Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 233 The Law of Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 233 The Law of Survival of the Fittest
The man was no longer as arrogant and domineering as before, with layers of cold sweat on his forehead, his face turned blue, he pursed his lips, and began to back away slowly.

"Several friends, this is a misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding..."


Zhao Wuji stood up directly, his expression was very fierce, it seemed that there was no room for negotiation at all. "Since this is a misunderstanding, it shouldn't matter if I beat you up, it's a misunderstanding after all."


Perhaps because of being frightened, the stubborn boy swallowed his saliva, and his face became paler and paler.

It didn't take much time for Tang San and the others to finish the battle, and the obstinate disciple's followers had been beaten to the ground, unable to move, each one howling and screaming.

Looking at Tang Sanshan who surrounded him like him, the stubborn boy's lips trembled in fright, and he fell to the ground with a plop, and then backed away non-stop with his hands propped up.

Maybe he was driven into a hurry. At this time, he didn't hold his breath in a low voice. It was as if he took a deep breath and shouted hysterically. However, it seemed that he was still a little scared because his voice was trembling.

"I'm warning you, don't...don't come here, or you won't be able to eat and walk around."

Since he didn't pay attention to his warning, he went up and punched and kicked for a long time, only to let him go until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

After this stubborn boy was escorted away by several followers of his family, he still threatened a few times and clamored for revenge.

Of course, everyone didn't take it seriously, so how could they ever be those people who are afraid of things?
"It seems that this God Realm is also the same? There are such unsightly things everywhere."

"That's right, that guy doesn't look like much fun at first glance. I don't think there is much difference except for some differences in strength. In fact, that's good, at least we won't be too unfamiliar."

"That's right, if people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will offend them. We don't steal or rob, naturally no one will come to trouble us, but if someone dares to be unreasonable and deliberately seek trouble Son, let's not let him go, anyway, we are not those who have no confidence or no background, so we can't take away our prestige."

Zhao Wuji said carelessly, his eyebrows raised coldly. "Listen up to you boys, although you are not allowed to cause trouble, but don't be a motherfucker for me, if you are a man, you will do it, if you feel uncomfortable, you will turn the world upside down.

Hehe... This rabbit bites people when it's in a hurry. As long as someone needs to clean up, don't confuse me. Do you hear me clearly? "

As soon as he said this, he was scolded by Yu Xiaogang, his eyes were wide open, and there was a bit of anger in his words. "What fallacies are you talking about? How can you teach bad children?"

Zhao Wou-ki raised his head when he heard this, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. "In the first place, they can't let them hold back what kind of words they say."

"You" Yu Xiaogang was so angry that he still wanted to argue with him, but was stopped by several other people, and they all laughed and smoothed things over.

"Okay, okay, we are all brothers, there is no need to make such a fuss over such a trivial matter, besides, there is some truth in what you say, the law of truth in this world is the law of the jungle, this is an unchangeable fact, so everyone in the future Be careful. This place is no different from the mainland, and there are still many things that everyone is not familiar with. So in the days to come, if no one provokes you, then forget it. We will live in peace and stability. But if someone does not have eyes to provoke When it comes to the head, then he can't bear it silently, he must suffer, otherwise this trouble will be inevitable.

As the saying goes, soft people are afraid of hard ones, hard ones are afraid of horizontal ones, and horizontal ones are afraid of lifeless ones. We must be hard when we should be hard, and we must be horizontal when we should be horizontal. But if you don’t want to be dead, then remove it, haha ..."


Everyone laughed for a while, and regained their harmony, as if nothing had happened.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Dabiao always came.

"Long time no see, brothers, you really miss me, hahaha..."

Zhang Dabiao and Zhao Wuji hugged each other, they are the two with the most tempers among the crowd, so the relationship is also very good.

Zhao Wou-ki hammered his chest hard. "Hey, let me tell you, kid, you've been living a good life recently. Look, you've gained a lot of weight. I guess you've been very leisurely in your life!"

Zhang Dabiao smiled boldly and returned a punch. "After this good life, you will not be able to live the same way, and then you will not be the same as me. Hahaha..."

To be honest, they haven't seen each other for more than ten years. This meeting in a different place, the feelings of old friends for many years warmed each other's hearts, and the smiles on each face were full of happiness.

But at this happy stall, someone came to spoil the fun.

Hearing a loud shout from a distance, a group of people rushed over aggressively. "Grandpa, I'm here to take revenge. Today is your death day."

At first glance, everyone saw that he was the stubborn kid just now, but at this time there were many people around him, and he was also accompanied by a middle-aged man, looking very respectful.

"Fourth Uncle, those boys beat me up just now. They must be foreigners. I haven't seen them in this generation. You have to make the decision for me!"

At this time, the playboy had a playful smile on his face, with a look of flattery on his face.

The person he called Fourth Uncle snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain. "I told you to practice hard. Look at what you look like. You were beaten like this by some punks who came out of nowhere."

Suddenly his tone paused, and his eyes were full of lewdness, because he also saw the beautiful family members in the group in front of him, and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva involuntarily. "Don't tell me, this little girl is really good-looking, sir, I'm going to eat meat tonight, haha. You're still a filial son, and I'll save you a few sips of soup then."

The stubborn kid can only laugh along with him but curse secretly in his heart. "Fuck! You also said that I spend a lot of time on weekdays, and you are the same, and you are an old whore. You are so old and still grab food with me. You are really shameless."

The two groups of people were actually not far apart, the conversation between that stubborn boy and his so-called second uncle, entered Tang San and the others' ears exactly.

Everyone glared at this, their eyes filled with cold killing intent, yes, it was killing intent!
Zhang Dabiao was at a loss. Although he didn't know what happened, the vulgar language fell into his ears, and his eyes were full of danger.

(End of this chapter)

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