Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 213 The Shocking Zao Wou-Ki

Chapter 213 The Shocking Zao Wou-Ki

This change in the situation made the atmosphere suddenly cool down, and the confrontation between the two sides was cold.

In this vast ice field, it seemed that it was also affected by this atmosphere, and snow velvet like goose feathers began to fall.

The cold wind was blowing slightly, blowing the hair and clothes of the people, and the atmosphere became more intense.

A ferocious smile flashed across Zhao Wou-ki's ferocious face, like a hungry wolf baring its fangs, with green light in its eyes, it looked a bit pervasive.

"Hehehe... Brother Long, what should I do if I suddenly change my mind?"

There was something in his obvious words.

However, Deacon Long doesn't want to bother with him for the time being. He still wants to find out what happened. Could it be a conspiracy?
While thinking this way in his heart, he still vigilantly looked around to see if there was an ambush. If that was the case, he had to reconsider his attitude.

"Brother Zhou, what do you mean?"

"Hahahaha..." Zhao Wuji looked up to the sky and laughed without warning, his tone was very rampant. "Originally, I needed the Body Refining Pill very much, and I didn't intend to make trouble, just complete this deal and it's over.

Hehe...but just now I changed my mind, you must know that my price is a magical weapon!That is such a priceless thing, I am a little reluctant to let it go like this! "

At this time, his eyes had a fierce look, just like that wicked villain who showed his poverty. "As long as you die here today, Brother Long, then the things on your body will belong to me. This is a good thing for the empty-handed white wolf. How can I not be moved by you, brother?"

"Hmph! You have a good plan, and you are not afraid of breaking your own teeth."

Even though he said this, Deacon Long breathed a sigh of relief, he just wanted to see the money.

His idea is very simple, as long as this is not a long-planned conspiracy, he is really afraid of an ambush, and it is hard to say whether his life can be saved in that case.

However, he immediately flew into a rage, perhaps because he was frightened just now, which made people look angry from embarrassment. "You are such a daredevil, you dare to hit me. Don't you know who is standing behind me? Is it something that a small character like you can provoke?"

"Hahaha...Of course I know the name of the Body Refining Guild. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to be so careful, and I would have taken you to such a remote place. I would have done it just now."

It has to be said that Zhao Wou-ki's move was beautiful, if Chen Feng hadn't participated in the planning, even he himself would have thought it was a play for the sake of money.

No matter from any point of view, the first impression is that Zao Wou-ki wanted to make a deal without money because of his greed.

At this moment, an old man behind Deacon Long spoke, his tone was full of anger.

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense with him, hurry up and take this kid down, and if you torture him to extract a confession, you won't be afraid that he won't hand over the whereabouts of the magic weapon."

After all, both of them are Super Douluo, from the few words just now, it is obvious that they have been ignored, how can they bear it with their arrogance.

However, a master naturally has the arrogance of a master. He didn't make a move at the right time. I chose to order Deacon Long to do it, because it would be demeaning.

Hearing the dissatisfaction in the old man's tone, Deacon Long's heart shuddered, and he was not in the mood to continue wrangling with Zao Wou-ki any longer, so he started directly.

Of course, his strength needless to say, the movement is not small, I saw his feet exerting force, and he rushed out with a set figure.

A pair of iron fists swung rapidly in the air, the speed pierced the air, and there were bursts of roaring sounds. At first glance, it seemed that sparks shot out from those fists.

Facing the attack directly, Zhao Wuji felt as if a rushing aura of ten thousand horses was coming towards him. If he was someone else, he would be caught by this aura, and he couldn't feel the slightest resistance in his heart.

But this person is Zhao Wuji, this kind of scene is nothing to him, his face is calm, and there is no sign of panic, as for the corners of his mouth slightly curved, it seems that as relaxed and freehand.

Seeing this scene, Deacon Long smiled disdainfully. "Hehe. What kind of character do I think he is? He dares to be so arrogant when fighting against me. Anyway, I will let you experience my methods, so as to save me a lot of effort."

His thoughts turned wildly, his fists used a little more force, and the prestige became even faster.

The two Super Douluo who were watching from the side also shook their heads and smiled contemptuously. "Hehe. This kid is really a fool, I really don't know what to say!"

"Yeah! If it were me, I would have been on full alert instead of thinking highly of myself like him.

well!Young people of today!All of them are full of bells and whistles. At this time, some kind of master demeanor is needed, but they don't know that the most important thing for this person is to live. "

"That's right, although Xiaolong is not very good, but this can be regarded as a blow with all his strength. The kid in front of him is completely useless."

When Deacon Long attacked just now, he had already used the body training technique, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a galloping momentum.

However, is this really the case?
Seeing that Deacon Long's attack was getting closer and closer, they had already arrived in front of Zhao Wuji in an instant. At this moment, the three of them thought that the situation was settled, and Zhao Wuji's defeat could not be changed.

But the next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

I saw Zhao Wou-ki stretch out a hand slowly, just enough to catch the fist that was swung at him, so that his swift and fierce attack stopped abruptly, and the whole person was suspended in the air for a short time.

Going to look at Zhao Wuji again, at this moment his feet have not moved a step, his body is still not moving at all, it seems that he has not been affected at all, there is no such thing as the defeat they said just now.

clap clap ~ ~

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and bursts of applause came, slapping their faces painfully.

"how is this possible?"

Deacon Long's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw, he yelled frantically. "You actually hid your strength."

At this moment, the three of them seemed to have found an excuse for their guilty conscience, and they were all comforting themselves in their hearts. "Yes! This kid must be hiding his strength, really shameless."

"Hehe..." Zhao Wou-ki smiled indifferently, and did not try to explain, because these are not important at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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