system was silent for a while, then spoke again. "Actually, their cultivation speed is not slow, it's just that this breakthrough requires a chance.

If the time comes, it will be as easy as drinking water to push the boat along the way, but if the time is not, it is possible to stay in the same state for tens of thousands of years. "

Chen Feng nodded in agreement, agreeing with the system's statement.

Because after his understanding, many acquaintances were stuck on the breakthrough level, and even couldn't make any progress for life.

As long as you encounter a bottleneck, no matter how talented you are, you can only feel sad secretly.

Therefore, this test has restricted many people to a large extent, and it is precisely because of this difficulty that there are hundreds of thousands of years of closed-door practice.

Chen Feng: "Then tell me if there is any solution, you can't just hang my appetite like this!"

Chen Feng wasn't worried about Dai Minghan's cultivation speed at all. With his big backer behind him, there was no shortage of cultivation resources.

Coupled with their outstanding talents, this is nothing to worry about. What Chen Feng needs to consider now is how to make their breakthrough easier.

System: "I'll recommend you a kind of elixir, as long as you reach the critical point of breakthrough, you can have a [-]% chance of breaking through."

Chen Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words. "Tell me now."

System: "This elixir is called Broken Mirror Pill. It is divided into three qualities: God King, God Emperor, and God Emperor. It corresponds to each realm and has no side effects. However, the host cannot take it."

"Ah! That's it!"

Chen Feng was a little disappointed, but he was not a serious person.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate.

Chen Feng quickly put this disappointment behind him and focused on the business.


Playing with the few pills in his hand, Chen Feng's eyes flashed brightly, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. "Who would have thought that the realm barrier that troubled thousands of soul masters could be solved by just a few small pills. If they knew about it, it would be bloody."

There was a frightening voice from the system in my mind. "Aren't you talking nonsense? A product produced by the system must be a high-quality product. All problems in front of this system are not problems."

"Yo, you said you were fat and you were gasping for breath, you're pretty arrogant!"

"The system is neither fat nor panting, and has a great body. It tastes delicious. It can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. It punches Nanshan Nursing Home, kicks Beihai Kindergarten..."


Shaking his head, Chen Feng clicked his tongue, he was also a little helpless for this more and more humanized system, and would argue with himself from time to time, just to make himself uncomfortable.

After a while, Chen Feng stopped complaining.

"Okay, okay, don't be poor, and call me the system page quickly."

In the next moment, the system page appeared in his mind.

Host: Chen Feng

Cultivation: middle stage of emperor

Body Cultivation: Ten Heavy Fives of Body Training
Achievement points: 3000 million

Kung Fu: Taixu swordsmanship (level S, perfect), body training (sss level, 9/10), cloud piercing step (level S, perfect), Bodhidharma Zhenshiquan (level S, perfect), killing gods Magic Sutra (sss level, 9/10), Shenxu Codex (ss level, perfect), Buddha Pannir (ss level, great achievement), soul cracking nail (s level, great achievement)
Weapons: Thunder Flame Kai (sss level), Fang Tian's Halberd (sss level), Cloud Walking Boots (sss level).

Items: space ring (ss level), meditation jade pendant (ss level), probing eye (sss level), beast blood powder (s level),

1000. Cultivate the seven monsters into gods and change their destiny. (Reward [-] million achievement points)
[-]. Take revenge and wipe out the seven great families. (Let the host advance to a small realm)
"Alas! The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!"

Chen Feng shook his head resentfully, he doesn't need anything now, the only thing he lacks is time.

Now he doesn't need to worry about any resources at all, relying on what he already has is enough to support his needs, as long as he is given enough time, Chen Feng will definitely become the overlord of this world.

But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. There are seven great families and three mountains and sixteen islands in front of us.

Chen Feng pinched his eyebrows. "I don't know how things are going over there. I hope I won't be disappointed. It's best to fight with both sides, and it will save me a lot of energy."

As he spoke, a smirk appeared on his face, as if it was exactly what he said.

The untimely voice of the system sounded again. "I also ask the host to practice honestly. Only strength is king, and tricks are just floating clouds."

Chen Feng said impatiently. "Understood, I understand. I'm not maximizing my interests, and besides, it's not a heresy. Where do you get so many opinions?"

Chen Feng didn't favor one another, even if the legendary four-two-thousand-thousand-jin, it was based on his own strength, otherwise, if he really wanted to have this kind of thought, he would simply be looking for death.

If you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work, Chen Feng still distinguishes between priorities.

Shaking his head, he no longer thought about it, and sighed again on his face.

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's think about how to deal with Yao Jingxiao!"

"Hey! System, what do you mean by saying that this person doesn't eat oil and salt, he is like a stuffed gourd?"

The system's beating mouth showed its power again. "They just don't care about you, they think you're too weak, and they don't have the qualifications to talk to him."

Got it!
Chen Feng rolled his eyes, this time he won't be looking for boredom, let's find a way by himself...

(End of this chapter)

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