Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 236 Emperor Palace

Chapter 236 Thousand Emperor Palace

It has been a few days since the fourth master and his group were beheaded. Under the leadership of Zhang Dabiao, Zhao Wuji and his group finally came to the body training guild site.

To be precise, it is the Palace of Thousand Emperors!

"According to the intention of the Hall Master, our body training guild will be renamed Qiandi Hall from now on. How about it, this name sounds domineering." Zhang Dabiao introduced with a proud face, it can be seen that he is very satisfied with the name.

Before the others said anything, Zao Wou-ki jumped out, his excitement was beyond words.

"Hahaha, this name is a good one. It was named for Master Zhao. It was obviously named to celebrate that if I become a god emperor in the future, Xiaofeng really has a heart. Hehehe..."

Seeing his wretched smile, everyone fainted. They really couldn't stand his narcissistic character.

But not everyone is like this. Dai Minghan didn't joke with them. At this time, he frowned and formed a Sichuan character on his forehead. After hesitating, he still spoke his mind.

"Is there something wrong with this name?"

Perhaps it is because he is in charge of a country in Nuoda, he is more experienced in these matters, and has more scruples, and he thinks more about everything. "After all, we are in the God Realm of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger. Wouldn't it be a bit arrogant to choose such a name? What if someone deliberately comes to make trouble because of this?"

Zhang Dabiao said indifferently. "Hey! That's all. I thought what were you talking about?"

Zhang Dabiao waved his hand directly, with a very casual expression. "Such a name is already very low-key in the gods. You have never heard of something more arrogant. For example, such as No. [-] Village in the World, Eternal Empire, and Wanguzong. In short, our name is indeed considered average. Compared with these There's no comparison at all."

"Furthermore, what does a mere name represent, because it is impossible for someone to do anything to you because of a name, and you need to be hardworking to forge the iron, which ultimately depends on us!

Hehehe... Although we say that we will not declare it now, but I believe that under the leadership of the Hall Master, the Thousand Emperor Hall will one day achieve a great reputation in the God Realm. When that time comes, let others hear our name, then You have to take the initiative to back away. "

"Hahaha... It's still you, Zhang Dabiao, and I, Zhao Wuji, who have a temper. I love what you say. We are men who stand up to the sky. If you want any kind of power, you can use your fists to earn it. After all, being a wind is not about saying it." of."

"Hahaha..." Zao Wou-ki and Zhang Dabiao looked at each other and smiled, they were both happy for each other's sympathy.



Tang Hao tugged at his collar, let out a breath of foul air slowly, and said in a joking tone. "Elder Zhang, please tell us about the God Realm. We are newcomers, so it's good to introduce the situation to us, so as not to make a fool of yourself when the time comes."

"That's right, we also really want to know, especially what the fourth master said that day, what is the situation in the God Realm?"

"Elder Zhang, please speak freely. We brothers really want to understand these things. After all, we are not familiar with the place we live in now. It's better to understand it as soon as possible..."

Several people were chattering, all urging Zhang Dabiao to tell them something, Zhang Dabiao didn't feel upset, after all, he understood their feelings.

"Cough cough~"

"Since the big guys want to know, then I won't sell any officials. I just have time to talk to you today."

At this time, Zhang Dabiao's face turned serious, seeing his appearance, several people did not suspect him, thinking in their hearts that Zhang Dabiao just wanted to be more formal.

"You probably don't know it yet. When we first arrived, we didn't suffer a lot. I remember that when we first arrived, we had conflicts due to local forces.

Good guy!These people are not easy to get along with, and before they say a word or two, they are already impatient. "

Zhao Wou-ki answered at the right time. "Then what happened in the end?"

"Hey. What else can we do? People have already slapped their noses on their faces. Do we still need to suffer from being useless? Naturally, the two gangs started pinching each other.

Although we are foreigners, our strength is indeed not weak. We didn't suffer any disadvantages at the beginning, but persisted with them, but later..."

Looking at Zhang Dabiao who hesitated to speak, Zhao Wou-ki became impatient now, and hurriedly urged him. "You can tell me what happened later, don't keep my appetite like this."

Zhang Dabiao's complexion was a little ugly, as if he was being weighed down by a heavy burden, and his mood was a little depressed.

"After all, we are outsiders, and we are not familiar with these intricate forces. At the beginning, there was nothing we could stand up to. But later, people reacted and gathered people everywhere, and after uniting with many Canadian forces, they launched a siege against us. During this period of time, we have lost many brothers, which can be described as a heavy loss."

As he spoke, he sighed, and tears welled up in the eyes of the seven-foot-tall man. "I'm sorry for those brothers! I brought them up, but I didn't expect them to be buried here forever."

Seeing his sad appearance, everyone didn't urge him anymore, they all understood his feelings and could only comfort him.

After a while, Zhang Dabiao recovered from his grief, and then continued. "Later Ming Lao and Yao Lao came forward in person to settle the matter. Since then, they have not dealt with us in such a big way, but that's all. At the beginning, those people would deliberately make things difficult. In fact, more than ten years have passed, and it has only been used a little bit.”

Zhang Dabiao glanced at the crowd before speaking. "As for the reason why they deal with us, it is also very simple. There is no room for one more force in this place, because one more means that they have to give up their own share. Later, it was Yao Lao and Ming Lao who intimidated the Quartet. We negotiated with those at the helm and assigned this area to us."

After listening to his words, several people were very quiet, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"I remember that you were not weak when you came up, not to mention that there are so many people, those people are willing to fight with you to the death, and they are not willing to share your territory?"

Hearing this, Zhang Dabiao smiled wryly. "If this is the case, then things will be easy. Let me tell you this, if the forces in the God Realm want to be recognized by others, they must have the protection of the God Emperor, so that they can gain a firm foothold. Otherwise, it will be difficult to be safe. It's like ascending to the sky."

Everyone was silent. They never thought that it would be so difficult in the God Realm. It seems that the water here is deep...

(End of this chapter)

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