Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 229 Lin Zixiu

Chapter 229 Lin Zixiu

"Run, young master..." Butler Lin shouted eagerly. While shouting, he entangled Xiang Feng vigorously, and his body was already severely injured.

But no matter how anxious he was and how desperate he was, the little boy didn't show any expression and just stood there.

Looking at the little boy who was stunned in place, Xiang Feng was also stunned for a moment, but then he burst out laughing. "Steward Lin, you see, this kid has already accepted his fate, so why are you struggling so hard here to waste your energy?"

His eyes were full of teasing, looking at Lin Butler was like looking at a clown, and he couldn't stop mocking him.

Seeing this situation, Chen Feng was also very curious. Could it be that, as Xiang Feng said, this kid accepted his fate.

In the end, the little boy turned around slowly under the gaze of the three of them. "Big brother, please save us!"

Xiang Feng and Lin Butler were startled, only to realize that there was another person beside the three of them, and they immediately looked on alert, no one knew what kind of plans this person who appeared out of nowhere had in mind.

Chen Feng clicked his tongue. "Interesting, really interesting, I ask you how did you find me?"

Although Chen Feng didn't hide it deliberately just now, but his location is a little remote, and the sky is getting dark at this time, if you don't observe carefully, you really can't see that there is someone there.

From the performance of the little guy in front of him, he really didn't mean to look this way just now, so how did he find himself?This is a question worth pondering.

The little boy rolled his eyes, did not answer his question, but continued to speak in a pleading tone. "Big brother, can you save me and Grandpa Lin?"

Chen Feng smiled irrefutably, and did not make a statement.

He didn't move, but Xiang Feng beside him would not be that simple, he said impatiently. "Boy, who are you? Don't meddle in other people's business, and retreat quickly, or you will be taken care of together."

What he said seemed to turn from embarrassment into anger. He was startled when he found someone here just now, and his expression was very nervous, for fear that he would encounter some kind of expert.

After taking a closer look, his attitude changed greatly. Chen Feng's appearance was really deceptive. Anyone who saw it would think that he was just a rich man, giving people a flashy feeling.

Seeing that he was only in his early twenties, how could such a person pose any danger to him?Although I can't generalize, those outstanding people may be stronger than him at this age, but don't you look at what kind of place this is, it's just a small soul beast forest, can there be such a character?
"Boy, don't make me say it a second time, and get the hell out of me immediately." Xiang Feng's tone was not good, and he threatened directly. To be honest, he really meant to become angry from shame. The boy in the head was so frightened that his face became hot for a while, but now that he realized that he was still so polite.

If it weren't for the fact that he has serious business to do now, it would be difficult for him to deal with extra problems, I'm afraid he would have to take action to teach Chen Feng a lesson now.

Not to mention how angry he was, the butler Lin's expression moved, his eyes sparkled, and he just took a step forward and knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly regardless of his injuries. "Young man, please help us for the sake of my young master. I will pester this guy later, please take my young master away immediately. I will thank you here first."

He kowtowed while saying this, with an extremely humble attitude, as if he was grasping at straws.

If it is an ordinary person, he must be moved by his loyalty. The passage just now is very artistic. If it is other people, maybe it will really help.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, with an inexplicable expression on his side. "This old boy is uneasy and kind! This is trying to involve me, hehe, you are loyal to the market, but why drag me, a passer-by, into the water."

Chen Feng didn't speak, just stared at Lin Butler quietly.

What a pair of calm eyes, without any waves or surprises, just like a pool of stagnant water. Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Lin Butler felt chills for a while, and thought in his heart that he shouldn't have done it all his life. I'm afraid his intentions have been seen through, maybe Has been hated by him.

Originally, Steward Lin wanted to attract this sudden appearance, but Xiang Feng would definitely be distracted by then, so he and the young master would have an extra chance of life. As for Chen Feng, it would be considered unlucky for this kid.

But the scene in front of him was a bit unexpected. This kid didn't seem to be fooled, and he also saw through his plot, which made Steward Lin feel uneasy.

"Huh, now I just hope that the thief Xiang Feng will give me some strength. Even if you see through it at that time, so what. Since you have already entered the game, then don't even think about jumping out."

Xiang Feng next to him was still cursing for a while, and Chen Feng clearly saw the smug expression on the corner of Lin Butler's mouth, but he didn't express anything about it and turned his gaze away.

"Boy, why should I save you? Tell me about it."

Chen Feng was talking about you, not you, because in his subconscious, Butler Lin was already a dead person, and it seemed like a waste of his saliva to say one more word.

The little boy was silent, maybe even he himself didn't know how to answer this question.

He was silent, but it didn't mean that Xiang Fengshan was going to give up. His face was grim, and he stepped forward to bypass Lin Butler and stood in front of Chen Feng. "Boy, let me ask you again, do you want to intervene in this matter today? Tell me a good word, or don't blame me for embarrassing you."

Facing his threat, Chen Feng smiled lightly. "You please!"

These three short words showed his attitude. Hearing this, the other three had different expressions.

Xiang Feng's expression was rampant, his face was full of arrogance, and he had a very sensible expression on his face.

And the little boy was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe it, then the light in his eyes dimmed, and then he lowered his head and remained silent.

The butler Lin went mad at this moment, and anger appeared on his face. "Why are you so cold-blooded that you don't want to save yourself? Do you still have any conscience?"

He stared at Chen Feng viciously, and the unbearable words in his mouth frequently came out, all talking about Chen Feng's faults, saying how unkind and unrighteous he was, and how sinister and vicious he was, and he didn't notice at all that Xiang Feng who rushed towards him...

Da da da……

Chen Feng came to the little boy with crisp footsteps. "What's your name?"

The little boy calmly replied, "Lin Zixiu!"

"Would you like to follow me in the future?"


(End of this chapter)

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