Chapter 234
None of Tang San and his group was not angry, like they had just arrived, and now they were being provoked again and again, no matter how good-tempered they were, they couldn't bear it.

After all, young people are impulsive. In terms of nourishing energy, they are not as good as Yi Xiaogang and his generation.

Isn't it?
The irritable Dai Mubai was the first to stand up. "You son of a bitch, just now we let you go with good intentions, but we didn't expect you to find death and send it to our door. This time, I can't blame me. If you leave your life here today, I will Dai Mubai Just follow your last name."

In other words, what he said should not be said.There is nothing wrong with the others, but it is really inappropriate to report the name to the door for the first time when you have an enmity with someone.

But none of the crowd dissuaded them, because they had the confidence to afford everything in this world.

"Fourth master! This kid speaks too badly, why don't I take him down for you."

A servant hurriedly stood up, as if to claim credit, looking at his master expectantly, but he didn't expect to wait for his confirmation.

A loud slap slapped the servant's face, and under the unbelievable gaze of the servant, one of his teeth was knocked out with a single slap.

"It's just a dog's leg. How dare you wag your tail in front of me. I'm so ignorant that you jumped out in a hurry before I said anything."

He took a step forward with a cheerful face. "Where do you guys come from?"

But no one answered him, and the fourth master's expression remained unchanged. "Haha. It's okay if you don't want to say it. My name is Wu Si. You can just call me Si Ye. Since you have come to my territory, I should do my best as a landlord. Today I will treat you well, and I will return it to you." With my fourth master's face, let's communicate and exchange feelings well."

While talking, his eyes became slits with a smile, and he looked very enthusiastic, but those eyes did not leave the female relatives.

Then suddenly, there was no preview, a figure rushed out, the pupils of the fourth master shrank, and he even backed away again and again to avoid the sudden attack.

However, his reaction was a little slow, and he still suffered a bit. He was punched in the chest, making him very embarrassed.

Only at this time did everyone have the heart to look at the person who rushed out suddenly, it turned out that this person was none other than Dai Mubai.

"You're not a good mother!"

After saying that one sentence, he rushed forward again, as if he didn't want to waste his saliva.

The fourth master's eyes were hard, obviously angry. "Give it to me, I'm going to chop up this kid and feed it to the dogs today."

He was really angry, thinking that his fourth master, who was so majestic in this generation, capsized in the gutter today, and was embarrassed by a kid in such a large crowd, it was a big loss of face.If this revenge is not reported, how can he still hang out in this area in the future.

Now that the master spoke, how could those servants stay safely, they naturally rushed up, they were numerous in number, but Dai Mubai was not afraid to go up alone and fight with them.

However, this group of people seemed to be more powerful than the group just now. In fact, Dai Mubai was a little overwhelmed by this confrontation, and was in a hurry for a while. Seeing that the situation was not good, how could Tang San and the others sit still? Helped before.

But all this seemed to be not enough. Although he didn't suffer any big losses, he was always at a disadvantage, being suppressed and beaten. Tired of such scenes, the stubborn boy burst out laughing.

"Hahaha mud legs are mud legs, a country bumpkin who came out of nowhere, dare to fight against grandpa and me, this is what happens!"

He is so rampant, that is because his revenge just now has finally been avenged, God knows how much he has been wronged just now, thinking that he has lived such a life, no one has ever dared to point fingers in front of him, let alone repair him So miserable.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Wu and the girls couldn't calm down, and they all stepped forward to help, and the situation was stabilized by doing all-round work.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the difference between the two places. When this group of god kings fight here, the movement they make is similar to the scenes of those titled Douluo fighting on the mainland, and the ground seems to be unusually stable. So far, there hasn't been a hole left.

Seeing such a scene, Yu Xiaogang and the others were all puzzled, and all of them turned their attention to Zhang Dabiao. Who told him to come here so early, they must be looking for him if there is anything to do.

Being stared at by several people, Zhang Dabiao couldn't help shivering. "Why are you staring at me like that? How embarrassing."

Zhao Wou-ki took a step forward and smiled. "Old Zhang, please explain to us quickly, otherwise we won't have any good fruit for you. Hehe."

Seeing the smirk on his face, Zhang Dabiao didn't dare to delay any longer, for fear that he would come up with some tricky idea later. "It's actually nothing, it's just that the God Realm is more stable, it's not that your strength is weakened, this place is stronger than the Douluo Continent, and the power it can withstand is also greater.

Let me tell you this, in this place, it is basically impossible for you to hit the level of landslides and ground cracks. Even a god emperor like me can break a ten-meter-high hill at most. Still in the state of boxing strength. "

Everyone nodded to express their understanding. It actually makes sense to say this. The environment in this place is indeed much better than that on the mainland, and there should be some special features.

Zhang Dabiao waved his hand to interrupt everyone's thinking, pointed to the battle on the field and said.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, we will discuss these things later, everyone should solve the current situation first."

It turned out that the fourth master saw that his subordinates were being entangled by a few young boys and girls, and he couldn't hold back his face. He immediately waved to the two standing behind him, signaling them to come forward .

These two people have extraordinary demeanor, each with fierce eyes, they are obviously ruthless characters who are fighting for power, probably it is the trump card and confidence of that fourth master, who has always stood behind him.

A burly man stood up, and a strong aura erupted from his body, making the robes of everyone present rattling.

Sure enough, this is not a simple character, and everyone immediately felt his realm - God Emperor!
"Hey... Don't fight me this time." Zhao Wuji jumped out directly, acting very excited, he was a little bit aggrieved just now, and was snatched by those boys.

But Tang San and the others were juniors after all, and he didn't want to put up his old face to compete with them, now he couldn't wait to jump out, because he was afraid that someone would still compete with him.

"Hey! Big guy, let's practice."

When they heard this for the first time, everyone was dumbfounded. As far as Zao Wou-ki's muscles were concerned, he actually called the other person a big guy, which was a bit shameless, because the person opposite him was definitely not as strong as him, even though he was bigger. They are all fat, and they look very burly, but the muscles on their bodies are not so obvious, they are just a head taller than him.

But this is not the point, since we will wait and see, because the two god emperors are fighting...

(End of this chapter)

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