Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 214 The Shocking Zao Wou-Ki Part [-]

Chapter 214 The Shocking Zao Wou-Ki Part [-]


There was a sound of bone shattering, which made people's hearts shudder, followed by Deacon Long's shrill scream.

The two old men at the side followed the prestige, and found that at some point Zhao Wuji's clenched hands were slowly pinched down, and Deacon Long's fist was like battered dough, which became limp at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to a heart, not to mention this kind of pain, Deacon Long naturally couldn't bear it, his body began to struggle, his face twisted and he cried out in pain.


The sound was extremely miserable, and it made people's hair stand on end.

"Boy, you are so brave!"

The two old men shouted angrily on the field, but in fact they were bristling with anger.

It wasn't because these two people cared so much about Deacon Long, but because Zhao Wuji dared to humiliate Deacon Long in front of them, he really didn't take them two seriously, so they couldn't help being angry.

As if he had found a life-saving straw, Deacon Long hurriedly called for help. "help me!"

However, what he got in exchange was two roars. "Shut up, what a useless piece of trash."

Zhao Wou-ki's eyes were full of amusement, he had already seen through the identities of the two people behind him, so he was not surprised by this scene.

However, he really didn't intend to let this go, and said to Deacon Long with a half-smile on his face. "Hehe. Brother Long, your two dogs don't seem to be very obedient. Look, they dare to yell at their master."

If the two Super Douluo were only a little angry just now, then at this moment they were completely furious, and they were pointed at their noses and called dogs, who could bear it?

"Boy, you are going to die today, take your life."

As soon as the words fell, the two Super Douluo no longer concealed their aura, and charged towards where Zhao Wou-ki was.

Obviously, they planned to rest until death, and they didn't even care about the life and death of their own family, Deacon Long.

Zhao Wuji smiled indifferently. "Hehe, Brother Long! I am in a good mood today, brother, so I will help you teach your two dogs a lesson."

As he said that, he punched Deacon Long with his fist, knocking his body straight into the air, and landed in a place of snow far away.

His punch was not light, and Deacon Long was seriously injured. This group probably didn't even have the strength to escape, and passed out in the air.

It's not because of Zhao Wuji's kindness, it's just that he can't die now, some plans still need to use this person.

After doing this, Zhao Wou-ki showed excitement, his body was full of blood, and he rushed towards the two Super Douluo who were rushing towards him. "Hahaha let's have a quick fight!"

To be honest, this guy is an out-and-out militant. In recent years, no one has trained him, and he hasn't had a good fight for a long time.

The two Super Douluo in front of him came to his door, just enough to satisfy Zhao Wuji's greed.

"Hmph! You really overestimated your capabilities. Even if you hide your strength, do you think you are a match for the two of us?"

At this time, these two Title Douluo still didn't give up, they still believed that Zhao Wou-ki was hiding his strength.

However, they didn't feel nervous at all, instead they acted extremely arrogant, because they had that self-confidence, knowing that they had two Super Douluo on their side, at Zhao Wou-ki's age, how strong could he be?
Those who don't know are fearless, the two of them are full of confidence, and they don't take Zao Wou-ki to heart at all.

But as soon as they got their hands on it, they changed their views.

rub rub rub~~

Zao Wou-ki retreated a dozen steps in a row, and finally stabilized his figure. In front of him, a gully more than ten meters long appeared, which was caused by his unloading force just now.

"Hahaha, it's so fucking exciting,"

Fighting spirit surged on his side, and he laughed boldly.

But on the other side, those two Super Douluo didn't think so, their current situation was similar to Zhao Wuji's, and they also retreated a long way from the impact just now.

But don't forget, they are two Super Douluo teaming up, in other words, two against one.

But in the first confrontation, they actually achieved a tie, and they couldn't accept it for a long time.

A person may be able to pretend, but his inner aura cannot be changed. Through the confrontation just now, they discovered that Zhao Wuji in front of him is really just a Titled Douluo, that is to say, the idea of ​​hiding his strength is unrealistic.

What does this mean?

This means that the person in front of him is a genius, and a genius who can leapfrog.

In the face of such geniuses, one must either not fight against them, or kill them in the bud.

Obviously, the two Super Douluo chose the latter, it is impossible for them to let Zao Wou-ki continue to grow.

"It seems that this kid can't stay, he must die today."

"That's right, his threat is too great, we must get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise, if he grows up in the future, we will be the ones who die."

From these two short sentences, it is not difficult to hear that the evil intentions of these two people can be seen.

The two old men looked at each other, seeing the determination in each other's eyes, the aura on their bodies began to rise, blowing a gust of cold wind, and the snow on the ground began to disperse around.

In just a moment, the snowflakes scattered across the whole world, just like catkins flying in February, extremely beautiful.

No one appreciates such a beautiful scenery. At such a critical juncture, both parties are engrossed and dare not relax in the slightest.

But be careful, Zao Wou-ki doesn't have a shred of timidity in his heart, even though the two people opposite him are of higher level than him, he still has fighting spirit surging.

Things have come to this point, it is useless to say anything, only fists are the best way to speak.

bang bang bang...

Zhao Wou-ki crazily activated the body training technique, and his already burly body quickly turned into a monster of muscles all over his body. The densely packed blood vessels and blue tendons on his arms were wriggling one by one, making people feel scalp tingling at a glance. numb.

Seeing this scene, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the two Super Douluo. "I didn't expect to be a person who cultivated both soul and body."

However, disapproval soon appeared on the faces of the two of them. You must know that the two of them were born in the body training guild. Is there anyone who knows more about body training than them?
This is tantamount to playing tricks, and it's boring.

But even though the truth is this, they didn't take it lightly, because both of them are veterans, and it is impossible for them to make mistakes of underestimating the enemy.

It has to be said that from this point, the two of them are not comparable to that Long Deacon.

(End of this chapter)

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