Chapter 251 Tang San Visits

"I just want to intervene, or I want to mediate, or I want to put pressure..."

For a moment, looking at Liu Yan with a harmless face, countless thoughts flashed through Tang San's mind, some couldn't figure out what the city lord's attitude was?

However, after thinking about it for a while, he found that it was not important at all. No matter what the attitude of the city lord was, it was impossible to affect himself and the others.

"Hehe. Don't bother the city lord, I think we can solve this matter by ourselves." Without guessing Liu Yan's purpose, Tang San didn't get entangled, and straightforwardly stated his attitude.

This is a kind of self-confidence based on strength, Tang San believes that there are not many brothers in the entire Baiyang County who can stop their brothers, so he doesn't care about any conspiracy, because these are vulnerable to absolute strength.

Seeing him being so straightforward, Liu Yan didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only feel embarrassed. "If that's the case, then I won't be brazen enough to intervene."

But in his heart, he had already given Tang Shan a definition of arrogance and arrogance, thinking that this young man would be ignorant just because of his own strength.

"Hehe. It really is a young man." Liu Yan shook his head secretly in his heart.

He was a little upset, but Liu Yan didn't intend to say it out, since it didn't do anything to him, and it would embarrass everyone if he said it out.Secondly, he also wanted to make this arrogant Tang San fall into a big stumble, to rub his spirit, so that he would know how to be humble.

Due to his extremely deep city, Tang San didn't see anything wrong, let alone that this old guy cursed himself in his heart.But even if he knew Tang San wouldn't say much, after all, this mouth grows on other people, and it's his turn to control it?
They talked about some irrelevant things again. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little cold, Liu Yan brought up another topic.

"Brother Tang San, in a few days, an important guest will come back from my City Lord's Mansion. First, I will hold a big banquet. At that time, I will invite friends from all over the world to come to celebrate. I wonder if you and the others can honor me?"

His eyes lit up, and Tang San immediately regained his energy. "I don't know what kind of guest it is?"

With a proud smile on Liu Yan's face, she answered heartily. "Haha. It's a friend of Xiaoer's. He is a genius who ranks 930th and seventh on the list of god kings in the Southern Territory. I wonder if you are interested in seeing him?"

He was all smiles and looked a little smug.To be honest, he really thinks so in his heart, if his son can make friends with such a person, not to mention a grand plan in the future, at least it will not be a problem to become rich.

That is the list of god kings. Only the most outstanding god king geniuses in the entire southern region can be on the list. How many people dream of it. His son Liu Yan can befriend such a person. How can this not make him proud?
"Oh! Really? Then I want to meet you." Tang San's tone was very light, and he didn't show much excitement.

For some reason, Liu Yan, who saw this look in his eyes, felt more and more uncomfortable. He felt that this young man was too proud. What did that calm expression mean? Could it be that he looked down upon him?
In fact, Tang San really meant this, Zuo Zuo is just a god king with a ranking of more than 900, it's not worth his surprise, if it's in the top [-], maybe it can arouse his interest.

It's not that he's proud, but that Tang San really doesn't think it's necessary, it's just because he has a high vision, and the breadth of the world in his heart is beyond Liu Yan's imagination.

As the saying goes, the world is as big as the heart, Tang San never thinks that he is weaker than others, even if No.1 on the list of gods comes, he Tang San dares to stand up and fight.

What's more, it's not what he wants, the list of gods and kings, what he yearns for is the Kyushu Fengyun list, Tang San always thinks that is the direction he should work hard for.

Seeing Tang San's unconcerned expression, Liu Yan felt more and more upset. Fortunately, he didn't let him know what Tang San was thinking, otherwise Liu Yan would not just think that the young man in front of him was arrogant.

Seeing that the sky was already almost dark, Tang San got up. "City Master Liuyan, it's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

"No hurry, no hurry, why don't the Tang San brothers stay for a meal?"

"No, my friends are still waiting for me. Besides, today is enough trouble, so I won't trouble you anymore..."


Looking at the door that was about to close again behind him, Tang San didn't hesitate at all, and walked into the distance with strides. Today, his goal has been achieved, and he has a general understanding of Baiyang County, at least not the same as before. As soon as the eyes are in the dark, generally speaking, there is still a lot to gain.

As for at the end of their conversation, Liu Yan mentioned the person on the list of gods and kings, Tang San didn't take it to heart at all, to be precise, he didn't care at all.

At that level, any one of the four of them can be easily taken care of, and it won't make him worry about it.

"I've been exhaling for so long, and I don't know how Boss Dai and the others are doing now. Could it be causing trouble again?"

Tang San suddenly thought of Dai Mubai and the others' trouble-loving tempers, and he smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that his feet were a little faster, and hoped that these guys didn't cause any trouble...

"My lord, the man named Tang San is gone, do you think we need to follow?"

Liu Yan waved his hand: "No, he's just a fledgling kid, so he doesn't need to make any big moves. As long as he doesn't die in our Baiyang County, then don't worry about other things."

Liu Yan had a very bad impression of Tang San, this young man was too arrogant, he didn't know how to be modest, and he didn't give himself face.

Yes, Tang San didn't answer whether he wanted to come to his house as a guest, Liu Yan thought it was a disgrace to him.

This annoyed the self-conscious him, feeling that Tang San was too ignorant of flattery, his face was a little gloomy. "Hmph! As expected of the people in the Palace of Thousand Emperors, they are so hated by others, no wonder everyone shouted and beat them when they were established!"

"Notice to withdraw all our people, and let them fend for themselves!"

Liu Yan is really angry, he is not a big-hearted person, on the contrary, he is definitely a small-minded person, and he is also the kind who holds grudges extremely.

Since he has lost face, why should he lick his face. "Let these brats make trouble, and they will suffer if they provoke other forces."

The subordinates feel a little strange, why do you feel that your city lord has changed from day to day?
However, whoever makes himself a servant can only follow the orders of his superiors, otherwise he will offend the city lord, and his life will be difficult in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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