Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 235 Bravery

Chapter 235 Bravery
"bring it on!"

I saw Zhao Wuji yelling violently, like a berserk giant bear, he rushed forward with a few strides, his body like a hill galloped forward with an indomitable momentum.

Although Zao Wou-ki was a bit funny on weekdays, he was different in wartime, his whole face was stern, like a god of war, with a serious face written all over his face.

Coupled with his tendon flesh, it will definitely have an impact on people's vision. At first glance, he is the kind of character that is not easy to mess with. It will cause invisible oppression to people's spirit, and people will vaguely see that they are facing something like Is an undefeated god of war.

The two pairs of iron fists collided without hindrance. This was a purely male battle. It was all straight-forward. There was no skill at all when confronting head-to-head. Even Tang San and the others who were still fighting couldn't help but stop what they were doing, looking at the shocking scene in front of them.

Bang bang bang!
The fighting styles of these two people are extremely similar. When they first come up, they are punching to the flesh. You punch a group and you punch them. There is no dodge at all. They just fall down first when they are more vulnerable.

Zhao Wuji hit the opponent's cheek hard with a heavy fist, which immediately made half of the person's face swell up, and then attacked again brazenly, knocking the burly man back a few steps.

"Good guy!"

Zhao Wou-ki shouted excitedly, his eyes shone with admiration, the person in front of him really liked him too much, in the past when he was fighting others, although Zhao Wou-ki relied on his own strength to suppress them, but he never did it today. It's been so hearty.

"Brother, my old Zhao respects you as a man, and I can't bear to hurt your life. Don't meddle in today's matter, don't continue to help the evildoers." Zhao Wou-ki didn't make any more moves, but stood on the spot and spoke. persuaded.

He had a great affection for the burly man in front of him, and he really couldn't bear to hurt such a good man, so such well-intentioned, this kind of situation is really rare with Zao Wou-ki's character, and he tried to persuade him road,
"I said, brother, you are also a god emperor after all, and it is really a shame to be a thug under such a waste."

To be honest, Zhao Wou-ki is still very curious about this God Realm, what kind of reason actually makes a God Emperor reduced to the point of being a bodyguard.Generally speaking, with such strength, at least he can stand on his own, at least he is a person with power in the hands of ordinary forces, but the scene in front of him made him unable to believe his eyes.

But now is not the time to be entangled in these things, Zao Wou-ki is eager to deal with the immediate matter, as for the others, we will talk about it later.

Before the burly man could speak, the man named Si Ye spoke arrogantly again. "Hahaha... You don't have to waste your energy in vain. No matter how gaudy you say, they dare not disobey my order."

Hearing this, I don't know if it was the burly man, but even the other entourage and thugs couldn't help but lower their heads, with a bit of sadness on their faces.

"Hmph! Don't you think it's strange? I'm in a good mood today, so I'll explain it to you."

Seeing that his subordinates gave him face, the fourth master was obviously in a good mood, but it was more for showing off, otherwise, I believe she would not waste any more words. "Let me tell you the truth, these people do have strength. Unfortunately, this is the God Realm. In this place, strength alone is not enough. You must have a background and a backer."

"Hey. In the God Realm, as long as you have a little bit of strength, you must choose a side to join, otherwise you will become a lone wolf, and you will not be able to survive in this place where the jungle preys on the weak.

Moreover, all the forces in the God Realm are the same, they do not allow casual cultivators to exist independently, as long as they want to report to the group for warmth, or to be alone, they will be hunted down by everyone. "

Fourth Master's eyes were full of playfulness, with a hint of sarcasm. "Hey, that is to say, these guys with mud-legged backgrounds, apart from joining us as servants, they have no choice but to die."

This remark caused the face of the person in the small vat who had just entered the God Realm to change, and his brows were all frowned, obviously some did not believe that the God Realm was also like this.

Seeing their doubts, Zhang Dabiao added. "This bastard is right. It's okay in those remote places, but in these gathering places, it is true that no one is allowed to be alone, otherwise they will attack in groups."

Fourth Master was a little surprised. He didn't expect that someone would understand. He originally thought that this group of people were just mud legs from the countryside. Zhang Dabiao's ability to answer these questions was indeed beyond his expectations.

But the accident was an accident, fourth master obviously didn't take it to heart. "Hey. It's nothing. The world is so big that it's impossible to cover everything. It's okay to have some caught fish. If he doesn't offend our interests, then of course we don't need to care about it, because no one has that kind of leisure.

In fact, this was the rule a long time ago, and now there are many casual cultivators, no one will take care of them.But, hehe..."

Fourth master narrowed his eyes. "If they're doing well, they'll have to pass along. If someone wants to hold a group for warmth and set up another mountain, then they have to ask us if they agree. After all, there is a group of people on their own territory who come out to grab food. Well, of course that's bad.

Over the years, we have wiped out many of these mobs, and very few of them succeeded in the end. "

When he said this, he pointed to the entourage beside him with his finger. "There are other people like them who don't have the guts and can only choose to join forces like us,

I think you guys don't even understand these things, maybe you are the country folks who ran out of the valley, why don't you think about it, as long as you offer these beauties to me, then I will accept them you guys.Hahaha……"


Hearing the loud laughter from my side, Tang San and the others looked even worse, especially the women, each of them had a gloomy expression.

Zhao Wou-ki is really impatient, he has a bad temper, and he cares about the people around him, how can he bear it?
"Brothers, don't talk nonsense with him, we will kill him together."

Seeing this, Dai Minghan and the others, who couldn't bear it for a long time, burst out their auras one after another, and a wave of divine emperor's aura spread in the air, overwhelming Fourth Master and his group.

"How is it possible?" The stubborn boy and fourth master panicked.

They really didn't expect this group of people to have such strength, they originally thought that Zhao Wuji was the strongest among them, and the situation before them all showed that they had provoked someone they shouldn't have provoked.

Looking at the few people who looked like they were coming face to face, the stubborn son and the fourth master panicked. "You can't kill me, I'm from the Wu family..."

(End of this chapter)

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