Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 250 Tang San Visits

Chapter 250 Tang San Visits

Bai Yuange knelt straight down, and regardless of the wounds on his body that hadn't yet callused, he kowtowed fiercely to Bai Qi a few times. "Thank you, Second Young Master, for saving your life!"

The morning sun was very bright, shining through the window on Bai Yuange's solemn face, the atmosphere looked a bit serious.

Bai Qi's faint voice sounded in the room. "Get up first!"

Bai Yuange was not hypocritical, and stood up with some difficulty. Even though the movement was a little big, involving the injuries on his body, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching from the pain, but he still held back, his eyes fixed Staring at Bai Qi in front of him, he said sincerely.

"Second Young Master, I want revenge!"


Bai Qi turned around in surprise, and looked at the stubborn Bai Yuange. He didn't expect this man to be so straightforward, as if he had already made a decision.

But this can be regarded as a surprise, Bai Qi already had this plan in his heart, and really thought about how to recruit Bai Yuange?
Bai Yuange didn't care about the surprise on Bai Qi's face, his expression was a little solemn. "Second young master, I was born and died for the Bai army. Even if I don't have credit, I have to work hard. But I never thought that he would choose to kill me because of an unwarranted crime, and he never gave me a chance to refute."

Bai Yuange felt very resentful in his heart. After all, this is a life-and-death enmity. As long as he thinks that part of the Bai army is black and not white, he wants to secretly send someone to execute him. There will be one more corpse in Yang County.

Although he was a little surprised, all this was expected by Bai Qi, so his reaction was not very big, but it was impossible for him to choose to believe just because of this few words.

"Bai Yuange, after all, you stayed with my elder brother for a while, how did you make me believe your words, and what can you prove..."

"My lord, it's like this..."



"Okay...I understand...Second Young Master..."


"Thank you..."


Outside the city lord's mansion, Tang San was looking at this mansion, nodding his head, as if sighing something!
At this moment, a waiter ran out of the gate. "Master Tang San, my city lord is here to invite you!"

Tang San smiled warmly in the spring breeze, and replied without losing his grace. "I'll trouble you, little brother, to lead the way..."

After discussing with several people, they finally decided to come and meet the city lord whom they had never met.

Although they didn't know the details of the city lord, the three of them might have to stay in Baiyang County for a while and inquire about some situations by the way, so they didn't refuse.

of course……

Dai Mubai and the three of them naturally didn't have this kind of leisure, after all this kind of thing was undoubtedly a kind of torture for the three of them, so the unfortunate Tang San was elected to take on this big task.

This city lord's mansion is very big, Tang San followed the waiter for half a cup of tea, and only then saw the so-called city lord in a side room.

The person in front of him was like a Confucian scholar, sitting there elegantly and quietly, Tang San couldn't connect him with the city lord who guarded one side and held power.

However, he was still very calm, after all, there were many things he hadn't seen in the Great Thousand World, if he needed to marvel at everything, then Tang San estimated that he might be exhausted enough.

"Hehe. I don't know how many little brothers Tang San came to my Baiyang County this time, what is the so-called matter?" Liu Yan stared at Tang Shan with a smile, with a kind face on his face.

To be honest, he has been feeling uneasy for the past few days, and has been worried that something big will happen, although he speaks the truth here and has absolute authority.But when it comes to the Palace of Thousand Emperors, it is not something that a small city lord like him can afford.

Tang San: "It's nothing, it's just that my brothers and I are bored and went out for a stroll. I just passed by Guibao and wanted to repair it. Please forgive me if there is something inappropriate."

"Where are you, little brother Tang San, you are being polite. They are all from the Palace of Thousand Emperors. How can I, the little city lord, dare to blame me? However, if you need to do anything, you can say hello to me first. Maybe I can be of help to you."

Looking at Liu Yan who was still smiling, Tang San became more cautious. He didn't expect that his casual mention that day would be remembered by others, and from his appearance, he seemed to know Qiandi Palace.Although he didn't know what kind of medicine the guy in front of him was selling, he still had to be careful.

"My lord, you are being polite. My brothers just want to take a rest for a while, and don't intend to cause any trouble. But..."

Tang San's tone paused, and he looked at Liu Yan without blinking, anyone could tell anything from his face. "I'm really curious. Is my Thousand Emperor Palace very famous in Baiyang County? Lord City Lord, you would know."

But Liu Yan was obviously an old fox, and Tang Shan couldn't see any flaws from his face, Liu Yan still sat upright with a hearty smile.

"How could I not know the name of Qiandi Palace? I knew about it more than ten years ago, and it was really shocking. Although I haven't heard about it for more than ten years, I know that it is absolutely impossible for a power like this to remain unknown."

"Brother Tang San, let me tell you this. Although the statement of the Thousand Emperors Palace is not obvious, ordinary small forces may not have heard of it, but it is a thunderous ear among the upper forces. Even I am just lucky to know this. thing."

Liu Yan seemed to be saying something to be proud of, her face was full of joy.But Tang San knows that such a person is the most difficult to deal with, because no one knows what he really thinks in his heart?
After that, the two of them talked about some things and some things, and there was nothing nutritious about the one or the other, and they were doing Tai Chi.

Seeing that the time was about the same, Liu Yan finally made a move and put down the teacup in his hand. "Brother Tang San, I don't know if I should tell you something or not?"

Tang San secretly said in his heart, but his face remained calm, he waved his hand very generously. "You are welcome, the city lord. If you have any questions, just ask, and I will know everything."

"Haha. Actually, it's nothing wrong. I heard that Brother Tang San had a conflict with someone in my Baiyang County. I wonder if I need to intervene in this matter?" Liu Yan was thinking of making friends. After all, anyone with a discerning eye in the Palace of Thousand Emperors knows that it is irrational, so it is impossible for him to be so stupid.

Liu Yan acted seemingly casually, but his heart was more nervous than anyone else, layers of fine sweat broke out from his tightly clenched palms, and his heart was beating thumping.

(End of this chapter)

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