Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 228 Interesting facts

Chapter 228 Interesting facts
Maybe it was a little tired, but Chen Feng fell asleep unknowingly.

But he seemed a little unlucky, just fell asleep for a while, and was woken up again.

Disturbing people's dreams is definitely a bad thing for anyone, Chen Feng who woke up was a little irritable, and looked impatiently at a place behind him.

Just now, the sound of fighting here woke him up, which made Chen Feng a little annoyed.

I saw two adults and a child in a place not far away, but it seemed that their relationship was not good.

I saw a middle-aged man covering the child behind him, looking at the other man warily. "Xiang Feng, do you really plan to kill them all, or do you mean that your Xiang family can't accommodate a child right now?"

The man named Xiang Feng twitched his lips. "Steward Lin, you don't need to waste your words. This little thing must die today, but why are you so devoted to him? As long as you hand over this little thing, I will let you live."

The resentment on Lin Butler's face was obvious. "Xiang Feng, you are ungrateful to the Xiang family. The master treated you well before he was alive. He has always taken good care of the Xiang family. I didn't expect that you would collude with outsiders to murder the master. Now you even don't let go of his only blood. You Are you worthy of your conscience?"

"Hahaha... We will always remember the kindness of his old man in our hearts, and we will definitely burn incense and worship Buddha for him in the future, but this kindness is kindness or resentment, how can the two be confused?"

Xiang Feng said that at the exit, as if he wanted to defend himself, but his words were indeed a bit shameless. "We killed his family to seize all his property, and we worshiped him well after his death. There seems to be no conflict between the two. Hahaha... Butler Lin, do you think I am right? ?Hahaha……"

Butler Lin was furious. At this moment, his eyes were tearing apart, and he cursed at Xiang Feng. "Bastard, you must die..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng, who was still impatient just now, suddenly regained his energy. "Hey! Now there is a good show to watch."

Quickly straightening his body, Chen Feng sat on the ground, staring at the front without blinking.


"Whatever you say, this kid is going to die anyway today. Butler Lin, since I have already caught up with you, don't even think about taking him away. I will give you one last chance. As long as you leave now, I can go on I don’t want to spare your life, how can you think about it?”

"Hmph!" Steward Lin snorted coldly, stopped talking to Xiang Feng at all, bowed his body, wiped the tears from the little boy's face with his hands, and said in a low voice.

"Master, the old slave will hold him back later, you should run away quickly, do you understand?"

The tears on the little boy's face kept flowing, and he looked very sad, but he still nodded tenaciously. "I see, Grandpa Lin! But, what do you do?"

Butler Lin pretended to be relaxed. "Young master, don't worry, I will drive the old slave down soon, you just need to run forward hard."

At this time, Xiang Feng's voice sounded again, and he heard what he said just now clearly, but he didn't care at all with his known personality.

"I said Steward Lin, you are simply wasting time, do you think you can hold me back with your mere soul master? This is simply a joke.

Hehe... With your strength, it's not enough for me to stick between my teeth, so you don't have to lie to yourself here. "

Xiang Feng was very arrogant, but with the strength of his Soul Sect, he did have the qualifications to say this.

"Furthermore, there are cliffs all around, and there is only one road behind me. Where are you going to let this kid run?"

He had an inexplicable smirk on his face, which looked a little scary, and his eyes were full of playfulness.

Butler Lin ignored him, but the determination on his face was obvious.

Chen Feng, who saw all this in his eyes, naturally saw the middle-aged man's will to die, and became more interested, and walked away. "Interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect to be a loyal person!"

Chen Feng had a good impression of this person, and was obviously moved by his loyalty.

However, Chen Feng didn't intend to help. After all, there are so many injustices in this world. If he gets involved in everything, he will be too busy, so now he has made up his mind to stand by and watch.

The man named Xiang Feng seemed a little impatient at this moment. "In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

I saw him forming a fist with his right hand, and then he rushed out with his foot. The speed of his movement created a strong wind in the air, which made the trees around him rustle.

Seeing such a situation, Steward Lin looked very anxious, hurriedly pushed the child away, and then gritted his teeth fiercely to meet him, yelling at the same time. "Young master, run quickly."

The battle between a soul king and a soul sect is undoubtedly a child's play in Chen Feng's eyes, not to mention the power, there are flaws everywhere in this move, seeing Chen Feng beside him can't help shaking his head.

But disappointment is disappointment, he still observed the battle carefully, after all, it was just watching a show for fun, and he didn't have to be so serious.

This is an unfair battle, Lin Butler is eager to protect the Lord, this is to try his best, the consequence of this excessive force is that he can't control his hands and feet, and the original moves are naturally messed up, becoming useless The rules did not cause much trouble to the enemy.

Furthermore, his own strength is not as good as Xiang Feng's, and there is a huge gap between the two, which has been at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

Xiang Feng was laughing wildly while fighting, probably because the feeling of brutalizing his opponent made him very excited, and he kept yelling endlessly. "Hahaha... you old bastard, you are simply beyond your control."

While speaking, he forced Lin Butler back with another palm, causing Lin Butler to vomit blood, and he seemed to be seriously injured.

"Hahaha... I've never seen such a stupid person like you, old man, since you want to die, I'll give you a ride. When you get to the ground, don't forget who killed you, or you will become a ghost. It would be a joke if you can’t find someone to claim your life. Hahahaha..."

He was very rampant, the laughter spread so far that it was a little noisy to Chen Feng's ears, making him frown for a while.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Butler Lin spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, his clothes were all stained with blood, and he looked extremely miserable.

However, he didn't care about the situation in front of him, but looked at the little boy, his eyes were full of eagerness. "Master, don't be dazed and run quickly."

But these words seemed useless, the little boy stood there motionless, as if he had been frightened stupid.

However, this is not the case, Chen Feng in the distance seemed to see something, and muttered to himself. "Interesting, this little guy is a bit interesting..."

(End of this chapter)

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