Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 249 Bai Qi's Awakening

Chapter 249 Bai Qi's Awakening

After dismissing everyone, Bai Qi walked out of the gate of Bai's house alone, at this moment he desperately wanted to be quiet.


He found that there was an emotion gathering in his heart, as if his long-standing depression had found an outlet, and he needed to vent it out.

It is late at night now, a bright moon hangs high in the night sky, dotted with countless stars, and the whole night sky looks deep and blue.

Because it was late at night, it seemed very quiet. At this time, most people had already fallen asleep, but Bai Qi seemed energetic and tireless.

What kind of feeling is this?

This feeling is like a pimple in my heart all the time, but suddenly one day it was healed, and Bai Qi felt very comfortable in his heart.

"Perhaps, everything is too much trouble for me to think." Bai Qi muttered silently in his heart.

After making a decision, he felt that his previous entanglements and escapes were really unnecessary. The situation was just like that, and he couldn't change it.That being the case, then why make things difficult for yourself, it's better to adapt to the changes and live comfortably.

Bai Qi felt very relaxed, maybe it was the first time in so many years that he felt so calm, his mind was empty and he didn't need to think about anything.

He wants to take a good walk, to disperse the depression in his heart for many years, or maybe he wants to brew it, after all, he will not be easy in the coming days, and he has to cherish this pleasant time.

He walked aimlessly, without any purpose, and without any melancholy, maybe he just wanted to go wherever he wanted!
However, such a leisurely time passed quickly.

After Bai Qi passed a corner, the contented expression on his face changed, so he narrowed his eyes slightly.

thump thump thump~~~
It seemed that someone was approaching here rapidly, and this direction was directed at him.

Bai Qi subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment, only to realize that he had unknowingly left the Bai family and came to a place near the edge of the city wall.

He remembered that this place was a workshop in the west of the city, which is not surprising, but these three religions and nine streams, all kinds of people mixed together, usually very chaotic, to put it bluntly, this is a three-way zone, whether it is the city lord's mansion or other forces, I don't want to come and deal with people in this place.

It's not that these people are difficult to deal with, or that they can't afford to provoke them, it's just that there are mixed people here, and everyone usually doesn't want to come here.

At this moment, a sharpness flashed in Bai Qi's eyes, and his aura suddenly cooled down, and a chill permeated his whole body. "Brother, are you so eager to do something to me?"

In fact, he couldn't help but think about it too much. He and the Bai army were already on fire, and he seemed to be alone at this time.

At such an embarrassing time, someone actually came towards him, but Bai Qi thought of Bai Jun in an instant, and he was the only suspect at the moment.

"You are really well-intentioned! You have been staring at me, and now you can't wait to get rid of me."

"Hehe... yes, this is indeed a rare opportunity." Bai Qi laughed at himself, but the cold light in his eyes became more intense, and he stared fixedly at the night in front of him, quietly waiting.

But the situation seemed to be beyond his expectation, Bai Qizheng was tensely on alert, suddenly a figure flew upside down in the thick night in front of him, before he could react, he fell to the ground with a plop.This figure seemed to want to struggle, but he fainted completely as soon as he moved slightly.

"What's the situation?" Bai Qi was stunned suddenly.

He originally thought that someone from the Bai army was going to ambush him, but the situation is different now. Looking at the person lying on the ground in front of him, Bai Qi felt dizzy for a moment.

Just as Bai Qi was about to go forward to investigate, suddenly another sound came from the dark night ahead. "Quick, quick! You can't let this kid run away. The eldest son has already told you that he must be killed..."

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a group of people running, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer, making it very noisy.

In just a short while, three or five figures emerged from the night sky, looking in a hurry as if they were looking for someone?

Bai Qi, who couldn't figure out the form, simply hid himself in a dark corner, wanting to observe secretly. After all, he was a bit aggressive about this matter, and it would not be wise to step in hastily.

Soon, the few people who chased out saw the figure lying on the ground, and Bai Qi clearly saw the obvious relaxed look on their faces.

"Hahaha... It's a good thing, it's a good thing that this kid didn't run away, otherwise we won't be able to bear the blame from the eldest son."

The behavior of this group of people was as if a big stone had fallen from their hearts, and the anxious expressions on their faces disappeared, replaced by extremely relaxed ones. Bai Qi knew something was wrong when he saw such a situation, but he chose to remain calm for the time being. To see what this is all about.

The ending didn't disappoint him either, Bai Qi heard a few words.

"It's his grandma, Bai Yuange dared to betray the eldest son. Fortunately, he found out early, otherwise we might all fall into Bai Qi's scheme."

"Yeah! I didn't expect him to hide it very deeply. If you ask me to say that Bai Qi's thoughts are very vicious, I didn't expect to plant such a nail in the eldest son's side. If he hadn't been a little anxious today , showed our feet in front of the eldest son, and we don't know how long we will be kept in the dark?"

"That's right, as long as I think that there is such a spy hidden by our side, I will break out in a cold sweat now. If he hadn't been exposed today, I really can't imagine how we will be plotted by Bai Qi in the future... "

Several people chatted in a few words, but didn't notice at all, and now there is still one person hidden in the dark.

In the dark, Bai Qi's expression was a little inexplicable, he seemed to remember that there was a person named Bai Yuange in the Bai army, who seemed to be quite talented.


What's the situation now, Bai Qi didn't understand for a while.

Bai Jun wants to kill Bai Yuange?
Bai Yuange is mine?
Ok!Bai Qi's eyes are dark now, and the more he thinks about it, the more confused he becomes. Up to now, he still hasn't sorted out the relationship.

However, his eyes lit up the next moment, and he felt that this matter seemed to be of use.

"Since Bai Yuange is from the boss's side, and looks like he has betrayed and been hunted down, what if I am like him?"

The corner of Bai Qi's mouth curled up. He was thinking in his heart, with this Bai Yuange, wouldn't he understand his opponent better?
(End of this chapter)

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