Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 232 God Realm

Chapter 232 God Realm
"Wahhahahahaha... The God Realm is really extraordinary. The spiritual energy in this world is many times stronger than that on the mainland. The speed of this cultivation base can't be increased."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, for Zhao Wou-ki's temperament, he has indeed learned a lesson.

"You, don't be too impulsive. Let's stay here for the first time. I believe that Elder Zhang and the others have received the news and will come to us later."

"Not bad!"

Dai Minghan also spoke, perhaps because he has been in a high position all year round and has a relatively calm temperament in governing the country, and he understands many of the reasons. "We are new here, and there are many things that are not clear, so we can't mess around. If we make any mistakes, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Having said that, this God Realm can be regarded as hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are many masters everywhere. We really should be more careful and not be reckless and impulsive. "

Zhao Wou-ki didn't take it seriously, it didn't matter, he shrugged his shoulders.

"We're just standing here, unless it's a sudden disaster, nothing can happen."

What was he afraid of? As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of menacing people approaching from a distance. "All of you, get the hell out of Grandpa."

Got it!
Everyone looked at Zhao Wou-ki speechlessly, all of them had a crow's mouth for policy, saying that when Cao Cao arrived, this trouble would come to him immediately.

No matter what the reason was for the man who yelled that sentence just now, as long as he opened his mouth, the beam will be closed, and no one among them can bear it.

Although this thing can't be explained clearly, it does exist. How arrogant they are, how could they not respond when their dignity was offended.

Not wanting to cause trouble doesn't mean being afraid of trouble, men of my generation spit and nail, if you are angry in your chest, then you must go along, otherwise can you still be called a man?

Zhao Wuji was naturally the first to jump out, among these people he was the only one who jumped out, how could he be able to sit still? "Hey... don't blame me. They brought it to the door by themselves. Don't blame me, Lao Zhao, for not going. They are riding on my neck. If I don't make a sound, it won't look too bad."

When he said this, he even squeezed his eyebrows, which made people laugh for a while, so he could only curse with a smile. "I think you are eager to make trouble, really..."

Zhao Wou-ki rubbed his hands, and walked forward with a smile on his face, but before he took a few steps, the joy on his face stiffened.

"Uncle Zhao, why don't you leave it to some of us."

Zhao Wou-ki turned his head, staring at Dai Mubai with malicious intent. "Are you trying to find fault, kid, and dare to steal my business?"

Look at what they said, how did they act like bandits on the hilltop? The atmosphere at the scene was very weird. Tang Hao and the others didn't save face, laughing at the ugly Zhao Wuji one by one.

"How can you say that? Uncle Zhao, you are from the uncle's generation. How can you bully the small with the big? If we little ones want to see the world, you can't stop us."

Looking at Dai Mubai who was talking eloquently, Zao Wou-ki became anxious on the spot, he stared at Dai Mubai with malicious intentions. "you……"

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

It turned out that during this brief conversation, that group of menacing people had already approached, and one of them, Xiao Xia, was a flamboyant, pale-faced young man staring lewdly at the few female relatives present. "Several beauties, working in Xiazheng State, you guys will follow me in the future,"

As soon as these words were uttered, the atmosphere at the scene endured. If they were just planning to teach these people a lesson, then it is not as simple as a lesson now, and they might kill some people.

Tang San was the most serious, because when the man spoke, he was speaking to his mother, and before Tang Hao had moved, Tang Shan had already rushed out.

The hatred of humiliating the mother is greater than the sky!
As for him, he is definitely the most sensible person among the crowd, no one can compare to him in this regard, but now he is angry, can the others calm down?
Several young men came up side by side, and the adults watched from the sidelines. This does not mean that they are not angry, but they believe that these juniors of their own can understand their intentions and will definitely teach this rude person a lesson. It will definitely make him unforgettable.

"Give me your hands, take down all these lifeless things, don't hinder me from talking with the little beauty, hahaha..."

This person's movements are very fast, but he reacted in an instant, and issued orders in an orderly manner, but from this proficiency, it can be seen that this is not the first time he has encountered such a thing, otherwise he would not May have been prepared.

After giving an order, the few people who followed him also rushed forward. Obviously, practice makes perfect, and they were not surprised by his order. They were all ruthless like dog legs, showing their teeth and claws, as if they were in front of their master.Let yourself become more diligent to please the master.

In fact, there are not many people here, only five or six followers, and their strength is not bad, all of them are god kings, presumably such a dude who has been hollowed out by wine and sex, how strong will the guards around him be?
"This God Realm is really extraordinary. This majestic servant and guard has such strength. It seems that we should indeed be careful in the future and not underestimate these people." Yu Xiaogang said truthfully, his calm face First, he showed a rare seriousness.

Zhao Wou-ki's impatient temper immediately exploded with foul language. "Damn! Aren't these places full of filth and filth, full of bastards, I said, Xiaogang, how can you grow others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige like this?"

They all say don't reason with women, but anyone who has been with Zhao Wuji knows that you must not reason with this guy, because sometimes his thoughts are more difficult to guess than women, and his bickering skills are definitely not weak, and he will definitely Make you want to die.

Seeing his swearing, the atmosphere between Tang Hao and the others also faded, everyone was joking, not worried at all that his child was still fighting with others on the court.

They were very calm, but the young man just now didn't think so. At this moment, he was breaking out in cold sweat, his originally pale face had turned blue, and his body began to tremble unceasingly.

Because he found that he seemed to have encountered a hard stubble, his breathing became much heavier.

On the field at this time, the men he brought with him were already entangled, the two sides were evenly matched, and although he was stubborn, he was not stupid. These boys were obviously the weakest in the world, and the truly powerful ones. People can still do it.

But even so, he didn't have the confidence to be domineering. At that moment, he wanted to turn around and run away, but it seemed that he had lost the courage to run away, so he just stood there timidly.

(End of this chapter)

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