Chapter 245
"What, you don't want to?"

Chen Feng looked at Lin Zixiu in astonishment, he couldn't figure out what was going on in this little guy's mind, and there were still people who disliked his body training technique.

Originally, Chen Feng saw that Lin Zixiu's behavior was prudent and he did things properly, so Chen Feng planned to make an exception to teach him gymnastics, but this little guy refused without thinking, which made him very distressed.

Ignoring his surprise, Lin Zixiu replied word by word. "Master, I just don't want to learn."

Why did he call Chen Feng his master?

This started a few days ago, when Chen Feng was still very curious about Lin Zixiu, a little guy.

This kid's mouth is very strict, no matter how much Chen Feng insinuates, he has nothing useful to gain except for asking some irrelevant things, what should we do now?

Chen Feng thought that there was no need for this, not that he was such a saint, but that it was just his own curiosity, and he would not be violent for such a trivial matter.

Before he could think of a way, Lin Zixiu recognized him as his master.

Chen Feng was naturally unhappy in every possible way, but Lin Zixiu was very self-conscious, and kept yelling, master, master.

It was useless for Chen Feng to scare him several times, so he just let him yell like that. "Call me whatever you like, as long as you like, it's okay to call me Dad."

Of course, these words are just talking. If this kid really wants to be called Chen Feng's father, he probably would have jumped a long time ago.

"Can you tell me why?" Chen Feng was very curious, he didn't believe that Lin Zixiu didn't know about Body Refining Technique, after all, it was already known in the mainland, as long as he was a soul master, he would definitely have heard of it.

These days, there are still people who push the benefits out, which is really beyond his expectation.

Chen Feng was not angry, because it was not enough, he just wanted to find out the reason.

Lin Zixiu: "Master, it's not that I don't know what's good or bad, or that I'm being self-willed, but that I really don't want to learn."

Chen Feng: "Then why don't you want to learn?"

"Master, if you don't want to learn, you just don't want to learn. There is no reason."

Lin Zixiu raised his head and looked at Chen Feng, because he was only about ten years old and not very tall, so it was a bit hard work, and his body was a little unstable.

"Master, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but you can't force me to learn something I don't want! Have you ever thought that even though you have a good intention to impose your own ideas on others, But I don’t necessarily like it.”

Lin Zixiu's words really wronged him, Chen Feng really didn't think about it that way.

However, this did remind Chen Feng, he couldn't help but think of the time when he taught Tang San and the others.

At that time, he really instilled everything he thought was right into Tang San. To put it bluntly, he was a little too self-righteous.

Chen Feng always felt that he was doing it for their benefit, no matter what he did, he would do it with this starting point.

Thinking back now, Chen Feng felt that something was wrong. When did his subjective intention become so strong, and he didn't consider other people's feelings.


Chen Feng let out a long sigh of relief, and his expression was a little inexplicable.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Feng was overjoyed, he stroked Lin Zixiu's head, and rubbed it twice unceremoniously. "nothing?"

Lin Zixiu knocked off his hand unceremoniously, with displeasure written all over his face. "master……"

The little guy's voice dragged on for a long time, complaining as if he had been wronged.

It made Chen Feng laugh out loud.

He forgot for a while, this kid doesn't like people touching his head, so he has committed a taboo now.

After laughing for a while, Chen Feng coughed. "Boy, what are you going to do with Xiang Jia? Let's talk about it first. I won't stand up for you."

Lin Zixiu: "Master, I've made it clear. When I have the strength to do this, I will take revenge myself, so I won't bother you."

Chen Feng nodded, feeling a little relieved for some reason, which surprised him greatly, did he accept the identity of master inadvertently?

Shaking his head and putting this thought behind him, Chen Feng didn't delve into it any further, let everything take its course.

For Lin Zixiu, he didn't have any meaning, and he didn't have any dissatisfaction. If there is a destiny, it seems good to have such a smart apprentice!

"Okay! Since you don't want to learn, then I won't force you. But you have to tell me, what is your plan? Physical training is the fastest way for you to increase your strength. If you only cultivate soul masters If you don't, I'm afraid that with your talent, you won't be able to accomplish anything in a few decades."

Chen Feng's words were not considered nonsense, according to what Lin Zixiu said, the strength of the Xiang family was not weak, and the one with the highest cultivation was a six-ringed soul emperor, and he could be considered a small master.

Although this little master was nothing to him, Lin Zixiu was different. He was a giant in front of him, and it was not so easy to surpass him.

Lin Zixiu did swear and patted his chest to assure that he was not at all discouraged. "Master, don't worry, as long as you give me another ten years, I will definitely avenge our Lin family."

Chen Feng's expression was astonished, and he didn't know where this kid got his confidence.

One must know that Lin Zixiu is ten years old now, and ten years later he will only be 20 years old. If he wants to spend ten years cultivating from a soul master to a soul emperor, I really don't know where he gets his confidence.

A 20-year-old soul emperor, if he is very talented, it's okay. As for Lin Zixiu, Chen Feng could only shake his head silently.

"To be honest, I'm not optimistic, but if you say so, I'll wait and see."

He didn't intend to get to the bottom of it. After this short time together, Chen Feng also believed that Lin Zixiu was not the kind of person who would shoot at no one. Maybe he really had something that Chen Feng didn't know about.

But what it is, Chen Feng doesn't know.

Because even if it was him, if it wasn't for his outstanding talent, he really wouldn't have such a bold idea, and he couldn't find any way to make a person break through from a soul master to a soul emperor in one fell swoop within ten years. You must know that there are a total of five great realms crossed here.

Ten-year-old Lin Zixiu is now a level 15 soul master.

Chen Feng could only say a few words, this is not considered a mockery, but there was nothing he could do to help.

"Forget it, this kid is so confident, then I'll see what kind of tricks he is playing!"

Although Chen Feng thought so in his heart, he always felt that this was something that might happen. This was a kind of intuition, which told him that Lin Zixiu could accomplish such a feat.

(End of this chapter)

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