Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 246 Goodwill from the City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 246 Goodwill from the City Lord's Mansion
Several days have passed since that day's encounter at the city gate, these days Tang San and the others have been living in the inn to avoid the limelight.

It's not that they were afraid, but that they were bothered. After all, this is not a good thing, and there is no need for them to make a fuss.

Today, they thought to themselves that this turmoil has passed, and it should have been forgotten by others, so it won't cause them much trouble.So the four of them discussed for a while and decided to go out.

Speaking of which, they haven't visited Baiyang County well yet, since they came here, it's not good to leave without doing anything.

However, they were obviously wrong. Along the way, they discovered that there were discussions everywhere, and they seemed to be the protagonists who were not discussing.

"Old Zhou, the second young master of the Bai family really just ran away in such a desperate manner, without any reaction?"

"Hi! Why did I lie to you?"

"I'm telling you! The cousin of my third aunt's eighth aunt's eldest nephew's second niece's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's cousin was demolishing the Bai family. When he passed by the door of the second young master of the Bai family that day, he heard There was the sound of smashing things, and I heard the eldest lady of the Bai family reprimanding the second young master of the Bai family, and finally smashed the door angrily and left. This incident has been spread all over the city. Who doesn't know?"

"So that's how it is! I said it's no wonder why everyone is talking about this matter. It's also strange to say that this Bai Qi is just a stubborn child. Why has this matter been passed on for so many days and the excitement has not diminished?"

"Who said it wasn't? It's not that the second young master of the Bai family has never been so ashamed, and I haven't seen everyone pay so much attention before! How strange?"

"Hey! Why are you thinking so much? Come on, I'll fill you up, we brothers won't go home today if we're not drunk..."

There are voices of discussion like this everywhere, too many to count, no matter in the streets or alleys, people who sell vegetables or go to the market are discussing this matter.

"Damn it! Shut up his mother and stop people from eating."

Ma Hongjun immediately jumped up violently, his eyes scanned the people in the restaurant, the coercion on his body continuously spread to the surroundings.

The guests in the restaurant all looked awe-inspiring, and it was too late to speak, and the noisy restaurant immediately quieted down, and everyone was so peaceful that they just buried their heads in eating, and didn't even dare to say a word.

In fact, they were all cursing in their hearts: what joke are you talking about, why is it so unlucky to have a meal?

Although these diners didn't know who Ma Hongjun was or what cultivation level he was, but that powerful aura couldn't deceive anyone. They only knew that the person in front of them couldn't be offended.

"Okay, Ma Hongjun, sit down for me, do you still want to eat?"

Dai Mubai knocked on the table with displeasure, motioning for Ma Hongjun to sit down, to be honest he was also a little impatient, but it was still within the acceptable range, not beyond his tolerance.

Tang San: "I don't think this matter is simple, there must be someone behind it, otherwise such a hot thing in 3 minutes, everyone's discussion will be over, it is absolutely impossible to spread across the city so fast, let alone it has already It's been discussed for so many days."

Ma Hongjun was still a little annoyed and snorted coldly. "I don't care who it is? I don't know what he wants to do? Anyway, I am upset now, don't let me catch him, or I will have to peel him a layer of skin."

Oscar snickered, pointed at Ma Hongjun, his face full of ridicule. "I thought your wild horse was tamed by Baishuang, but I didn't expect that your nature would be exposed as soon as you let it go."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun's face became embarrassing, he couldn't beat Oscar in bickering, so he could only admit defeat, and lowered his head to deal with the food on the table, wishing he could bury his head in the bowl.

Ma Hongjun is a typical tracheitis, he was docile by Bai Shuang, the brothers laughed at him a lot for this reason.

But this is the truth, and he can't find any reason to refute it.He had every reason to believe that as long as he dared to say something, if the words fell into Bai Shuang's ears, he would suffer for himself.

Just like in the original book, Ma Hongjun finally recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan, and even embraced the beauty, which can be regarded as solving his embarrassing status as the only single among the seven monsters.

But laughing and laughing, everyone has not forgotten the business, after all, this turmoil involves themselves and others, and it is deeply frustrating for them to keep silent like this, and it is impossible for several people to turn a blind eye.

Dai Mubai was the first to express his opinion. "In my opinion, this matter has something to do with that guy named Bai Qi. We can start from here."

The other three nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement with his point of view, and Oscar immediately spoke. "But even if it has something to do with him, it doesn't matter, because such rumors seem to have little effect on us, but it has greatly tarnished his reputation. It's a bit like the saying that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. I think at this time she It's also worrying."

"That's right, this incident should have been spread by his enemies, deliberately trying to save his face, with the purpose of ruining his reputation."

In a few words, a few people have already deduced the truth.

Someone really did this on purpose, and this person is Bai Jun. He would not give up the opportunity to beat up the dog in the water, so under the plan of a group of dog-headed military divisions, this sensational public opinion that lasted for several days began.

Tang San frowned slightly, as if considering something embarrassing. "But in this way, our goal is even more uncertain. Who knows how many enemies Bai Qi has?"

"It's okay." Dai Mubai didn't care. "We have plenty of time, and besides, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell, I think, that Bai Qi should already know it in his heart, after all, he is the one who should really be anxious!"

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be true. It seems that they should not be the ones who should be really anxious, but Bai Qi. It seems that he and others are a little bit like the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

Since we were still discussing, suddenly a group of people in armor came out of the hotel.

As soon as this group of people came, there was a commotion in the hotel. They stood up one by one and crowded into the corner of the hotel. They looked very nervous, but they were more curious.

"What are the people from the City Lord's Mansion doing here?"

"I don't know! But looking at this posture, who should I look for?"


The visitor didn't stop at all, but came straight to the table where Tang San and the others were sitting.

"How many of you are young masters from the Palace of Thousand Emperors?"

Looking at the respectful middle-aged man in front of them, Tang San and the others all frowned, but it was really impolite to see someone asking him not to reply, so he could only suppress his doubts first.

"We are, I don't know what you can do?"

There was a smile on the middle man's face, and he arched his hands again to show his courtesy. "Young masters, my Lord City Lord has an invitation, I wonder if you can condescend to come with me."

Now Tang San and the others were even more puzzled, they didn't understand what was the trick?
However, they will definitely not agree. Who knows what kind of heart this city lord's mansion has, or if it is not the city lord's mansion at all, it is someone else's conspiracy?
As the leader, Dai Mubai naturally refused politely.

"Thank you, the city lord, for your kindness. It's just that my brothers have some things to do recently, and I can't spare time for the time being. I would like to trouble you, big brother, to pass the news on your behalf. Just say that my brothers will go to visit when they are free. Don't hate us if you still want to go to the city lord." bother."

The middleman was not angry either, and still had a smile on his face. "In that case, then I won't bother you for dinner, goodbye!"

Say it!He led the people away neatly, Tang San and the others were taken aback.

"Really gone?"

Oscar looked stunned. "What do they mean by that?"

"I don't know. It's just a small Baiyang County. Do you expect anything to happen to us?"

"That's right..."

The few people didn't pay attention to this matter any more, and continued their great business of eating.

 I will save this book for full attendance, and my grades are not good, so I only have two sheets a day. I have a new book called "The World Is Ink", and friends who are interested can read it

(End of this chapter)

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